Wednesday, October 15, 2008

If only Obama was a liberal.

I would be much more comfortable with the ever larger looming prospect of an Obama presidency if he was merely your average liberal. Unfortunately, he is much more dangerous than that. It is obvious by his rhetoric that he is a Marxist Socialist. That is not even within driving distance of what we need right now here in America.

What we need is a true Conservative. What we need is a candidate who supports and believes in our Constitution. We need someone who is patriotic and actually loves America. We need someone who is committed to restoring America back to the greatness we once enjoyed. Not someone who will make us even more of the sick caricature of what we once were than we have already become.

What we also need apparently is a better class of voter. Voters who are smart enough to see right through the charisma of Obama and actually see him for what he really is. We need voters who have an IQ higher than 5 who won’t just get behind a fresh face who tells them what they think they want to here. We need voters who are not so race focused that they throw common sense out the window and back a candidate who looks like them. If it is racist to oppose Obama solely because he is black, then it is just as racist to support him solely because he is black. It cuts both ways.

The bottom line is, America needs another true, rock solid Conservative candidate. There will never be another Reagan, but maybe we can get close at some point in the near future. It may take enduring a term of Obama to make us collectively realize how badly we messed up by electing this bozo. It may take America being taken further down the toilet than we already are to make us see the need for a better class of candidate. I see the need already. The sad thing is, I am finding I have less company with each passing day.

Jim Chitty


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