(This article is from the San Angelo Standard-Times. Bill Young is a San Angelo resident, a retired military officer, and a graduate of Angelo State University)
Bill Young Tuesday, October 14, 2008
While stationed at the Pentagon from 1967 to 1972, I went to work on Friday, May 19, 1972, to find Bill Ayers and his Weather Underground terrorists had set off bombs in a restroom causing water and some structural damage. Fortunately, no one was hurt.
Many times, attempting to enter the Pentagon was difficult as we had to walk around protesters. Some of the filthy derelicts were burning their draft cards and verbally insulting those of us who were wearing our military uniforms.
I was one of the lucky ones who wasn't the beneficiary of projectile saliva that was spewed upon some of the military.
Imagine going to your daily job and having Pentagon intelligence notify you of bomb threats from time to time.
When the suspected bomb(s) were to go off in our area, we had to secure all information, including top secret documents and exit the building to a safe distance. If the bomb was set to go off at a specific time and did not, we were afraid to re-enter, thinking the radical thug who had issued the threat could have stated the wrong time.
After a thorough search was conducted, we were allowed to return.
On several occasions, due to a bomb threat issued for after hours, a team of us military personnel spent hours "sweeping the Pentagon clean." That entailed searching every inch from top to bottom for a bomb. Generally, it took us all night.
Even though Obama was only 8 years old at the time that Ayers did his hateful and distrustful acts, Obama eventually became aware of them once he attained adulthood.
Only when the media has brought public exposure to the associations of Obama with Ayers, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Rev. Michael Pfleger, and other despicable characters has Obama repudiated the acts of those characters all for political expediency and personal gain. Remember, a leopard never changes his spots overnight.
Obama is the greatest politician of all times.
He spouts rhetoric that will lure into his camp those who are stupid, uninformed or naive.
It is evident he has no respect for others as he almost never displays it. It is President Bush and John McCain who show the proper respect. Bush and McCain always address Obama as Senator Obama. Maybe they should address him as Barack Hussein Obama.
I can imagine his cabinet consisting of Rev. Jesse Jackson as surgeon general, Rev. Al Sharpton as secretary of state, Louis Farrakhan as secretary of defense, his Fannie and Freddy associates (Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson) secretaries of treasury and housing, respectively.
It is my opinion that if Obama becomes president, all of the blood shed by the military over the past centuries defending our republic will have been spilled in vain.
So, please God, save our nation. First, help us to elect a proven patriot and defender of our country, McCain, as our next president. Secondly, God, if you do not help us and Obama is elected, that will be the end of our American way of life as we know it.
We must protect our heritage, our nation and our future. Obama has stated that this is the greatest country in the world, so why is he so interested in changing it?
Americans aren't leaving the United States to sneak into other countries to live: it's quite the opposite. People all over the world want to escape their oppressive regimes and gain entry to America and the system and country they have admired for a long time.
If America is so bad, why does everyone else want to come here? So why elect an unprepared, inexperienced politician who vows to change it?
I could not agree more with Mr. Young's sentiments in this article. he has hit the nail squarely on the head.
Jim Chitty