Saturday, May 15, 2010

US Flag Offensive

Well, well, well. It now appears that the American flag is offensive to faculty and staff at at least one AMERICAN high school. Follow the link below for the full story:

And people wonder why Arizona adopted a new immigration law and 14 other states are considering similar measures. This is why. A school sends 5 students home for wearing American Flag shirts to school on cinco de mayo. To make this story even more rich and ripe for criticism, the assistant principal who sent the kids home was a latin-American named Miguel Rodriguez. And they want us to believe there was no racial or ethnic bias at work here??

The outrage should not have been over the kids wearing patriotic t-shirts to an AMERICAN high school. It should have been over the fact that a Mexican holiday is observed in American high schools. We can't observe Christmas and Easter for what they are and acknowledge their true meaning and signifcance, but yet we have a holiday that means nothing to the average American shoved in our faces and down our throats. Some say Liberalism will destroy and is destroying American, and that is true, however political correctness like this has a head start that Liberalism may never catch or overcome.

And there is the matter of immigrants from Mexico saying they just want to come here and be Americans. Their idea of being Americans apparently means coming over here and forcing us either through litigation or legislation to adapt to them and their ways and culture instead of them adapating to our ways and our culture through the natural process of assimilation.

They demand the right to wear, fly, or display the Mexican flag, right here or U.S. soil, and yet express outrage and even disgust at our display of OUR flag, the American flag in OUR country. They say they want to be Americans, yet they reject everything that makes someone a true American. Someone explain to me exactly how that works please. Don't waste your time or your breath, it can't be done. Many of these who so loudly and proudly express their displeasure over the display of the stars and stripes ARE NOT EVEN IN THIS COUNTRY LEGALLY. Apparently to them, breaking our laws to come here and contiuing to break our laws by staying here illegally and committing other crimes while here, is their idea of becoming an American.

I will bottom line it for you from my standpoint. Many brave men and women fought and died in many wars so that any and all paritotic Americans who wish can proudly display the American flag on a pole in front of their home or business, on a bumper sticker on their car, on a t-shirt, however they wish to do so. To say that such a proud display of our flag is offensive is to urinate on their memory and their scarifice. Some will say these brave souls died for the rights of the protestors and dissenters too, and for the most part that is true. They DID NOT, however, die for the made-up, non-existent rights of CRIMINAL IMMIGRANT INVADERS who are here ILLEGALLY. They have only right, the right to LEAVE.

I am only speaking for myself and my family here, but we will proudly display the American flag 24/7/365 n some form or fashion whether any of these malcontents like it or not. If you find that offensive, then GOOD. I hope you get offended enough that you GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY! It truly is a sad day in America when we are expected to have sensitivity for the perceived rights of others when they have no regard whatsoever for our rights or our laws. It signals the beginning of the end for America.

Jim L. Chitty

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