Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Who is it exactly that we need protection from??

The recent tragic events at Fort Hood should serve and stark reminder of just exactly who it is we need protection from here in America. For the benefit of anyone who may have been vacationing on Mars or hiding under a rock somewhere and is unaware of what I am referring to, here is the recap: Army Psychologist, and Muslim extremist terrorist Nidal Malik Hassan opened fire on a processing center that was preparing troops for deployment. 14 were killed 30 injured.

In a stunning yet typical display of ignorance and disregard for our Military in which he is commanding officer, general George Casey and President Barack Hussein Obama both said along with their willing accomplices in the media that we need to be careful to protect our diversity while analyzing and discussing this event. Protect our diversity?? Excuse my French here, but to hell with our diversity. How about protecting our troops! Diversity and political can both die a slow painful death for all I care. America can not only survive, but will certainly thrive without them. We will be much better off.

The media wants to make this terrorist nutcase out to look like the victim and the military out to be the bad guys in this whole mess with the total cooperation of the likes of Casey and Obama. Both Casey and Obama want to downplay the fact that this deranged madman was a Muslim. Could that be because our factless leader Barack Hussein Obama is also a Muslim? What is this country coming to?? AN END, if we don’t get these clowns out of power next election.

America needs to be protected without a doubt. Yes, we do need to be protected from radical Muslim extremists, but even more than that, we need to be protected from the nefarious concepts of diversity, political correctness, and liberalism too. But more than all of these, America, its freedom, its troops, and the very fiber of its being, need to be protected from the likes of General George Casey and Barack Hussein Obama who seek to destroy this once great nation. They are the most pressing, most dangerous threat to America as we come to know and love it.

Jim L. Chitty

Writer/Columnist/ Blogger

"There are Americans, and there are Liberals. Which one are you?"

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