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(This is a re-post of a column I wrote a couple of years ago, with comments added at the end that are pertinent to this election.....Jim)
It is impossible to be both a Christian and a Democrat. The two are mutually exclusive. Now that I have your attention, allow me to clarify. First, let’s clarify what it actually means to be a Christian. Contrary to society’s definition of being a Christian, it involves much more than just being a practitioner of the Christian religion. It takes more than being something other than a Muslim, a Mormon, or any other non-Christian religion. Christian in it’s simplest terms means to be Christ-like. It means to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior and Lord. It means to follow the teachings and the lifestyle of Jesus Christ on a daily basis. Just calling yourself a Christian does not make you one just like parking yourself in the garage and calling yourself a car, doesn’t make you one either.
If I may revert to Christianity 101 for a minute, if you will remember, according to the Bible Jesus is God. The Bible says Jesus is the Word made flesh. The Bible also says “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. In explaining the Trinity the Bible refers to “God the Father. God the Son (Jesus) ,and God the Holy Spirit”. So when I refer to God in this commentary, I am talking about all three aspects of God. Okay, now that we have that established I will move on.
God is pro-life and deplores abortion. Abortion is murder plain and simple. The 10 commandments say “Thou shall not kill” and there is no exclusion there for the unborn. Those who perform abortions are guilty of committing murder, and those who have abortions are guilty of solicitation of murder. Therefore, in order to be Christian, or Christ-like, and to sincerely follow the teachings of Jesus, then we must also be pro-life and deplore the murder of the innocent unborn as He does. The Democrat party completely and totally supports this type of cold-blooded murder. Even the hideous, heinous act called partial birth abortion. Therefore in regard to the topic of abortion, it is impossible to truly be a Christian and a Democrat at the same time.
The Bible makes it abundantly clear that God considers homosexuality an abomination. He does not those who have chosen the homosexual lifestyle, and it is a choice, He just hates the sin and perversion they have chosen to live in. As Christians we should also consider this lifestyle as an abomination. We should practice Christ like love and hate the sin while loving the sinner. We should not in any way, shape, or form endorse, condone, or support the homosexual lifestyle. The Democrat party thinks this lifestyle should be legitimized, normalized, and taught to our kids. They are for giving homosexuals special rights and privileges based solely on their sexual orientation. Not just basic human rights, but special rights and privileges not afforded to others. Everyone deserves basic human rights, no matter their sexual orientation, but no one, gay or straight, is entitled to special rights not afforded to everyone equally as described in the constitution. Again, on the topic of homosexuality, it is impossible be a Christian and at the same time support a political party that supports such an agenda.
The Bible also teaches stewardship and financial responsibility. The Democrat party supports uncontrolled government spending and excessive and repressive taxation. It supports punishing those who have worked hard to achieve success by taxing them at a higher rate than others and giving those taxes to those who won’t work to support themselves. This is clearly not Biblical. The Bible says if you don’t work, you don’t eat. Actually, one of the more accurate translations says those who are unwilling to work, shouldn’t eat. Now, this is not talking about those who are physically unable to work, or those who have been laid off and are willing to work, but are just having a hard time finding work. It is talking about those who are unwilling to work, who are not even trying to find a job and would rather live off of the taxes confiscated from you and I. These people, the lazy ones, are the ones that the Bible says should not eat. So, taking hard earned money from those of us who choose to work hard, to give to those who don’t deserve it is not God’s plan or way of doing things. It is however, the Democrat party’s way of doing things. It is impossible to be on both sides of this issue. You’re either on God’s side, or you’re not. To align yourself with a political party that goes against God’s Word is not something a true Christian would or should do. Therefore, it is impossible to be a Christian and hold the views that the Democrat party holds.
Now many, many years ago, the Democrat party was a party that embraced the things of God and there were many strong Christians who joined the party. Many, Like former Senator Zell Miller, are still very committed Christians yet still consider themselves Democrats because that is all they have ever known. Miller himself has said that he didn’t leave the Democrat party, but rather it left him. I think this probably the case with a lot of people. They can’t just become a Republican because they have been deceived into thinking they are an evil party made up of evil people. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
The Republican party is the only party that embraces the principles in God’s Word. Yes, it is true, God is not political. He is not a Democrat or a Republican. If he were on this Earth as a human though, I have to believe however, that He would be a Conservative and would vote Republican. He would only support candidates that promote the things that He stands for and that are written in His Word.
As Christians, we should do the same. You can’t claim to love and serve God and yet stand for things He stands against. It just doesn’t work. And it never will.
For anyone who professes to be a Christian to support and actually vote for Barack Obama requires a complete suspension of what they profess to believe. It the same things as saying "I don't care what Jesus would do, I'm voting for Obama". Now, you tell me, is that something a REAL Christian would do?? Of course not. It is something someone who is a Christian in name only would do.
What American needs is for the real Christians, the people who the secular media call "values voters" to be just that. The term is used as an insult, but I consider it a compliment as should every Christian. American needs its values voters to do just that, vote according to their values. Doing so means voting AGAINST Obama.
For me, it is not necessarily about voting FOR McCain. In the primaries, he was my least favorite of all the candidates. I preferred Fred Thompson, Duncan Hunter, and Mitt Romney ahead of McCain. McCain stands for the morality and values issues that I stand for, but he is wrong on the issues of illegal immigration and taxing health insurance benefits aomng other things. He is by far not a true and complete Conservative, but he is far and away better than Obama. So, I will be voting against Obama more so than voting for McCain.
If the voters of America take a pass on doing what's right for our country and Obama is elected, then we can say goodbye to The United States of America and the freedoms and liberty we enjoy and say hello to The United Socialist States of Obama. Trust me, none of us want that. That sound you hear, is our founding fathers turning over in their graves at the prospect of an Obama presidency. Don't just vote America, vote right!! Vote Republican!! Vote AGAINST Obama!!
Jim Chitty