Wednesday, October 28, 2009

One post, one topic, three news stories.

With this post I will attempt to deftly and skillfully weave three recent news stories into a single thread of one topic. So, here goes.
"It's just sad to see that in this day and age, the most offensive thing on a shirt can be what people see as a religious symbol" That is a quote from Stephanie Bennis, a senior at Penn State University which finds itself in the midst of a controversy over a t-shirt design that closely resembles a Christian cross.

For more on this story, follow the link;,2933,569665,00.html?test=latestnews

"carving out a tiny parcel of property in the midst of this vast preserve -- like a doughnut hole with the cross atop it -- will do nothing to minimize the impermissible governmental endorsement" of the religious symbol. That is a quote from a 2004 California appeals court decision concerning a cross placed as a WWI veteran's memorial over 75 years ago. One man is suing, seeking the cross' removal because he feels people of other faiths may find it offensive.

"That's when I was told it had to come off, or I would be sent home. So they sent me home for six straight days without pay. And then today they terminated me," 20 year-old Trevor Keezer said about his firing from a Florida Home Depot store for wearing and American flag lapel pin that also contained the words "One nation under God.." Keezer also said he had worked there and worn the pin for 19 months before this became a problem and that it only became a problem after he started bringing his Bible to work with him.

Do you see the common thread here?? It pains me greatly to say this, but Obama may have been right when he asserted recently that America is no longer a Christian nation. Why else would an image on a t-shirt that unintentionally resembles a cross, a cross placed in the Mojave Desert seven decades ago to honor fallen WWI veterans, and a lapel pin that contains an American flag and the words "one nation under God" be so offensive to some people?

I must say I am pleasantly surprised and very pleased with the stance taken by officials at Penn State concerning the t-shirt issue. They are essentially telling the complainers to stop their whining and move on. They are not pulling the shirts from campus bookstores, and the complaints haven't been enough to keep them from selling out. Over 30,000 of them have been sold so far. Here's a novel idea, if the idea of wearing something that could resemble a cross offends you, DON'T BUY THE STINKING SHIRT!!

The incident of the guy being fired from Home Depot over the lapel pin issue is far more disturbing to me than the others for a few reasons. It is not only an attack on faith, but also on patriotism. The pin didn't make exclusive reference to God, it also contained an image of the American flag. The phrase "one nation under God" is in our pledge of allegiance. So, what Home Depot has done, whether intentionally or unintentionally, is show a disdain not only for God, but also for our nation's flag, and for the pledge of allegiance.

This guy had every right in a free country to wear that pin, and to bring his Bible to work. I mean, come one, common sense says that if Home Depot wants to be fair about this they would ban the wearing of ALL pins regardless of content, and would prohibit employees from books of ANY KIND to work with them. Of course that seems a bit too strong so instead they chose to attack the faith and patriotism of a God-fearing, freedom loving employee who in his 19 months working there had been a exemplary employee and had won 6 Homer awards, the highest honor a Home Depot employee can attain. Home Depot doesn't deserve Trevor Keezer. He has way too much to class for them.

Are you a patriotic American who loves his country and freedom? Are you a person of faith who believes everyone should have the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression including Christians? If so, then Home Depot doesn't deserve one more dime of your money from this point forward. I am not one who typically calls for boycotts and such, but that is exactly what I am doing in this case.
Enough is enough! And in this case it is too much. Until Home Depot rescinds their decision to fire this fine man and adjusts their policies on such matters, then they should suffer the consequences financially. Home Depot must pay, and pay dearly for this obvious, blatant, and intentional attack on the faith, freedom, and patriotism of one individual. I can't speak for anyone else on this issue, but I can tell you I am tired of all this politically correct crap. ALWAYS REMEMBER this; America was founded by Godly men on Christian principles with the Bible as the farmework. If you don't like this fact or if it offends you, TOUGH! You are free to leave the country at any time.

Jim L. Chitty

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