Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama wins, America loses.

Well, it's finally over. America has voted and Barack Hussein Obama is now President-elect. In a colossal display of ignorance voters flocked to Obama's message of change and he won in a landslide. Obama was called "The Messiah" by Louis Farakahn, and apparently enough drones believe he is to put him in the White House. One particular young voter was aksed why she supported Obama, her response was as follows; "When he wins, I won't have to pay to see the doctor, to put gas in my car, or to buy groceries". That's right folks, they walk among us. And the even scarier thing is, they vote. Maybe we need to make voters take an IQ test or something. Was this woman on the first OJ jury?

It has long been said and is very true that we are known by those we associate with and by those who support us. Look closely at Obama's associates, Bill Ayers, Tony Resko, Jeremiah Wright, etc. Also look closely at the mind-numbed robots who followed this modern day pied piper to the voting booth and voted for him. Look closely at those who have endorsed him. Look closely and be afraid. Be very afraid. Obama won, but freedom lost. Patriotism lost. National security lost. The economy lost. The Constitution lost. The military lost. America lost.

But, like the resilient great nation we are, we will survive having a Marxist-Socialist president and eventually get back once again to the great nation we have always been. We will rise above it. We will return to common sense and true, Conservative American values. It may sadly take a four year journey through the dark side to get us there, but we will get there. Let's just hope and pray we still have a country left.

Jim Chitty

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