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Sunday, October 31, 2010
Madrigal Sisters Cover FHM Philippines' November 2010 Issue
Both of them had already been featured on the cover of the Magazine before, but it is the first time that Michelle and Ehra Madrigal graced on the cover together for the November 2010 issue of FHM Philippines.
Turning 23 this November 24, Michelle Madrigal is currently a castaway of the reality show on GMA7, Survivor Philippines Celebrity Showdown. Her sister, Geralyn (better known by her screen name Ehra Madrigal) is a 25-year old GMA contract artist and is seen on Party Pilipinas (GMA7).

Halloween: Harmless, or hellish?
Halloween is one of the most popular times of the year for many people. They dress up in all manner of costumes and go around and hit people up for free candy. Some use it as an occasion to get into mischief such as egging cars or toilet papering houses. Is this all just a bunch of harmless fun, or is there something more sinister and evil behind it? To properly answer this, let's first take a look at the factual, historical origin(s) of Halloween. What follows is a piece called “Halloween Questions and Answers” by Kerby Anderson , along with some information from my own research into Halloween and its origins. My comments are in blue, everything else is Kerby Anderson .
Most people see Halloween as nothing more than a harmless festival that allows kids to collect candy. Yet Halloween is much more than a harmless harvest festival. Its origins are deeply rooted in the occult, and various practitioners of the black arts identify Halloween as a significant event in the pagan calendar. In our increasingly pagan society, Halloween has become a lure, a tool for conditioning American children into unwittingly accepting the basic elements of Satanic worship. Once stripped of the inhibitions of basic evil, many go much farther. Yet the first naive steps are taken in childhood innocence. Parents need to know the risks, and the potential results of such lures as Halloween. The following questions and answers should help you be more aware of the occultic nature of this dark holiday.
What is Halloween?
The date, Oct.31, has long been known as "The Festival of the Dead". The Celtic tribes and their priests, the Druids, celebrated this day as a marker for the change from life to death. Today, the modern celebration of Halloween is performed usually by adherents of witchcraft who use the day (and especially the night) for their rituals.
Witches celebrate Halloween as "The Feast of Samhain" , the first feast of the witchcraft year. Being a festival of the dead, Halloween is a time when witches attempt to communicate with the dead through various forms of divination (note God's command against divination in Deuteronomy 18).
Witches believe that this day marks the time when the Mother Goddess (also known as Mother Nature, Goddess of the Earth) returns to the underworld to sleep under a blanket of snow. In her place comes another god, the Horned God, to begin his reign of death. Witches believe this is a time when the life of Summer is replaced by the death of Winter. Halloween is a high feast day to celebrate the end of Summer and the coming of Winter.
In later centuries, the Catholic church attempted to redeem this pagan holiday and designated it as "All Hallows (Saints) Eve". Protestant churches during the Reformation chose not to celebrate this day seeing it as an attempt to Christianize a pagan holiday. Today, many are unaware of the occultic origins of this holiday or the Satanic consequences to which it can lead. they believe it is merely another harmless event on the school calendar.
Why do kids dress up on Halloween?
During most of the 20th century, children in America have been dressing up on Halloween so they can go out and "trick or treat". This tradition has been self-perpetuating for decades, but if we go back to the origins of Halloween, we again see the occult connection.
Occultists who revered Halloween as a pagan holy day saw this as a time of transition between life and death. They beleived that during this transition, the two worlds were momentarily in contact with one another. The veil between these two worlds (the world of the living and the world of the dead) was very thin, and so many believed they would come in contact with the spirit world.
Some occult practitioners practiced divination and believed you could learn the secrets of life and wisdom from lying on a grave and listening to the messages from the long-departed. Others taught that spirits and ghosts would leave the grave on this night and seek out warmth in their previous homes. Villagers fearful of the possibility of being visited by the ghosts of past occupants would dress up in costumes to scare the spirits away. the would also leave food and other treats at their door to appease the spirits so they would not destroy their homes or crops but instead move on down the road.
Another technique used to scare away the spirits was to carve a scary face into a pumpkin (often known as a Wil-O-Wisp). This horrible visage would hopefully move the spirit on to another home or village and spare that home from any destruction.
Sometimes the villagers would light a candle and place it within the pumpkin and use it as a lantern (hence the name Jack-O-Lantern). They would walk from the local grave yard to their homes in an effort to scare off the evil spirits that might be walking down the road after leaving the grave. Many homeowners would leave the Jack-O-Lanterns outside their homes in order to ward off any spirits that might come to their homes.
How does Halloween fit in with other witchcraft festivals?
Within witchcraft there are four pagan festivals celebrated throughout the year. The first festival on the witchcraft calendar is Halloween (October 31). This is the celebration of life and death. It is also known as Hallowmas. Many rituals, some of which include animal and even human sacrifices, take place at this time.
Second is Candlemas (February 2) which honors the "God of Death". This festival is designated to give him thanks for keeping them from sickness, and wishes him well as he journeys back to the underworld. The third festival is Beltane on May Eve (April 30). This celebration welcomes new life and involves fertility rituals. A final festival is Lammas (August 1) which is a festival of the harvest. Witches give thanks to the "Goddess of the Earth" for making their crops grow.
What is the significance of bobbing for apples?
During some witchcraft feasts (Hallowmas, Beltane, and Lammas), fertility rituals are practiced. In some witch covens (with both male and female members), this may involve the sexual act as a rite of fertility. In most other covens though, the closing ritual includes eating an apple.
Notice the contrast. Eating the forbidden fruit (the apple) in Genesis 3 brought sin and death into the world. In witchcraft though, eating an apple is symbolic of bringing life. In essence, bobbing for apples brings together two pagan traditions; divination and the fertility ritual.
It is crucial tio realize that in self-styled Satanic cults, similar rituals are incorproated into routine ceremonies, building a bridge between the innocent and profane.
The pagan origins of Halloween should be sufficient to cause Christian parents to question the wisdom of allowing their children to participate in a witchcraft festival. Given this information, parents really only have one choice: fight the celebration of Halloween, and provide alternatives.
At a time when schools are removing all religious significance from Christmas (now often called Winter Break) and Easter (called Spring Break), it is ironic that most public schools still celebrate Halloween. Responsible parents should ask school administrators to restrict Halloween celebrations. Pictures of witches, haunted houses, and other occultic images are a promotion of pagan religious practices.
Many churches have begun creative alternatives. Church youth groups hold bowling or skating parties. Some groups spend the night going out and witnessing to those in the streets. Still other churches hold Fall Fun Festivals and have children come to the church dressed in biblical costumes. Such programs keep children safe and focus their attention on the Bible rather than on a pagan, occultic ritual.
The topic of Halloween sparks a lively debate/discussion around this time each year. So much is said by so many from so many different perspectives, that I thought some clarity was needed on the subject. Let me just say that I am not one of those who think that Christians should spend Halloween with the shades drawn while cowering in a corner somewhere. But we should not observe it in the way that most people do since it is after all a pagan, satanic holiday. Despite popular belief, it is not a cute, fun, harmless game for kids to participate in.
Alternative events for Halloween are a good idea as far as I can see. I think that if you are going to tell kids that they shouldn't participate in Halloween in the traditional ways, then you should provide them with something else to do. Church sponsored fall festivals, concerts, and "Hell House" type things are great Halloween alternatives. Churches have no business having haunted houses, ghosts, witches, jack-o-lanterns, and other traditional trappings. Light has no fellowship with darkness, and churches should have no fellowship with the traditions of a satanic holiday.
Like it or not, believe it or not, there are occultic and satanic practices at the very origin and heart of Halloween. Ancient societies began disguising themselves (dressing up) in hopes that they might ward off evil spirits. Others would offer gifts (treats) to the spirits to try to appease them. Others carved jack-o-lanterns hoping to frighten the spirits away. Today, as in years past, Oct. 31 is known to Satanists as Hallowmas, the most important unholy day on the satanic calendar. Also called Samhain, Halloween, and All Hallows Eve, it is the time when the powers of the Underworld (Hell) are felt to be growing, it's gates are open and all the evil forces are let loose. Traditionally, it is The Feast of the Dead, where one communes and rejoices with the souls of the departed who have not yet reincarnated.
I do not believe for one second that every person who celebrates Halloween is a Satanist, or intends on doing anything satanic. Nor do I believe that every drunk driver intends to have an accident and hurt or kill innocent people. Nor do I believe that every child who picks up and plays with a loaded gun intends to hurt or kill anyone, but the potential is there none the less. There is also a potential for harm in the practice of Halloween traditions. There are demonic forces at work in the world at all times. Their presence is much stronger on Halloween. Christians should not do anything that brings them into close contact with the forces of darkness. Non-Christians should really steer clear of all Halloween observances, since they can be actually possessed by demon spirits. I would advise everyone to stay away from traditional Halloween observances.
In closing, I would like to challenge everyone to steer clear of all of the traditions of Halloween. If you have to do something on Oct. 31, then find a church sponsored alternative event and go to it. Why would anyone who claims to be a Christian want to participate in an event such as Halloween, that clearly has it's origin in the occult? You cannot serve two masters. You cannot have one foot in God's kingdom, and the other in Satan's. You have to choose one or the other. The question is which one will you choose?
Jim Chitty
John Lloyd Cruz and Toni Gonzaga's new movie, officially launched on 'The Buzz'
The new movie of John Lloyd Cruz and Toni Gonzaga's was officially launched today on The Buzz (ABS-CBN). The movie is entitled 'My Amnesia Girl' and is directed by Direk Cathy Garcia-Molina. No exact date set yet, but the very interesting team up of John Lloyd and Toni will be brought to big screens nationwide this November, 2010.
Excited much? Check out the 'My Amnesia Girl' Movie Trailer below:
While watching it again today, Noypi remembered one very similar movie, 50 First Dates starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore . Noypi bets it's not going to be the same, though.
Noypi wants to hear you. Please share some thoughts below...
Excited much? Check out the 'My Amnesia Girl' Movie Trailer below:
While watching it again today, Noypi remembered one very similar movie, 50 First Dates starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore . Noypi bets it's not going to be the same, though.
Noypi wants to hear you. Please share some thoughts below...
Saturday, October 30, 2010
McDonald's ordered to pay fat fine
So basically a Brazillian court has ordered McDonald's to pay $17,500 to a former employee who lacked the self-control not to eat too much. Welcome to Socialism ladies and gentlemen. That's about as ridiculous as if I were to develop kidney problems from drinking too many Dr. Peppers and then go sue them for my lack of discipline.
That is the world that many in our society want us to live in though. A world of no accountability for our own actions. A world in which we can not only blame, but even sue someone else for our own stupidity and have a good chance at winning. Live however you want, and then when it goes bad, hold someone else responsible. Aliester Corwley, one of the founders of modern day Satanism, said it this way, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law".
With this mindset being as prevalent as it is, is it any wonder that not just our nation, but the entire world is going to hell in a hand basket?
Jim Chitty
So basically a Brazillian court has ordered McDonald's to pay $17,500 to a former employee who lacked the self-control not to eat too much. Welcome to Socialism ladies and gentlemen. That's about as ridiculous as if I were to develop kidney problems from drinking too many Dr. Peppers and then go sue them for my lack of discipline.
That is the world that many in our society want us to live in though. A world of no accountability for our own actions. A world in which we can not only blame, but even sue someone else for our own stupidity and have a good chance at winning. Live however you want, and then when it goes bad, hold someone else responsible. Aliester Corwley, one of the founders of modern day Satanism, said it this way, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law".
With this mindset being as prevalent as it is, is it any wonder that not just our nation, but the entire world is going to hell in a hand basket?
Jim Chitty
Someone should flag the NFL for un-American like conduct
NFL backs Reid over Angle in Nevada
Sometimes when a team is doing poorly we refer to them as "the laughing stock of the NFL". Well, the NFL itself has become a laughing stock after not only voicing its support for but donating $340,000 to Harry Reid's Senate campaign.
The NFL is a sports entity, and as such, has no business endorsing a political candidate. I would feel the same way if they had supported Reid's opponent Sharon Angle, however I would have given them credit for at least choosing the right candidate to wrongly support.
And that is where is this is doubly wrong. Not only are they not smart enough to stay out of it in the first place, the picked the worst possible candidate to support. All of which just leads more credence to the notion that the NFL is trouble from the top down. They clearly have a serious crisis of leadership. Kind of like what we have right now here in America.
Jim Chitty
Sometimes when a team is doing poorly we refer to them as "the laughing stock of the NFL". Well, the NFL itself has become a laughing stock after not only voicing its support for but donating $340,000 to Harry Reid's Senate campaign.
The NFL is a sports entity, and as such, has no business endorsing a political candidate. I would feel the same way if they had supported Reid's opponent Sharon Angle, however I would have given them credit for at least choosing the right candidate to wrongly support.
And that is where is this is doubly wrong. Not only are they not smart enough to stay out of it in the first place, the picked the worst possible candidate to support. All of which just leads more credence to the notion that the NFL is trouble from the top down. They clearly have a serious crisis of leadership. Kind of like what we have right now here in America.
Jim Chitty
The stupidity of a rock star
It really pains me to have to do this, especially since The Eagles have been one of my favorite bands for a long time. But, I can no longer compartmentalize and ignore Don Henley's rabid Liberalism and hatred of Conservatives and Conservatism. What follows is an excerpt of an interview Henley did back in September with Peter Crooks of Diablo Magazine.
"Apparently there are great numbers in this nation who are incapable of thinking for themselves; whose lives are so intellectually barren that they have nothing better to do than listen to Rush Limbaugh.."
Am I the only one who notices how the guy who accuses us of being mean-spirited calls us "intellectually barren". Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. That statement alone shows Henley's lack of intellectual acumen. Too much drugs and Satan worship in the 70's perhaps.
Apparently there are even greater numbers of people who are so intellectually barren that they have nothing better than listen to your music and the drek you spew in interviews like this Mr. Henley. I for one, am no longer one of them.
Jim Chitty
Crooks: Your song ”Dirty Laundry” made a good point about the cheap theatrics of tabloid media when it came out in 1982/83, just as the great film Network did in 1976—but when you were writing that song, did you envision a future of Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Gawker.com, or was the song prescient beyond even your imagination?
DH: The whole news media thing has gotten worse than I ever imagined.
The line between hard news and theater – between solid, unbiased reporting and “info-tainment”—has become blurred, almost to the point of non-existence. Mean-spirited sensationalism is the order of the day on television. Talk radio has made civilized debate nearly impossible. It has seriously damaged our political system by pedaling ratings-driven propaganda and hate speech. As I’ve often said, I think that Rupert Murdoch is the father of this unfortunate trend, which shows no sign of abating. Copycats abound, including once-respectable mainstream news outlets. Add to that the self-appointed “experts”—the culture of amateurs—that has sprung up on the Internet, and you’ve got a whole new paradigm.
The other side of the coin, of course, is that there’s a demand, a hunger out there for this sort of crap, and it doesn’t bode well for the future of American culture. Apparently, there are great numbers of people in this nation who are incapable of thinking for themselves; whose lives are so intellectually barren that they actually have nothing better to do than listen to Rush Limbaugh; people whose lives are so uninteresting that they revel in reports on the latest follies of Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan. Not only are we going fiscally bankrupt; we’re going culturally bankrupt, as well. Every man, woman and adolescent in this country should watch the films Network and Being There.
"Apparently there are great numbers in this nation who are incapable of thinking for themselves; whose lives are so intellectually barren that they have nothing better to do than listen to Rush Limbaugh.."
Am I the only one who notices how the guy who accuses us of being mean-spirited calls us "intellectually barren". Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. That statement alone shows Henley's lack of intellectual acumen. Too much drugs and Satan worship in the 70's perhaps.
Apparently there are even greater numbers of people who are so intellectually barren that they have nothing better than listen to your music and the drek you spew in interviews like this Mr. Henley. I for one, am no longer one of them.
Jim Chitty
Mara Clara Remake (2010) Cast: Albie Casino as Christian (Shirtless Pictures)
Taking the role of Wowie de Guzman, Albie Casiño is 'Christian' in the remake of the 90's TV series hit, Mara Clara. Albie Casiño is a Star Magic talent and was last seen on Your Song presents Gimik 2010. Admitting that it's a big break for him, Albie is hoping that the public will take notice of his acting capability through his role in the new Mara Clara.
The newbie actor revealed in an ABS-CBN interview that at his young age (17 y.o.), he already had 4 girlfriends and he has a crush on two pretty celebs, Angelica Panganiban and Andi Eigenmann.
Check out Albie Casino's Photos (be ready... a couple show him shirtless.. :D) below:
Credits to the owners of the photos...
The newbie actor revealed in an ABS-CBN interview that at his young age (17 y.o.), he already had 4 girlfriends and he has a crush on two pretty celebs, Angelica Panganiban and Andi Eigenmann.
Check out Albie Casino's Photos (be ready... a couple show him shirtless.. :D) below:
Credits to the owners of the photos...
Friday, October 29, 2010
Bomb plot foiled!
Al Qaeda suspected in bomb plot
And this is the reason for the war on terrorism!! Just in case any of you have fallen asleep and forgotten like our clueless misleader.
And this is the reason for the war on terrorism!! Just in case any of you have fallen asleep and forgotten like our clueless misleader.
Judge rules that 4 year-old can be sued
This article seriously leaves me wondering if you can sue a judge for being stupid. If anyone knows or can find out, please let me know. Thanks!!
This article seriously leaves me wondering if you can sue a judge for being stupid. If anyone knows or can find out, please let me know. Thanks!!
Derek Ramsay Says Angelica Panganiban is 'Yummier' than Ex-GF Solen Heussaff
Caught off-guard, Derek Ramsay felt obligated to give an answer to a question thrown at him during the Belo Men press conference. The question was: for him, who is more yummy, his present girlfriend Angelica Panganiban or his ex-GF Solenn Heussaff?
Derek answered current girlfriend Angelica Panganiban as 'yummier' than his previous GF for 4 years, Solenn Heussaff. Solenn reportedly got offended when she heard about it and immediately fired back saying Richard Gutierrez, who is being linked to her, as more goodlooking and gentleman than Derek Ramsay.
What can you say about this? Did Derek really have to give an answer? Was he just being honest? Please don't hesitate to leave a comment below.

What can you say about this? Did Derek really have to give an answer? Was he just being honest? Please don't hesitate to leave a comment below.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Willie Revillame's 'Willing Willie' Tops Nielsen Survey on its Premier Episode
The much talk-about premier of Willie Revillame's new show on TV5, Willing Willie went successful as evidenced by its high TV ratings (number 1 on its timeslot) on the survey conducted by Nielsen last Saturday, October 23, 2010. The Nielsen TV Audience Measurement (Megamanila Individuals) overnight ratings showed that with the new show being aired, TV5 won 33.8% which was followed by ABS-CBN with 30.4% and GMA with 26.0%.
Willing Willie is shown from 5pm-7pm on Saturdays and 6:30pm to 8:30pm during Weekdays.It is a very non-typical timeslot for a show of its kind but it is said to be a perfect time since Filipino family are together at this time and that it is much better to spend the night with laughter and games rather than bad news and crime reports.
The new show of Willie has the tagline “Tuloy ang saya. Tuloy ang pag-asa.” The games are said to fulfill the The “saya” or happiness part. “123 Go!” is a game where 50 studio players battle it out in a multiple choice contest. Questions are answerable by either 1, 2 or 3. While, “Family Apir” is a funny, highly physical 'parlor game' type. In this game, a family of 4 must pop 10 balloons on each other’s lap in the shortest possible time. “Spin a Wil” is the finalé game with the big prizes. In this game, a player can win a brand new car, house and lot, and 1 million pesos – by spinning 3 roletas. If the 3 roletas spell W-I-L, the player wins all the major prizes!
The interview segment of “Wiltime Bigtime” will be the fulfilment of the “pag-asa” or hope part. This is said to be the heart and soul of the show. In this segment, People from all works of life will be interviewed. The audience can expect to laugh, cry and be inspired by their stories.
Were you able to watch the premier episode of Willing Willie? What can you say about it?

The new show of Willie has the tagline “Tuloy ang saya. Tuloy ang pag-asa.” The games are said to fulfill the The “saya” or happiness part. “123 Go!” is a game where 50 studio players battle it out in a multiple choice contest. Questions are answerable by either 1, 2 or 3. While, “Family Apir” is a funny, highly physical 'parlor game' type. In this game, a family of 4 must pop 10 balloons on each other’s lap in the shortest possible time. “Spin a Wil” is the finalé game with the big prizes. In this game, a player can win a brand new car, house and lot, and 1 million pesos – by spinning 3 roletas. If the 3 roletas spell W-I-L, the player wins all the major prizes!
The interview segment of “Wiltime Bigtime” will be the fulfilment of the “pag-asa” or hope part. This is said to be the heart and soul of the show. In this segment, People from all works of life will be interviewed. The audience can expect to laugh, cry and be inspired by their stories.
Were you able to watch the premier episode of Willing Willie? What can you say about it?
6th Cinema One Originals Digital Film Festival (2010) Official Entries
Update (November 15, 2010): Click Here For the 6th Cinema One Originals Awards Night Winners 2010
A total of 7 finalists made it to the 6th Cinema One Originals Digital Film Festival (2010). They were among the 100 indie films submitted and were chosen as the best.
Below are the 7 Official Entries to the 6th Cinema One Originals Digital Film Festival (2010):
Ang Damgo ni Eleuteria by Remton Siega Zuasola, a novelty comedy of a young provincial lass who becomes a mail order bride to hoist her family from poverty.
Third World Happy by writer-director E JSalcedo is a melodrama about a balikbayan artist who has spent most of his life abroad but whose perspectives in life changes when he comes home to attend a funeral and reunites with his friends and girlfriend.
Astro Mayabang by Jason Paul Laxamana is a social satire about a financially, socially, intellectually and sexually frustrated man who boasts of his nationalism and Pinoy pride, but ends up humiliated because of his misguided and aggressive ways.
Dagim by director Joaquin Pedro Valdes who also co-wrote it with J. Eliseo Sandico is about two farm brothers whose search for their lost father lead them to a company of strange mountain inhabitants.
Ishmael by Richard Somes who gave us last year’s most triumphant winner Yanggaw, is about an ex-convict who is ostracized by his neighborhood. Little does he know that this neighborhood he once knew is set to awaken his past.
Tsardyer by writer-director Sigfreid Barros-Sanchez is based on a true-to-life story of a young boy who was tasked by rebel soldiers to charge their phones used for their negotiations with the government while holding the media people they kidnapped.
Layang Bilanggo is a family drama about a fugitive on the run who yearns for the love of his daughter that he abandoned several years ago and disguises in an attempt to get near her.
The 2010 Cinema One Originals Digital Film Festival will officially premier at the Shang Cineplex of Edsa Shangri-La Plaza mall on November 10,2010 and will continue showing until the 16th. The awards night will be held on November 14 at the Dolphy Theater of ABS-CBN.
A total of 7 finalists made it to the 6th Cinema One Originals Digital Film Festival (2010). They were among the 100 indie films submitted and were chosen as the best.
Below are the 7 Official Entries to the 6th Cinema One Originals Digital Film Festival (2010):
Ang Damgo ni Eleuteria by Remton Siega Zuasola, a novelty comedy of a young provincial lass who becomes a mail order bride to hoist her family from poverty.
Third World Happy by writer-director E JSalcedo is a melodrama about a balikbayan artist who has spent most of his life abroad but whose perspectives in life changes when he comes home to attend a funeral and reunites with his friends and girlfriend.
Astro Mayabang by Jason Paul Laxamana is a social satire about a financially, socially, intellectually and sexually frustrated man who boasts of his nationalism and Pinoy pride, but ends up humiliated because of his misguided and aggressive ways.
Dagim by director Joaquin Pedro Valdes who also co-wrote it with J. Eliseo Sandico is about two farm brothers whose search for their lost father lead them to a company of strange mountain inhabitants.
Ishmael by Richard Somes who gave us last year’s most triumphant winner Yanggaw, is about an ex-convict who is ostracized by his neighborhood. Little does he know that this neighborhood he once knew is set to awaken his past.
Tsardyer by writer-director Sigfreid Barros-Sanchez is based on a true-to-life story of a young boy who was tasked by rebel soldiers to charge their phones used for their negotiations with the government while holding the media people they kidnapped.
Layang Bilanggo is a family drama about a fugitive on the run who yearns for the love of his daughter that he abandoned several years ago and disguises in an attempt to get near her.
The 2010 Cinema One Originals Digital Film Festival will officially premier at the Shang Cineplex of Edsa Shangri-La Plaza mall on November 10,2010 and will continue showing until the 16th. The awards night will be held on November 14 at the Dolphy Theater of ABS-CBN.
2010 FAMAS Awards List of Nominations
The award giving body which is composed of Palanca award-winning writers and movie columnist and writers and which started in 1952, the Filipino Academy of Movie Arts and Sciences (FAMAS) has announced the nominees for this year's FAMAS Awards.
Below is the list of 2010 FAMAS Awards Nominees:
Below is the list of 2010 FAMAS Awards Nominees:
Best Picture
Ang Panday
I Love You
In My Life
Mano Po 6
Sagrada Familia
You Changed My Life
Best Director
Mac Alejandre (Ang Panday)
Laurice Guillen (I Love You, Goodbye)
Joel Lamangan (Dukot and Sagrada Familia)
Olivia Lamasan (In My Life)
Brillante Ma. Mendoza (Kinatay)
Best Actress
Janice de Belen (Last Viewing)
Iza Calzado (Dukot)
Sharon Cuneta (Mano Po 3)
Eugene Domingo (Kimmy Dora)
Sarah Geronimo (You Changed My Life)
Angelica Panganiban (I Love You, Goodbye)
Lovi Poe (Sagrada Familia)
Best Actor
Gabby Concepcion (I Love You, Goodbye)
John Lloyd Cruz (In My Life and You Changed My Life)
Allen Dizon (Dukot)
Coco Martin (Kinatay)
Piolo Pascual (Love Me Again)
Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr. (Ang Panday)
Best Supporting Actress
Gina Alajar (Dukot)
Gloria Diaz (Sagrada Familia)
Heart Evangelista (Mano Po 6)
Rhian Ramos (Ang Panday)
Manilyn Reynes (Ded Na Si Lolo)
Dimples Romana (Love Me Again)
Miriam Quiambao (Kimmy Dora)
Best Supporting Actor
Robert Arevalo (Dukot)
Ricky Davao (Love Me Again)
Emilio Garcia (Sagrada Familia)
Baron Geisler (Nandito Ako… Nagmamahal Sa’yo)
Luis Manzano (In My Life)
Phillip Salvador (Ang Panday)
Fanny Serrano (Tulak)
Best Child Actress
Mara Panganiban (Last Viewing)
Justine Rose Rosal (Sagrada Familia)
Best Child Actor
Nash Aguas (Love Me Again and Kamoteng Kahoy)
BJ “Tolits” Forbes (Ded Na Si Lolo)
JP Mesde (Tulak)
Robert “Buboy” Villar Jr. (Ang Panday and Kamoteng Kahoy);
Best Story
Roni Bertubin and Romualdo Avellanosa (Last Viewing)
Carlo J. Caparas (Ang Panday)
Roy Iglesias (Mano Po 6)
Joel Lamangan and Bonifacio Ilagan (Dukot)
Raymond Lee and Olivia Lamasan (In My Life)
Vanessa Valdez (I Love You, Goodbye)
Raquel Villavicencio
Joel Lamangan (Sagrada Familia)
Ang Panday
I Love You
In My Life
Mano Po 6
Sagrada Familia
You Changed My Life
Best Director
Mac Alejandre (Ang Panday)
Laurice Guillen (I Love You, Goodbye)
Joel Lamangan (Dukot and Sagrada Familia)
Olivia Lamasan (In My Life)
Brillante Ma. Mendoza (Kinatay)
Best Actress
Janice de Belen (Last Viewing)
Iza Calzado (Dukot)
Sharon Cuneta (Mano Po 3)
Eugene Domingo (Kimmy Dora)
Sarah Geronimo (You Changed My Life)
Angelica Panganiban (I Love You, Goodbye)
Lovi Poe (Sagrada Familia)
Best Actor
Gabby Concepcion (I Love You, Goodbye)
John Lloyd Cruz (In My Life and You Changed My Life)
Allen Dizon (Dukot)
Coco Martin (Kinatay)
Piolo Pascual (Love Me Again)
Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr. (Ang Panday)
Best Supporting Actress
Gina Alajar (Dukot)
Gloria Diaz (Sagrada Familia)
Heart Evangelista (Mano Po 6)
Rhian Ramos (Ang Panday)
Manilyn Reynes (Ded Na Si Lolo)
Dimples Romana (Love Me Again)
Miriam Quiambao (Kimmy Dora)
Best Supporting Actor
Robert Arevalo (Dukot)
Ricky Davao (Love Me Again)
Emilio Garcia (Sagrada Familia)
Baron Geisler (Nandito Ako… Nagmamahal Sa’yo)
Luis Manzano (In My Life)
Phillip Salvador (Ang Panday)
Fanny Serrano (Tulak)
Best Child Actress
Mara Panganiban (Last Viewing)
Justine Rose Rosal (Sagrada Familia)
Best Child Actor
Nash Aguas (Love Me Again and Kamoteng Kahoy)
BJ “Tolits” Forbes (Ded Na Si Lolo)
JP Mesde (Tulak)
Robert “Buboy” Villar Jr. (Ang Panday and Kamoteng Kahoy);
Best Story
Roni Bertubin and Romualdo Avellanosa (Last Viewing)
Carlo J. Caparas (Ang Panday)
Roy Iglesias (Mano Po 6)
Joel Lamangan and Bonifacio Ilagan (Dukot)
Raymond Lee and Olivia Lamasan (In My Life)
Vanessa Valdez (I Love You, Goodbye)
Raquel Villavicencio
Joel Lamangan (Sagrada Familia)
The 2010 FAMAS Awards will be held on November 19, 2010 at the Teatro GSIS.
Lucy Torres-Gomez and Gretchen Barretto Cover 'Yes!' Magazine November 2010 Issue
After sharing the number 1 spot on the magazine's Top 10 Showbiz Fashionistas of 2010, Lucy Torres-Gomez and Gretchen Barretto are together on the cover of the November 2010 issue of Yes! magazine. In this issue, YES! features a new and exclusive fashion editorial of the celebrities, who also obliged YES! with spreads of their baubles, bangles, shoes, bags, frocks, and more.

The lovely wife of Richard Gomez, Lucy Torres-Gomez is currently holding a government office as the congresswoman of the 4th district of Leyte. She is also doing some shows on TV5.
While, Gretchen Barretto is seen on ABS-CBN's primetime show Magkaribal. She is also expected to do a movie with Angelica Panganiban soon.

The lovely wife of Richard Gomez, Lucy Torres-Gomez is currently holding a government office as the congresswoman of the 4th district of Leyte. She is also doing some shows on TV5.
While, Gretchen Barretto is seen on ABS-CBN's primetime show Magkaribal. She is also expected to do a movie with Angelica Panganiban soon.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Gary Ng, the Hayden Kho of Singapore, arrested!
Singapore has its own Hayden Kho who documented his sexual encounters with girls in the person of Gary Ng. Although Gary Ng is no celebrity, posting the scandalous videos on his blog and forums made him become an instant celebrity, worldwide. Unlike Hayden, Gary has been very careful with his videos, though. He made sure that the face of the girl can't be seen clearly. Reports say that a total of 33 short videos has been uploaded by Gary Ng which showed 22 different women including beer girls, friends' nieces, university students, trainee nurses and neighbours' daughters.
Asiaonenews confirms that Gary Ng has been arrested in an article dated October 26, 2010. The report says that women filed a complaint to the police since they were allegedly cheated of money by the 28-year-old unemployed Chinese man. Gary Ng is currently bailed out from jail and is due to be charged soon.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Mara Clara Remake (2010) Casts
The most anticipated remake of the longest running telenovela in Philippine television history Mara Clara has started airing last Monday, October 25, 2010. In this Mara Clara remake, a new set of casts is now being showcased headed by the Ex-Going Bulilit casts Kathryn Bernando as Mara and Julia Montes as Clara who are equally beautiful and talented.

Check out the list of The New Mara Clara (2010) Casts below:
Check out some pictures of the Mara Clara Remake (2010) Cast below:

Also check the following links for more pictures:
Albie Casino: Christian of Mara Clara 2010 Remake (ABS-CBN)-Pictures
Julia Montes: Clara of Mara Clara 2010 Remake (ABS-CBN)-Pictures
Kathryn Bernardo: Mara of Mara Clara 2010 Remake (ABS-CBN)-Pictures
Check out the list of The New Mara Clara (2010) Casts below:
Kathryn Bernardo as Mara del Valle/ David
Julia Montes as Clara David/ del Valle
Bobby Andrews as Amante del Valle
Dimples Romana as Alvira del Valle
Mylene Dizon as Susan David
Jhong Hilario as Gary David
Ping Medina as Karlo
John Manalo as Erris
Albie Casiño as Christian
Chokoleit as CG
Gina Pareño as Lupe Ocampo
KC Hollman as Lenita
Gloria Romero as Doña Clarita del Valle
Jocelyn Amado as Teacher Sandy
Jessica Perez as Young Mara
Shayne Legarda as Young Clara
Marco Samonte as Young Erris
Bugoy Carino as Young Christian
Julia Montes as Clara David/ del Valle
Bobby Andrews as Amante del Valle
Dimples Romana as Alvira del Valle
Mylene Dizon as Susan David
Jhong Hilario as Gary David
Ping Medina as Karlo
John Manalo as Erris
Albie Casiño as Christian
Chokoleit as CG
Gina Pareño as Lupe Ocampo
KC Hollman as Lenita
Gloria Romero as Doña Clarita del Valle
Jocelyn Amado as Teacher Sandy
Jessica Perez as Young Mara
Shayne Legarda as Young Clara
Marco Samonte as Young Erris
Bugoy Carino as Young Christian
Check out some pictures of the Mara Clara Remake (2010) Cast below:

Also check the following links for more pictures:
Albie Casino: Christian of Mara Clara 2010 Remake (ABS-CBN)-Pictures
Julia Montes: Clara of Mara Clara 2010 Remake (ABS-CBN)-Pictures
Kathryn Bernardo: Mara of Mara Clara 2010 Remake (ABS-CBN)-Pictures
List of 2010 PMPC Star Awards for Television Nominees Part 2
The first part of the list of 2010 PMPC Star Awards for Television Nominees has been posted here: http://noypistuff.blogspot.com/2010/10/2010-pmpc-star-awards-for-television.html
Here is the second part of the list:
The awarding ceremony for 2010 PMPC Star Awards for Television will be held on November 13, 2010 at the Resorts World Manila and will be aired on ABS-CBN on November 20, 2010.
Here is the second part of the list:
Art Angel (GMA)
Batang Bibbo (GMA)
Happy Land (GMA)
Kulilits (ABS-CBN)
Tropang Potchi (Q11)
Bugoy Cariño & Cha-Cha Cañete (Kulilits, ABS-CBN)
Ella Guevarra, Sabrina Hann & Julian Trono (Tropang Potchi, Q11)
Love Añover & Patricia Gayod (Happy Land, GMA)
Pia Arcangel (Art Angel, GMA)
Roxanne Barcelo (Batang Bibbo, GMA)
Born to be Wild (GMA)
Convergence (Net 25)
Matanglawin (ABS-CBN)
Mathinik (ABS-CBN)
Quickfire (Q11)
Chris Tiu (Ripley's Believe It Or Not, GMA)
Doc Ferdz Recio & Kiko Rustia (Born to be Wild, GMA)
Kim Atienza (Matanglawin, ABS-CBN)
Ramon 'Bong' Revilla, Jr (Kap's Amazing Stories, GMA)
RJ Ledesma (Mathinik, ABS-CBN)
Day Off (Q11)
Pinoy Records (GMA)
Totoo TV (TV5)
Ariel & Maverick (Totoo TV, TV5)
Carmina Villaroel & Pekto (Day Off, Q11)
Manny Pacquiao, Chris Tiu (Pinoy Records, GMA)
Mariel Rodriguez (PBB Double Up Uber, ABS-CBN)
Toni Gonzaga (PBB Double Up Primetime, ABS-CBN)
24 Oras (GMA)
Bandila (ABS-CBN)
News on Q (Q11)
Saksi (GMA)
Teledyaryo (NBN 4)
TV Patrol World (ABS-CBN)
Alex Castro (TV Patrol Sabado, ABS-CBN)
Daniel Razon (Ito Ang Balita, UNTV)
Julius Babao (TV Patrol, ABS-CBN)
Henry Omaga-Diaz (Bandila, ABS-CBN)
Mike Enriquez (24 Oras, GMA)
Ted Failon (TV Patrol, ABS-CBN)
Angelique Lazo (Teledyaryo, NBN 4)
Bernadette Sembrano (TV Patrol Sabado, ABS-CBN)
Ces Oreña-Drilon (Bandila, ABS-CBN)
Karen Davila (TV Patrol, ABS-CBN)
Mel Tiangco (24 Oras, GMA)
Vicky Morales (Saksi, GMA)
Ka-Blog (GMA)
LipGloss (TV5)
Agimat: Elias Paniki (ABS-CBN)
Agimat: Pepeng Agimat (ABS-CBN)
Agimat: Tiagong Akyat (ABS-CBN)
Agimat: Tonyong Bayawak (ABS-CBN)
Midnight DJ (TV5)
Are You the Next Big Star? (GMA)
Shall We Dance (TV5)
Showtime (ABS-CBN)
StarStruck V (GMA)
Talentadong Pinoy (TV5)
Anne Curtis, Vhong Navarro, Kim Atienza & Vice Ganda (
Showtime, ABS-CBN)
Lucy Torres-Gomez (
Shall We Dance, TV5)
Luis Manzano & Billy Crawford (Pilipinas Got Talent, ABS-CBN)
Regine Velasquez & Ogie Alcasid (Celebrity Duets, GMA)
Ryan Agoncillo (
Talentadong Pinoy, TV5)
Full Time Moms (Q11)
Jojo All The Way (TV5)
Spoon (Net 25)
Sweet Life (Q11)
Tonight with Arnold Clavio (Q11)
Arnold Clavio (
Tonight with Arnold Clavio, Q11)
Carmina Villaroel, Janice and Gelli De Belen (SiS, GMA)
Christine Jacob-Sandejas & Susan Entrata (Full Time Moms, Q11)
Janice De Belem (Spoon, Net 25)
Lucy Torres & Wilma Doesn't (Sweet Life, Q11)
Cool Center (GMA)
Kitchen Battle, Q11)
Pilipinas, Game KNB (ABS-CBN)
PO5 (TV5)
Wowowee (ABS-CBN)
Bianca Gonzales (PBB Double Up Uplate, ABS-CBN)
Edu Manzano (Pilipinas, Game KNB, ABS-CBN)
Ogie Alcasid & Michael V (Hole in the Wall, GMA)
Richard Gomez (Family Feud, GMA)
Vic Sotto (Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, TV5)
Banana Split (ABS-CBN)
Bubble Gang (GMA)
Goin' Bulilit (ABS-CBN)
Laf En Roll (GMA)
Wow Mali (TV5)
Juicy (TV5)
Showbiz Central (GMA)
Startalk (GMA)
The Buzz (ABS-CBN)
Boy Abunda (The Buzz, ABS-CBN)
Joey de Leon (Startalk, GMA)
Luis Manzano (ELive, ABS-CBN)
Raymond Gutierrez (
Showbiz Central, GMA)
Tim Yap (Tweetbiz, Q11)
Bianca Gonzales (ELive, ABS-CBN)
Cristy Fermin (Juicy, TV5)
Kris Aquino (SNN, ABS-CBN)
Pia Guanio (Showbiz Central, GMA)
Toni Gonzaga (ELive, ABS-CBN)
Party Pilipinas (GMA)
Sharon (ABS-CBN)
Walang Tulugan with Master Showman (GMA)
Allan K (Eat Bulaga, GMA)
Joey De Leon (Eat Bulaga, GMA)
Luis Manzano (ASAP XV, ABS-CBN)
Martin Nieverra (ASAP XV, ABS-CBN)
Ogie Alcasid (Party Pilipinas, GMA)
Piolo Pascual (ASAP XV, ABS-CBN)
Vic Sotto (Eat Bulaga, GMA)
Lucy Torres (PO5, TV5)
Pia Guanio (Eat Bulaga, GMA)
Pokwang (Wowowee, ABS-CBN)
Regine Velasquez (Party Pilipinas, GMA)
Sarah Geronimo (ASAP XV, ABS-CBN)
Toni Gonzaga (ASAP XV, ABS-CBN)
IBC 13
Net 25
Q 11
Studio 23
TV 5
Art Angel (GMA)
Batang Bibbo (GMA)
Happy Land (GMA)
Kulilits (ABS-CBN)
Tropang Potchi (Q11)
Bugoy Cariño & Cha-Cha Cañete (Kulilits, ABS-CBN)
Ella Guevarra, Sabrina Hann & Julian Trono (Tropang Potchi, Q11)
Love Añover & Patricia Gayod (Happy Land, GMA)
Pia Arcangel (Art Angel, GMA)
Roxanne Barcelo (Batang Bibbo, GMA)
Born to be Wild (GMA)
Convergence (Net 25)
Matanglawin (ABS-CBN)
Mathinik (ABS-CBN)
Quickfire (Q11)
Chris Tiu (Ripley's Believe It Or Not, GMA)
Doc Ferdz Recio & Kiko Rustia (Born to be Wild, GMA)
Kim Atienza (Matanglawin, ABS-CBN)
Ramon 'Bong' Revilla, Jr (Kap's Amazing Stories, GMA)
RJ Ledesma (Mathinik, ABS-CBN)
Day Off (Q11)
Pinoy Records (GMA)
Totoo TV (TV5)
Ariel & Maverick (Totoo TV, TV5)
Carmina Villaroel & Pekto (Day Off, Q11)
Manny Pacquiao, Chris Tiu (Pinoy Records, GMA)
Mariel Rodriguez (PBB Double Up Uber, ABS-CBN)
Toni Gonzaga (PBB Double Up Primetime, ABS-CBN)
24 Oras (GMA)
Bandila (ABS-CBN)
News on Q (Q11)
Saksi (GMA)
Teledyaryo (NBN 4)
TV Patrol World (ABS-CBN)
Alex Castro (TV Patrol Sabado, ABS-CBN)
Daniel Razon (Ito Ang Balita, UNTV)
Julius Babao (TV Patrol, ABS-CBN)
Henry Omaga-Diaz (Bandila, ABS-CBN)
Mike Enriquez (24 Oras, GMA)
Ted Failon (TV Patrol, ABS-CBN)
Angelique Lazo (Teledyaryo, NBN 4)
Bernadette Sembrano (TV Patrol Sabado, ABS-CBN)
Ces Oreña-Drilon (Bandila, ABS-CBN)
Karen Davila (TV Patrol, ABS-CBN)
Mel Tiangco (24 Oras, GMA)
Vicky Morales (Saksi, GMA)
Ka-Blog (GMA)
LipGloss (TV5)
Agimat: Elias Paniki (ABS-CBN)
Agimat: Pepeng Agimat (ABS-CBN)
Agimat: Tiagong Akyat (ABS-CBN)
Agimat: Tonyong Bayawak (ABS-CBN)
Midnight DJ (TV5)
Are You the Next Big Star? (GMA)
Shall We Dance (TV5)
Showtime (ABS-CBN)
StarStruck V (GMA)
Talentadong Pinoy (TV5)
Anne Curtis, Vhong Navarro, Kim Atienza & Vice Ganda (
Showtime, ABS-CBN)
Lucy Torres-Gomez (
Shall We Dance, TV5)
Luis Manzano & Billy Crawford (Pilipinas Got Talent, ABS-CBN)
Regine Velasquez & Ogie Alcasid (Celebrity Duets, GMA)
Ryan Agoncillo (
Talentadong Pinoy, TV5)
Full Time Moms (Q11)
Jojo All The Way (TV5)
Spoon (Net 25)
Sweet Life (Q11)
Tonight with Arnold Clavio (Q11)
Arnold Clavio (
Tonight with Arnold Clavio, Q11)
Carmina Villaroel, Janice and Gelli De Belen (SiS, GMA)
Christine Jacob-Sandejas & Susan Entrata (Full Time Moms, Q11)
Janice De Belem (Spoon, Net 25)
Lucy Torres & Wilma Doesn't (Sweet Life, Q11)
Cool Center (GMA)
Kitchen Battle, Q11)
Pilipinas, Game KNB (ABS-CBN)
PO5 (TV5)
Wowowee (ABS-CBN)
Bianca Gonzales (PBB Double Up Uplate, ABS-CBN)
Edu Manzano (Pilipinas, Game KNB, ABS-CBN)
Ogie Alcasid & Michael V (Hole in the Wall, GMA)
Richard Gomez (Family Feud, GMA)
Vic Sotto (Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, TV5)
Banana Split (ABS-CBN)
Bubble Gang (GMA)
Goin' Bulilit (ABS-CBN)
Laf En Roll (GMA)
Wow Mali (TV5)
Juicy (TV5)
Showbiz Central (GMA)
Startalk (GMA)
The Buzz (ABS-CBN)
Boy Abunda (The Buzz, ABS-CBN)
Joey de Leon (Startalk, GMA)
Luis Manzano (ELive, ABS-CBN)
Raymond Gutierrez (
Showbiz Central, GMA)
Tim Yap (Tweetbiz, Q11)
Bianca Gonzales (ELive, ABS-CBN)
Cristy Fermin (Juicy, TV5)
Kris Aquino (SNN, ABS-CBN)
Pia Guanio (Showbiz Central, GMA)
Toni Gonzaga (ELive, ABS-CBN)
Party Pilipinas (GMA)
Sharon (ABS-CBN)
Walang Tulugan with Master Showman (GMA)
Allan K (Eat Bulaga, GMA)
Joey De Leon (Eat Bulaga, GMA)
Luis Manzano (ASAP XV, ABS-CBN)
Martin Nieverra (ASAP XV, ABS-CBN)
Ogie Alcasid (Party Pilipinas, GMA)
Piolo Pascual (ASAP XV, ABS-CBN)
Vic Sotto (Eat Bulaga, GMA)
Lucy Torres (PO5, TV5)
Pia Guanio (Eat Bulaga, GMA)
Pokwang (Wowowee, ABS-CBN)
Regine Velasquez (Party Pilipinas, GMA)
Sarah Geronimo (ASAP XV, ABS-CBN)
Toni Gonzaga (ASAP XV, ABS-CBN)
IBC 13
Net 25
Q 11
Studio 23
TV 5
The awarding ceremony for 2010 PMPC Star Awards for Television will be held on November 13, 2010 at the Resorts World Manila and will be aired on ABS-CBN on November 20, 2010.
Monday, October 25, 2010
John Lloyd Cruz and Toni Gonzaga Topbill 'My Amnesia Girl' Movie
For the first time, Toni Gonzaga teams up with John Lloyd Cruz for the new movie from Star Cinema entitled, My Amnesia Girl. Directed by Cathy Garcia-Molina, the movie is set to premier in November, 2010.
Check out Star Cinema's My Amnesia Girl movie trailer below:
Basing on the cinema teaser, the movie seems very interesting. I bet it's going to be a box office as well. :D
Check out Star Cinema's My Amnesia Girl movie trailer below:
Basing on the cinema teaser, the movie seems very interesting. I bet it's going to be a box office as well. :D
2010 PMPC Star Awards for Television List of Nominees
The 24th PMPC Star Awards for Television (2010) list of nominees has been released earlier today. It was also announced that the awarding ceremony will be held at the Resorts World Manila on November 13, 2010 and will be aired on ABS-CBN on the 20th.
CJ Caparas (Kroko, IBC 13)
Elmo Magalona (Party Pilipinas, GMA)
Hermes Bautista (Your Song: Isla, ABS-CBN)
Jason Francisco (Melason In Love, ABS-CBN)
Johan Santos (PHR: Love Me Again, ABS-CBN)
Julian Trono (Panday Kids, GMA)
Paul Jake Castillo (Your Song: Isla, ABS-CBN)
Tom Rodriguez (Your Song: Isla, ABS-CBN)
Alyna Asistio (Lokomoko U, TV5)
Carla Abellana (Rosalinda, GMA)
Cathy Remperas (PHR: Love Me Again, ABS-CBN)
Melai Cantiveros (Melason In Love, ABS-CBN)
Princess Velasco (ASAP XV, ABS-CBN)
Sabrina Hann (Panday Kids, GMA)
Xyriel Manabat (Agua Bendita, ABS-CBN)
Kambal Sa Uma (ABS-CBN)
Kung Aagawin Mo Ang Lahat Sa Akin (GMA)
Magkano Ang Iyong Dangal (ABS-CBN)
Nagsimula Sa Puso (ABS-CBN)
PHR: Impostor (ABS-CBN)
Rosalka (ABS-CBN)
Darling Kong Aswang (TV5)
Everybody Hapi (TV5)
George & Cecil (ABS-CBN)
Pepito Manaloto (GMA)
Show Me Da Manny (GMA)
Jayson Gainza (Banana Split, ABS-CBN)
Michael V (Bubble Gang, GMA)
Ogie Alcasid (Bubble Gang, GMA)
Pooh (Banana Split, ABS-CBN)
Vic Sotto (Darling Kong Aswang, TV5)
Angelica Panganiban (Banana Split, ABS-CBN)
Judy Ann Santos (George & Cecil, ABS-CBN)
Nova Villa (Everybody Hapi, TV5)
Pokwang (Banana Split, ABS-CBN)
Rufa Mae Quinto (Bubble Gang, GMA)
PHR: Love Me Again (ABS-CBN)
SRO Cinemaserye: Exchange Gift (GMA)
SRO Cinemaserye: The Eva Castillo Story (GMA)
Your Song: Gaano Kita Kamahal (ABS-CBN)
Your Song: Love Me, Love You (ABS-CBN)
Maynila (GMA)
5 Star Drama Special (TV5)
Agua Bendita (ABS-CBN)
Dahil May Isang Ikaw (ABS-CBN)
Habang May Buhay (ABS-CBN)
Ikaw Sana (GMA)
Kung Tayo'y Magkakalayo (ABS-CBN)
Tanging Yaman (ABS-CBN)
Coco Martin (Kung Tayo'y Magkakalayo, ABS-CBN)
Dingdong Dantes (Stairway to Heaven, GMA)
Gerald Anderson (Your Song: Isla, ABS-CBN)
Jericho Rosales (Dahil May Isang Ikaw, ABS-CBN)
John Estrada (Dahil May Isang Ikaw, ABS-CBN)
Piolo Pascual (Lovers in Paris, ABS-CBN)
Sid Lucero (Dahil May Isang Ikaw, ABS-CBN)
Angelica Panganiban (Rubi, ABS-CBN)
Cherry Pie Picache (Florinda, ABS-CBN)
Chin-Chin Gutierrez (Dahil May Isang Ikaw, ABS-CBN)
Judy Ann Santos (Habang May Buhay, ABS-CBN)
Kim Chiu (Kung Tayo'y Magkakalayo, ABS-CBN)
Lorna Tolentino (Dahil May Isang Ikaw, ABS-CBN)
Maricel Soriano (Florinda, ABS-CBN)
Susan Roces (Sana Ngayong Pasko, GMA)
Dominic Ochoa (MMK "Kuwintas", ABS-CBN)
Gerald Anderson (MMK "Lubid", ABS-CBN)
Jolo Revilla (MMK "Gitara", ABS-CBN)
Lester Llansang (MMK "Musiko", ABS-CBN)
Martin del Rosario (MMK "Headband", ABS-CBN)
Ronaldo Valdez (MMK "Bisikleta", ABS-CBN)
Zanjoe Marudo (MMK "Bag", ABS-CBN)
Aiza Seguerra (MMK "Kuwintas", ABS-CBN)
Angel Locsin (MMK "Litrato", ABS-CBN)
Dawn Zulueta (MMK "Tsinelas", ABS-CBN)
Gina Alajar (MMK "Car", ABS-CBN)
Gretchen Barreto (MMK "Larawan", ABS-CBN)
Irma Adlawan (MMK "Sulo", ABS-CBN)
Maricel Soriano (5 Star Special Presents, TV5)
CJ Caparas (Kroko, IBC 13)
Elmo Magalona (Party Pilipinas, GMA)
Hermes Bautista (Your Song: Isla, ABS-CBN)
Jason Francisco (Melason In Love, ABS-CBN)
Johan Santos (PHR: Love Me Again, ABS-CBN)
Julian Trono (Panday Kids, GMA)
Paul Jake Castillo (Your Song: Isla, ABS-CBN)
Tom Rodriguez (Your Song: Isla, ABS-CBN)
Alyna Asistio (Lokomoko U, TV5)
Carla Abellana (Rosalinda, GMA)
Cathy Remperas (PHR: Love Me Again, ABS-CBN)
Melai Cantiveros (Melason In Love, ABS-CBN)
Princess Velasco (ASAP XV, ABS-CBN)
Sabrina Hann (Panday Kids, GMA)
Xyriel Manabat (Agua Bendita, ABS-CBN)
Kambal Sa Uma (ABS-CBN)
Kung Aagawin Mo Ang Lahat Sa Akin (GMA)
Magkano Ang Iyong Dangal (ABS-CBN)
Nagsimula Sa Puso (ABS-CBN)
PHR: Impostor (ABS-CBN)
Rosalka (ABS-CBN)
Darling Kong Aswang (TV5)
Everybody Hapi (TV5)
George & Cecil (ABS-CBN)
Pepito Manaloto (GMA)
Show Me Da Manny (GMA)
Jayson Gainza (Banana Split, ABS-CBN)
Michael V (Bubble Gang, GMA)
Ogie Alcasid (Bubble Gang, GMA)
Pooh (Banana Split, ABS-CBN)
Vic Sotto (Darling Kong Aswang, TV5)
Angelica Panganiban (Banana Split, ABS-CBN)
Judy Ann Santos (George & Cecil, ABS-CBN)
Nova Villa (Everybody Hapi, TV5)
Pokwang (Banana Split, ABS-CBN)
Rufa Mae Quinto (Bubble Gang, GMA)
PHR: Love Me Again (ABS-CBN)
SRO Cinemaserye: Exchange Gift (GMA)
SRO Cinemaserye: The Eva Castillo Story (GMA)
Your Song: Gaano Kita Kamahal (ABS-CBN)
Your Song: Love Me, Love You (ABS-CBN)
Maynila (GMA)
5 Star Drama Special (TV5)
Agua Bendita (ABS-CBN)
Dahil May Isang Ikaw (ABS-CBN)
Habang May Buhay (ABS-CBN)
Ikaw Sana (GMA)
Kung Tayo'y Magkakalayo (ABS-CBN)
Tanging Yaman (ABS-CBN)
Coco Martin (Kung Tayo'y Magkakalayo, ABS-CBN)
Dingdong Dantes (Stairway to Heaven, GMA)
Gerald Anderson (Your Song: Isla, ABS-CBN)
Jericho Rosales (Dahil May Isang Ikaw, ABS-CBN)
John Estrada (Dahil May Isang Ikaw, ABS-CBN)
Piolo Pascual (Lovers in Paris, ABS-CBN)
Sid Lucero (Dahil May Isang Ikaw, ABS-CBN)
Angelica Panganiban (Rubi, ABS-CBN)
Cherry Pie Picache (Florinda, ABS-CBN)
Chin-Chin Gutierrez (Dahil May Isang Ikaw, ABS-CBN)
Judy Ann Santos (Habang May Buhay, ABS-CBN)
Kim Chiu (Kung Tayo'y Magkakalayo, ABS-CBN)
Lorna Tolentino (Dahil May Isang Ikaw, ABS-CBN)
Maricel Soriano (Florinda, ABS-CBN)
Susan Roces (Sana Ngayong Pasko, GMA)
Dominic Ochoa (MMK "Kuwintas", ABS-CBN)
Gerald Anderson (MMK "Lubid", ABS-CBN)
Jolo Revilla (MMK "Gitara", ABS-CBN)
Lester Llansang (MMK "Musiko", ABS-CBN)
Martin del Rosario (MMK "Headband", ABS-CBN)
Ronaldo Valdez (MMK "Bisikleta", ABS-CBN)
Zanjoe Marudo (MMK "Bag", ABS-CBN)
Aiza Seguerra (MMK "Kuwintas", ABS-CBN)
Angel Locsin (MMK "Litrato", ABS-CBN)
Dawn Zulueta (MMK "Tsinelas", ABS-CBN)
Gina Alajar (MMK "Car", ABS-CBN)
Gretchen Barreto (MMK "Larawan", ABS-CBN)
Irma Adlawan (MMK "Sulo", ABS-CBN)
Maricel Soriano (5 Star Special Presents, TV5)
Check the second part here: http://noypistuff.blogspot.com/2010/10/list-of-2010-pmpc-star-awards-for.html
Juanita Banana (ABS-CBN) Cast of Characters
Taking the spot of Rosalka which aired its last episode last Friday, Juanita Banana is a new ABS-CBN comedy drama featuring the Binibining Pilipinas - Universe 2009, Bianca Manalo as the lead actress.
Already had a movie adaptation in 1968 which was produced by Paolo S. Gomez, Juanita Banana is about a young woman who tried to catch a teardrop from a banana tree’s heart believing that it would give her magical powers but she got the fascination of a dwarf prince who used his own magic to grant her every wish.
Below is the list of casts and characters of Juanita Banana:
Bianca Manalo as Juanita Sevilla / Juanita Banana
Rodjun Cruz as Arturo Cervantes
Matt Evans as Johnny Ramos
Lauren Young as Sheryl Evangelista
Bekimon (Rona Santos/Ronaldo Santos) as Joseph
Isay Alvarez as Anita Sevilla
Lito Pimentel as Juan Sevilla
Katya Santos as Hazel
Dulce as Romie
Pooh as Sandra
Aaron Junatas as Felipe
Katrina Legaspi as Happy
Rey "PJ" Abellana as Gardo
Juanita Banana is being aired on weekdays after Pilipinas Win na Win on ABS-CBN Hapontastik.
Photo Credits: ABS-CBN

Below is the list of casts and characters of Juanita Banana:
Bianca Manalo as Juanita Sevilla / Juanita Banana
Rodjun Cruz as Arturo Cervantes
Matt Evans as Johnny Ramos
Lauren Young as Sheryl Evangelista
Bekimon (Rona Santos/Ronaldo Santos) as Joseph
Isay Alvarez as Anita Sevilla
Lito Pimentel as Juan Sevilla
Katya Santos as Hazel
Dulce as Romie
Pooh as Sandra
Aaron Junatas as Felipe
Katrina Legaspi as Happy
Rey "PJ" Abellana as Gardo
Juanita Banana is being aired on weekdays after Pilipinas Win na Win on ABS-CBN Hapontastik.
Photo Credits: ABS-CBN
Kevjumba and His Dad, 4th on the Norway Leg of the Amazing Race Season 17

During the 'Roadblock', KevJumba insisted to do the task since it is very physical which his 59 year-old father may not be able to do. KevJumba rappelled down from a bridge to get the clue from a boat below and rappelled back up using his own strength. In the 'Detour', the father and son tandem chose to be on a boat to send fish and chainsaw to a certain direction rather biking uphill since again it may be difficult for Michael.
In the end, KevJumba and his dad arrived to the Pitstop 4th. 'The Doctors' won the leg after finishing the Fast Forward task where they had to do a Viking Christmas Ritual where they had to eat an animals head. The 'Volleyball Friends' were sent home for arriving last in the Pitstop.
Spring/Summer 2011 Philippine Fashion Week Schedule

Although Bench is out for this Philippine Fashion Week, other big brands such as Penshoppe, Oxygen, Freego, Lee, Levi's and Folded & Hung will be on the runway. Below is the schedule of the Philippine Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2011:
5:30 PM Pond's presents Gold
6:30 PM SM Department Store's Kid Fashion Show
7:30 PM Gala Opening Night
6:30 PM AXE presents Menswear collection
7:30 PM SM Department Store
9:30 PM Paperdolls & Wharton
5:30 PM Ipanema presents Resort Wear Collection
6:30 PM Freego
7:30 PM Premiere A presents Shinagawa Lasik Aesthetic
9:30 PM Levi's
5:30 PM Sony Cybershot presents Luxe Wear Collection
6:30 PM Rusty Lopez
7:30 PM Folded & Hung
9:30 PM Oxygen
2:30 PM Ready to Wear Collection
4:00 PM Jun Jun Cambe - Lito Perez
5:30 PM Whisper presents Premiere B collection
6:30 PM Lee
7:30 PM Penshoppe
9:30 PM Sony Vaio presents Design Fusion / Visions and Trends Collection
1:00 PM Grand Allure
2:30 PM Chris Diaz - Jerome Salaya Ang
4:00 PM Gerry Katigbak - Marlon Rivera - Michelle Lim
5:30 PM - Premiere C collection
6:30 PM - Ford Models' Supermodel of the World Philippines 2010
7:30 PM - Cesar Gaupo
Bench Uncut 2010: Georgina Wilson
The Filipino-English Supermodel and magazine fixture Georgina Wilson was also on Bench Uncut 2010. Georgina, who is a VJ in the music TV network Channel V, is currently dating Borgy Manotoc, the grandson of the late President Ferdinand Marcos.
Check out Georgina Wilson's hot and sexy pictures during the 2010 Bench Uncut show below:

Photo credits: (whoever took or owns them... Noypi just googled them out... :D)
Check out Georgina Wilson's hot and sexy pictures during the 2010 Bench Uncut show below:

Photo credits: (whoever took or owns them... Noypi just googled them out... :D)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Bench Uncut 2010: Jome Silayan
Mixed Martial Artist Jome Silayan was also one of the models during the Bench Uncut 2010 show. This 20-year-old Economics and Applied Corporate Management student at De La Salle University is a nephew of the late beaty queen and actress Chat Silayan-Bailon. Jome is also the current Nestea Ambassador after winning the Nestea Fit Camp Hotties 2010 last April.
Check out Jome Silayan's photo for the Bench Uncut 2010 promotion and his picture taken during the Bench Uncut 2010 show below:

Photo credits: (whoever took them... Noypi just googled them out... :D)
Check out Jome Silayan's photo for the Bench Uncut 2010 promotion and his picture taken during the Bench Uncut 2010 show below:

Photo credits: (whoever took them... Noypi just googled them out... :D)
Bench Uncut 2010: Benjamin Tang
After watching ABS-CBN's Sunday Special last night which was the Bench Uncut 2010, I realized I missed posting about the other prominent models and celebrities who were present in the show. And so, I thought of searching some photos and compiled them here in Noypistuff blog.
Let me start with this German-Vietnamese hunk, Benjamin Tang. Benjamin is an international model who already appeared in several television ads of Coca-cola, C2, Globe and Greenwich Lasagna with Anne Curtis. He also has been previously modeling in Thailand and China as well.
Check out the photo of Benjamin Tang for the promotion of Bench Uncut 2010 and the picture of him taken during the show below:

Photo credits: (whoever took them... I just googled them.. :D)
Let me start with this German-Vietnamese hunk, Benjamin Tang. Benjamin is an international model who already appeared in several television ads of Coca-cola, C2, Globe and Greenwich Lasagna with Anne Curtis. He also has been previously modeling in Thailand and China as well.
Check out the photo of Benjamin Tang for the promotion of Bench Uncut 2010 and the picture of him taken during the show below:

Photo credits: (whoever took them... I just googled them.. :D)
Mark Whittington, Cosmo Online Hunk for October
After standing out among the 69 bachelors who ramped shirtless during the 2010 Cosmopolitan Bachelor Bash, Mark Whittington has been chosen as Cosmo Online Hunk for October, 2010. Although born and raised in Australia, Mark is a 20-year old professional half-Filipino and half-British model.
Check out below Mark Whittington's photos for Cosmo:

Photo Credits: Cosmo.ph
Check out below Mark Whittington's photos for Cosmo:

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Michael Elhag wins Fashionissimo Male Super Model Search 2010
Held for the first time at the Music Museum last Thursday, Fashionissimo Male Super Model Search 2010 was won by a Filipino-Iranian model, Michael Elhag. The 21 year-old model also won Best in Swimwear and Best in Formal Wear. Michael already appeared on a mobile network's TV ad and was one of the 69 Bachelors during this year's Cosmopolitan Bachelor Bash.
Also awarded as Armando Fabia's Model Discovery, the first runner up of the search was Miguel Patrick Masigan.
Fashionissimo Male Super Model Search 2010 Hosts (L-R): Cheska Garcia, Carla Abellana and Kc Montero
The Fashionissimo Male Super Model Search 2010 winners (From Left to Right): 3rd Runner-up Mark Lopez, 1st Runner-up Miguel Masigan, Grand Winner Michael Elhag, 2nd Runner-up Arjem Solas, 4th Runner-up Ward Mendiola

Photo Credits: Jun Fausto, Mike Elhag, Joseph Boustani and Lexter Ilao

Check out some pictures of the 2010 Fashionissimo Male Super Model Search 2010 below:
The Fashionissimo Male Super Model Search 2010 Contestants

Photo Credits: Jun Fausto, Mike Elhag, Joseph Boustani and Lexter Ilao
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