Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ignorance personified

I feel very sad and very sorry for allegedly smart people who have such insufficient vocabularies that the only words they at their disposal are words of potty-mouthed slang. The following is quote from TV host Olivia Munn (who or whatever she is) concerning the new Wonder Woman costume.

"Isn't the patriotism in your heart? Why do you have to wear it on your sleeve?" Munn asked rhetorically. "Like, can't she just be that person? She still is. She's Wonder Woman! She's f**king saving the world! She's not just saving America, she's saving the f**king world! And she's wearing a great outfit and she's kicking ass. She doesn't need to wear a f**king star to be a f**king patriot."

She drops the "f" bomb 4 times in 7 sentences, twice in one sentence. And she somehow thinks this enhances her standing in people's minds somehow? It makes her sound like the uneducated trailer trash she is, not a TV host. It makes her sound like someone with little or no education, not someone with a great deal of intellectual acumen. And as for the people for whom this does enhance her standing, God help them.

With so frail a grasp of the English language and such a diminished vocabulary, I have to wonder how she ended up a TV host anyway. The paragraph above certainly does not paint her in a very good light. Nor does it paint in good light those who actually support and applaud her statements and the use of this reprehensible language.

What comes out of our mouths reflects what is in our minds and hearts. That paragraph reveals the ugliness in Olivia's heart, and the relative emptiness in her mind. I feel sorry for her, I really do. And for anyone else whose vocabulary is so diminished that all they can do is talk in expletives. Not to mention those enjoy hearing it.

Jim Chitty

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