Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Great Omission: Part 2.

While it is true that the passage in Mark 16:15 - 18 gives a clear command to go and evangelize the world, there is also something else equally as important if not more so taking place. It is a transference. A transference of power and authority from Jesus first to the disciples, then to all believers. Jesus was about to ascend to Heaven but wanted those of us left here to be able to do the same works he did, and even greater. In order for this to happen, he had transfer His authority to all of us. He also had to send The Holy Spirit as the source of power to back up this authority. The transference occurred here in this passage and the Holy Spirit burst on the scene in Acts 2.

Mark 16: 17 “In my name they will cast out demons…..”

The first thing that glares out at me from this passage is the fact that casting out demons is not optional; it is mandatory. Note the usage of the word “will”. It doesn’t say they can, or they should, or they may, it says they WILL. We, as believers are commanded to cast out demons at every opportunity.

Does this mean we are supposed to be performing exorcisms on a regular basis?

While we certainly can’t ignore and rule out the possibility that an exorcism might be necessary should we encounter a demon possessed person, this reference is most likely referring to demonic influences we encounter in our daily lives such as impure thoughts, temptations, etc. Make no mistake, as believers we have the same authority as Jesus had to cast out demons and we have the Power of The Holy Spirit to enforce that authority.

Have you ever witnessed an exorcism either in person or TV? What did you think about it?

Can a fully devoted Christ follower be demon possessed?

No. There is a scientific principle that darkness and light cannot occupy the same space. Scientifically darkness is merely the absence of light. The same principle applies spiritually. A heart that contains the light and life of the Spirit of Christ cannot simultaneously contain the darkness and evil of Satan. They cannot co-exist in the same place. We can though be tormented and oppressed by demonic forces.

What demonic forces or influences need to be cast out of your life?

How do we go about casting out these demonic forces?

James 4:7 tells us to “Submit to God. Resist the devil and he WILL flee”. That is one way. When we pray and start to cast out these demonic spirits we MUST do so in Jesus’ Name. Also invoking His shed blood in the process can’t hurt either.

It is the responsibility of every believer to actively be on guard against demonic forces that seek to torment our lives and distract us from our walk. We as average, every day, ordinary believers have through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Name of Jesus, the power and authority to resist and cast out any and all demonic forces and influences that have us in their crosshairs.

Next week we will discuss the second sign; “….in my Name they will speak with new tongues”.

Be thinking about this between now and part 3:

Are the Holy Spirit Baptism and speaking in tongues as referred to in the Acts 2 account of the events of the Upper Room intended by God to be valid experiences in the lives of believers today?

Have you yourself ever or has anyone you know personally ever experienced Holy Spirit Baptism and spoken in tongues?

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