It has become fashionable for those on the left to pull out the race card when talking about the Tea-Party, it’s members, and it’s agenda. After attending a couple of area Tea-Party events recently and getting acquainted with some of its members, and discovering that some of its members were long time friends, I would now like to address this issue of the Tea-Party being racist.
To begin with, we have to acknowledge and identify the pervasive tendency of those on the left to label all of us who oppose the first ever African-American president in our nation’s history, based on his policies alone, as racists merely because of our opposition. Doing so is not only patently absurd, but is also, in reality, the left engaging in blatant racism themselves.
After all, the definition if racism is making a person, subject, or issue that is not about and has nothing to do with race whatsoever out to be about precisely that. So, by labeling those of us who oppose our soon-to-be ex-president as racists, those on the left doing such labeling are demonstrating their own racism.
This applies to the Tea-Party as well. Those on the left and their puppets in the mainstream media claim their assertions about Tea-Part racism to be fact. They are entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts. Not a single Tea-Party member I know or have spoken to would have any problem at all with a Herman Cain presidency. And, many of them (myself included in this number) actively wish that Florida Senator Allen West would enter the race.
You see, true racists are rarely, if ever, selective in the application of their racism. If you support a candidate of another race who happens to agree with and support your views, but oppose a candidate of the same race as the candidate you support because he or she has different views, then that does not make you a racist. It makes you an ideologue. Simply put, a racist says “I hate all white people,” or, “I hate all black people.”
I oppose our soon-to-be ex-president because of the policies he has set forth and seeks to set forth and for the ideas in his head. I would just as actively oppose, and be just as vocal in that opposition, to a white candidate who espoused the same poisonous views as our current president. Just ask people who knew me when Clinton was in office. And, just to be clear, Obama is far more left leaning than Clinton ever was. In fact, Obama almost makes Clinton look Conservative.
Tea-Party members have been referred to by our soon-to-be ex-president as being “bitter, clinging to their guns and religion.” Well Sir, we are bitter because we are clinging to cherished rights and freedoms that you are trying to take away from all Americans. The right and freedom to worship whatever God we choose to worship, how and when we choose to worship him, and the right to arm ourselves in order to protect ourselves and our families from criminals who might seek to do us harm, and from tyrannical leaders like yourself who seek to take away our God-given freedoms. That is why we are “bitter clingers”. If you have a copy of the Constitution at your disposal, one that you have not yet burned or run through a paper shredder, I suggest you get it out and read it.
So, if the fact that I oppose our soon-to-be ex-President Barack Hussein Obama based on his policies alone and NOT HIS SKIN COLOR, makes me a racist then so be it. I will wear the label proudly like a badge of honor. As I am sure most other Conservatives and Tea-Party members do also.
Jim Chitty
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