Sunday, May 22, 2011

One by one, they're dropping like flies

I couldn't be happier about the fact that one by one, the potential presidential candidates that are less than stellar Conservatives are deciding not to run. The first one was Donald Chump, followed fairly quickly by Mike Huckabee. Now come news that Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has decided not to run as well, citing family concerns.

There are a few more things that need to happen to ensure a true Conservative gets the nomination. First, Newt Gingrich, whose candidacy is on life support thanks to some near fatal self-inflicted wounds, needs to just go ahead and pull the plug, let his campaign go ahead and flat line, and get out of the way. Next, the more Libertarian guys like John Huntsman and Rue Paul, I mean Ron Paul, need to realize that they have about as much chance being elected as Osama bin Laden, and just forget about it.

Texas Governor Good Hair Rick Perry needs to just keep right on screwing up the Lone Star State and stay out of it too. Anybody who would propose the Tran-Texas Corridor Project, one of the most egregious land grabs known to man; legislation essentially forcing teen and pre-teen girls to have the Guardisil vaccine despite their wishes and those of their parents; and anyone who would say, "An immigration law like the one in Arizona is not right for Texas," does not need to be in the oval office. Rick Perry is not right for Texas and he certainly is not right for America.

Then there is Mitt Romney. Mitt seems to be a very nice guy and a pretty straight down the line Conservative. His biggest hurdle to overcome will be his Romneycare plan he enacted when he was governor of Massachusettes. A guy who proposed and instituted government run healthcare running against a guy who proposed and instituted government run healthcare seems to be two sides of the same coin and won't fly with Conservative voters.

After that, we need definite announcements from true Conservatives who have been flirting with the idea for a while now, like Michelle Bachman and Allen West. The ideal scenario in my mind is that if we put forth a field of nothing but true Conservatives, then it won't matter much who gets the nomination. 

Herman Cain, Tim Pawlenty, Rick Santorum, these are the ones we know for sure are running. Michelle Bachman says a decision is forthcoming sooner than later, all indications are she will get it. There is a groundswell of support to draft Allen West who is not saying one way or the other if he will get in or not. As of right now, he is my choice. However, should Colonel West opt not to get in the race, we would be well served, I believe, by any of the candidates mentioned previously.

And one last thing, don't be fooled, Obama is not unbeatable. In fact, I think the only way we can lose is to either offer up a neo-Con/RINO, or no candidate at all. A solid, true Conservative beats a Marxist/Socialist any day of the week.

Jim L. Chitty

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