Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Let's not get confused over the outcome of the Casey Anthony trial. I have heard many people say that "this is an outrage" and  "they reached an improper verdict." Let's be careful not to confuse improper with unpopular. Allow me to explain what I mean.

I have sat on two different juries over the years. Neither of them were for cases of this magnitude or anything close to it, but they were jury trials where evidence was presented. In jury trials, evidence is presented to the court and is examined by the judge and the jury. If the judge deems a piece of evidence to be inadmissible, then that evidence is thrown out and the jury never sees it.

Unless we were in the jury room for the Casey Anthony trial, there is no way we can know what evidence they were presented with. We can guess and speculate based on in the information we are spoon fed by the media, but that is it. We do not know what they saw, heard, nor how the deliberation went.

Our "innocent until PROVEN guilty" system worked flawlessly in the Anthony trial. The DA did not make a strong enough case to sufficiently remove all doubt as to her guilt. Conversely, the defense created enough doubt to result in Anthony's acquittal. The DA's case my have been flawed, but the system worked like it was designed to work. Thus, a proper verdict was reached. It may not have been popular, but given the system we have and the mechanics of that system, it worked magnificently.

Don't get me wrong here, I am not defending Casey Anthony. I am defending our court system. Only Casey Anthony and God know for sure what happened that day. We can guess and speculate all we want, but to no avail. It won't change the verdict, and it won't bring Caylee back.

Luke 6:37 in the Bible tells us, "Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned." None of us are qualified to play God and judge Casey Anthony and the condition of her heart and soul. We can judge her actions and her words, but we have to be very careful. None of us are without sin. None of us are without a degree of darkness in our hearts.

If Casey Anthony did kill her daughter and got away with it because the DA dropped the ball and didn't adequately enough prove his case, the she WILL answer to God one day. Right now, let's get over the emotion of the event, and engage our brains, and realize that we have much bigger problems in American than an unpopular verdict in a high profile murder case. We have a country teetering on the brink of economic ruin, and a president who is ill-equipped to deal with it. Let's turn our energy and emotion to figuring out how to solve that problem instead.

And that leaves us with this burning question; can Obama be put on trial for murder for killing our economy? If so, let's pray he doesn't get Jose Baez as his defense attorney.

Jim Chitty

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