Saturday, September 12, 2009

Liar, liar, you should be fired!!

South Carolina Republican Congressman Joe Wilson has become the latest punching bag for the government controlled media after his “outburst” at President Obama’s address to joint house of Congress Tuesday night. When the president mentioned that his healthcare bill would not cover illegal immigrants, Wilson shouted out “you lie”. Many have called for his censure for this break from decorum and Wilson has apologized for that aspect of it, but has backed down from what he said. Nor should he.

We need more people with the spine to stand up to our president and his minions and call them out when they try to deceive us. A caller to a local radio station said yesterday that “John McCain needs to go back to Vietnam and see if he can find his backbone” I would also attach that statement to others in the Republican party who are joining Democraps in calling for Wilson’s censure and even resignation. A bunch of gutless, spine wimps the lot of them. The reason his comments anger them so much is because deep in their liberal bleeding hearts they Wilson is right and it scares them to death!

Obama flat out and blatantly lied about the healthcare bill’s coverage of illegal immigrants. What I find interesting is he said “his plan” wouldn’t cover them. What and where exactly is his plan? Is it something different than H.R 3200 that currently sits in the house waiting for a vote? H.R. 3200 does in fact allow coverage of illegal immigrants in that it prohibits insurance companies and healthcare providers from asking about or checking a person’s citizenship status. This is like the military’s “don’t ask don’t tell” policy. Joe Wilson was right, he lied, plain and simple.

H.R. 3200 also calls for all health insurance policies to cover abortions. Since when does the cold-blooded murder of the innocent unborn qualify as healthcare? It doesn’t. It never has and it never will. That alone should be reason enough to stop this bill dead in its tracks. The only thing we should abort is H.R. 3200.

Our factless leader also lies when he says the bill doesn’t call for euthanizing our nation’s elderly. It does in fact call for panels to be established to conduct audits of each individual covered to determine if they in fact deserve to receive the care needed to keep them alive. Obama will probably select Dr. Kevorkian to head up these panels. So, if you are old and have numerous health issues, but still have the ability to lead a normal and even productive life, these panels may determine that you are too old, sick, and frail and don’t need any further care. You have outlived your usefulness to society and should be put out to pasture. How arrogant and ignorant can these people be?? Of course we are talking about the same guy who while campaigning for president claimed to have visited 57 states and still had six more to go. I guess this answers the previous question.

God bless Joe Wilson for calling Obama out on his lies. He is true American, a true patriot, and a true Conservative. We need more people out there like Joe Wilson who care more what is right for America than they do their own reputation. Wilson’s reputation may have taken a hit and his stock may have gone way down in the warped minds of some, but to me he is a hero of the Conservative movement. God Bless Joe Wilson, God Bless Conservatism, God Bless Patriotism, and most of all God Bless America!!

Jim L. Chitty


“There are Americans, and there are Liberals. Which one are you?”

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