Friday, April 6, 2007

He may be a Republican, but he’s no Conservative

Rudy Giuliani said in a recent interview that abortion is constitutional right & as such a lack of funds should not prevent a woman for pursuing her right. Therefore, in that case, he thinks government should fund abortions.

The Constitution guarantees my right to own a gun if I so choose. Using Rudy's logic then, if I can’t afford a gun yet have the constitutional right to one, the government should provide one for me, right?

The problem here is that this wanna be president and wanna be Conservative is dead wrong about abortion being constitutionally guaranteed. I guess he's never read the part that guarantees "the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Clearly the Constitution guarantees the right to life, not the right to an abortion.

The question is, do true conservatives really want a pretender as our nominee?? For my part, the answer is no! Rudy is not a conservative. He may be running as a Republican, but he's not a conservative. I don't care how much he and others want to call him one. Just like coming home, parking yourself in your garage, and calling yourself a car doesn't make you one.

We don’t need to settle for less than a true Conservative, in all areas. That would not bode well for the future of the Republican party or for Conservatism in general. The candidate who stands the best chance of beating Hitlery, or Obama bin Laden, or whoever the left offers up, is not liberal in conservative clothing. Early polls do seem to show Rudy thoroughly spanking both Clinton and Obama, but I think that’s largely because conservatives don’t think they have a better choice right now.

And, in thinking that, they would be wrong. There are some down ballot candidates that would be far better than Rudy from the standpoint of true conservatism. Duncan Hunter would be a good one I’m sure. The only problem there is, most people respond “Duncan Who?” Then there’s Tom Tancredo. Another name few people have heard of.

Mitt Romney is a recent convert to conservatism on many of his views, and honestly I wonder if it’s sincere, or just a ploy to get elected. He does seem to be strong on family values having been married to the same woman, or since he’s a Mormon should I say women (just kidding), for 37 years. And actually, his Mormonism is an issue for some. Truthfully, I am not sure how comfortable I am with it.

Then there are the ones still toying with the idea of running, Newt Gingrich and Fred Thompson. Newt’s credentials don’t need any elaboration or clarification and he would be a fine choice and make a good president. Many think he is too polarizing and divisive. And Hillary isn’t?? Please!

Then there is Fred Thompson. He is my personal favorite. He seems to be a true conservative in every since of the word. Sure, he’s an actor and not a career politician. How exactly is that a bad thing?? Seems to me like the last time we had actor that ran for president, he got elected and America was very well served by it. Maybe it’s time to do it again.

Rudy is not my candidate of choice and will not be getting my vote in the primary. If the so-called leaders of the GOP misguidedly make him the nominee, then I guess I'll just have to write in Fred Thompson. Now there's a candidate worthy of being called a Conservative & worthy of the Reagan mantle. I won’t settle for less than the very best when casting my vote, and neither should anyone else. Doing so will not only hurt our party, but our nation as well in the long run.

Jim Chitty

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