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Friday, September 25, 2009
Reasons why the Obama presidency is good for America....
End of list
Jim L. Chitty
"There are Americans and there are Liberals. Which one are you?"
Thursday, September 24, 2009
10 ways to live longer. According to Forbes.com
2. Be optimistic: Researchers found that optimistic people had a 50% decreased risk of early death compared with those who leaned more toward pessimism. Those with a positive outlook on life are probably less stressed, better equipped to deal with adversity and, consequently, healthier. Optimists also tend to have lower blood pressure than pessimists, which, again, is most likely related to how positive thinkers respond to stress.
3. Have more sex: There's decent evidence that sex helps keep us healthy, and thus increases longevity. But according to researchers, it's not necessarily an actual biological response generated by sex that makes us live longer. What's more likely is that having intimate sex means you are less stressed, happier and better rested--all factors that can lower blood pressure and protect against stroke and heart disease. A study found that "high ejaculation frequency was related to decreased risk of total prostate cancer."
4. Get a pet: People who own pets, especially dogs, have been shown to be less stressed and require fewer visits to their physicians than non-owners. Survival rates for heart attack victims who had a pet have been shown to be 12% longer than for those who did not have one, according to one of the first studies dealing with the impact pets can have on our health. Pet owners have also been shown to have lower blood pressure. The reasons for these findings are most likely related to an array of psychological factors, such as the facts that owning a pet decreases loneliness and depression, encourages laughter and nurturing, and stimulates exercise.
5. Get a VAP: It's estimated that about half of the people with heart diseases have normal cholesterol levels, which raises serious doubt as to the ability of traditional cholesterol tests to detect risk. But more advanced cholesterol tests, like the VAP test may remedy that. The VAP test measures important metrics, which traditional cholesterol tests miss completely. Unlike a regular test, which only detects half of the people with heart disease, the VAP has been shown to detect 90% of heart disease patients. That's important because lipid abnormalities can most often be rectified with medication and dietary changes. And since the danger of the abnormalities is cumulative, the sooner you start making changes, the better. This simple blood test can be done in most doctors' offices.
6. Be rich: In general, population groups that suffer the worst health status are those that have the highest poverty rates and the least education. One possible explanation for this is that higher incomes permit access to better food and housing, safer neighborhoods and increased medical care. Higher incomes also increase the opportunity to engage in health-promoting behaviors. That's not to say that being very wealthy is always better for longevity--after all, being a chief executive certainly exposes you to a high level of stress that can decrease life expectancy. But according to the data, striving to be financially comfortable is a good goal for aspiring centenarians.
7. Stop smoking: To say that smoking is bad for your health is, of course, not revelatory. But it still cannot be denied that quitting can significantly improve your prospects of living a long life. Middle-aged men who are long-term, heavy smokers face twice the risk of developing more aggressive forms of prostate cancer than men who have never smoked, according to findings. According to a recent study cigarette smoking has been clearly linked to the most common causes of death in the elderly. "Smoking is--for all but some exceptional subjects--incompatible with successful aging and compromises life expectancy even in extreme longevity," the study states.
8. Chill out: A study found that men who were classified as having the highest level of anger in response to stress were over three times more likely to develop premature heart disease when compared to men who reported lower anger responses. Furthermore, they were over six times more likely to have a heart attack by the age of 55. One possible explanation for these dramatic findings is the correlation between anger and high blood pressure, a condition that commonly develops in highly stressed individuals. The lesson here is simple: Try as much as you can to let the unavoidable, everyday stresses roll off your shoulders.
9. Eat your antioxidants: Antioxidants, special substances that are found in foods ranging from cinnamon and cloves to blueberries and artichokes, have the ability to scavenge free radicals, compounds whose unstable chemical nature accelerates the effect of aging on our cells.
10. Marry well: While the phrase "marry well" is typically used to describe people who marry someone rich, we are talking about something entirely different: genetics. Apparently, longevity genes can be inherited. Exceptional longevity and healthy aging is an inherited phenotype across three generations. So, for the bachelors out there deciding between a few women, pick the one whose grandparents are still alive. Of course, this won't make you live longer, but it might help your children.
I kind of like the third one and the sixth one, whao more sex equals long life that kind of sound like a good line to convince..............
Wangari Maathai: World-renowned Kenyan environmentalist and Nobel Peace laureate
New York — World-renowned Kenyan environmentalist and Nobel Peace laureate Wangari Maathai has appealed to the world's leaders to agree on an "ambitious" and "binding" deal at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December.
Maathai was speaking at the historic one-day UN summit on climate change held in New York. She was chosen to speak for international civil society and appeared with eight presidents from around the world, including Barack Obama of the United States and Paul Kagame of Uganda.
And now the Nobel Laurette Speaks up on Violent disparities
Wangari Maathai makes the relationship between needs and wars so clear that even the Nobel committee (which awarded her the peace prize in '04) got it. Violent disparities in access to resources, lead to violence. The wars right now destroying people and the planet are wars over the stuff of life: land and water and fuel.
If we can see the link between conflict and resource strain in Kenya and Congo and Brazil, why are we surprised that here at home, anger and tension-in-the-air is rising?
Extreme poverty, bankruptcies, defaults, debt--they're all on the rise for the majority of Americans, even as a tiny minority grow their share of all wealth, and grab more than their fair share of the scarce resource that is the government's care and attention.
The system is stressed and so are the people. A recent Kaiser Family Foundation survey found the average family premium for health insurance rose to $13,375 last year, a jump of 5% even as inflation fell. That makes for an obscene rise of 131% over the past ten years. No wonder, that at the same time the number of Americans without any health coverage rose to 46.3 million.
Healthcare is a scarce resource, and people's fears for themselves and their kids are very real.
The Census Bureau shows that the child poverty rate rose to 19.0% last year. That translates to 14.1 million children living in poverty in the richest nation in the world. By some estimates, that could be 26.6% by the end of 2009.
Income inequality is at an all time high. Resources are strapped. Are we really surprised that fear -- and gun-sales -- are rising?
Maathai's Green Belt movement believes in better environmental stewardship and better sharing will reduce war. She talks about it on GRITtv this week: "There is no way to have peace without equity."
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Beyonce is performing in Malaysia despite its "strict dress code"

Beyoncé has finally agreed to perform in Malaysia, said Josh Grossberg in E! Online, "two years after scrapping a concert there due to anger by Islamic activists over her gyrating stage antics and titillating costumes." The R&B superstar will take her "I Am" world tour to Kuala Lumpur on Oct. 25 despite the Malaysian government's "strict dress code and code of conduct that includes no jumping, shouting, hugging or kissing onstage."
"She won't be allowed to wear her asymmetrical black leotard from her 'Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)' video," that's for sure, said Sarah Marie Pittman in Pollstar. But she obviously feels strongly about performing in Kuala Lumpur, and she's not the first artist to compromise in order to do so: "Rihanna, Avril Lavigne, and Gwen Stefani have all modified their costumes to show a little less skin when performing in Malaysia."
Which is ridiculous, said Tan Poh Kheng in the Sin Chew Daily. "Come on! It's just a concert!" Instead, the "self-proclaimed moral fighters" in the Malaysian government find it necessary to mandate "the moral values of the society." We go through this every time foreign artists perform in Malaysia—and that's why "our country's image gets crucified on the news pages of international media!"
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The email files
So, Let's Recap--
1. The American people elect a black president with a total of 142 days experience as a US Senator from the most politically corrupt state in America whose governor is ousted from office. The President's first official act is to order the close of Gitmo and make sure terrorists civil rights are not violated. (He screwed up!!)
2. The U.S. Congress rushes to confirm a black Attorney General, Eric Holder, whose law firm we later find out represents seventeen Gitmo Terrorists. (An honest mistake?!)
3. The CIA Boss appointee, Leon Panetta, has absolutely no experience, has a daughter Linda, we find out, who is a true radical anti-American activist and a supporter of all the Anti-American regimes in the western hemisphere. (There were socio-economic factors involved!)
4. We got the second most corrupt American woman (Pelosi is #1) as Secretary of State; bought and paid for. (You can put lipstick on a pig, but it still stinks!)
5. We got a Tax Cheat for Treasury Secretary who did not properly file his own taxes for 12 years. (He misspoke!)
6. A Commerce Secretary nominee who withdrew due to corruption charges. (Another honest mistake???)
7. A Tax cheat nominee for Chief Performance Officer who withdrew under charges... (Hmmm... another screw-up?)
8. A Labor Secretary nominee who withdrew under charges of unethical conduct. (Ok, maybe this person was just plain stupid.)
9. A Secretary of HHS nominee (Daschle) who withdrew under charges of cheating on his taxes. (I'm running out of
excuses for these idiots!!)
10. Multiple appointments of former lobbyists after an absolute campaign statement that no lobbyists would be appointed. (Dear God, I need a drink!)
All this occurred just during the first three weeks. . . but who's counting?
America is being run by the modern-day Three Stooges ;Barry, Nancy and Harry and they are still trying to define stimulus..."it's spending!!!"
The congress passes the $80 0,000,000,000 (that's $800 billion) pork-loaded spending bill where the government gives you a smidgen of your tax dollars ($13 per week), making you feel so good about yourself [stimulated], that you want to run out to Wal-Mart and buy a new Chinese-made HDTV and go home and watch Telemundo!
Only in America , what a country...
Pray for our country. Here's the good news though - Obama took Air Force One to Denver to sign the stimulus package, wasting as much as 10,000 gallons of fuel OR 24 JOBS FOR ONE YEAR. Don't you just love this hypocrite?
Speaking of praying, Obama has now been president for seven months and yet he & wife (first lady) Michelle, the Christian family they claim to be, have not attended church since the inauguration. He must miss Reverend Wright!
In these times 'I'll keep my God, my freedom, my gun, and my money. Anyone who supports this insanity can keep "THE CHANGE".'
In God We Trust!
Good stuff!! JC
The Budweiser Story
(not a joke) This is TRUE!
How Budweiser handled those who laughed at those who died on
thought you might like to know what happened in a little town north of
After you finish reading this, please forward this story on to others so that our nation and people around the world will know about those who laughed when they found out about the tragic events
A Budweiser employee was making a delivery to a convenience store in a
to find the two Arabs, who owned the business, whooping and hollering to show their approval
and support of this treacherous attack.
The Budweiser employee went to his truck, called his boss and told him of the very upsetting event! He didn't feel he could be in that store with those horrible people. His boss asked him, 'Do you think you could go in there long enough to pull every Budweiser product and item our beverage company sells there? We'll never deliver to them again.'
The employee walked in, proceeded to pull every single product his beverage company provided and left with an incredible grin on his face. He told them never to bother to call for a delivery again.
Budweiser happens to be the beer of choice for that community. Just letting you know how
And Now The Rest Of The Story:
It seems that the Bud driver and the Pepsi man are neighbors. Bud called Pepsi and told him. Pepsi called his boss who told him to pull all Pepsi products as well!!! That would include Frito Lay, etc.
Furthermore, word spread and all vendors followed suit! At last report, on
Good old American Passive-Aggressive A$$ Whoopin! Pass this along,
I am not a fan of alcoholic beverages or those companies who sell them. They could all go away tomorrow and I would not shed a single tear. That being said, this is a great story!! JC
After being interviewed by the school administration, the prospective teacher said:
"You want me to go into that room with all those kids, correct their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse, monitor their dress habits, censor their T-shirt messages, and instill in them a love for learning."
"You want me to check their backpacks for weapons, wage war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, and raise their sense of self esteem and personal pride."
"You want me to teach them patriotism and good citizenship, sportsmanship and fair play, and how to register to vote, balance a checkbook, and apply for a job."
"You want me to check their heads for lice, recognize signs of antisocial behavior, and make sure that they all pass the final exams."
"You also want me to provide them with an equal education regardless of their handicaps, and communicate regularly with their parents in English, Spanish or any other language, by letter, telephone, newsletter, and report card."
"You want me to do all this with a piece of chalk, a blackboard, a bulletin board, a few books, a big smile, and a starting salary that qualifies me for food stamps."
'You want me to do all this and then you tell me. . . I CAN'T PRAY???"
Well put!!! JC
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I am a domestic terrorist
Here is the nutshell version. President Obama wants any and everyone who considers himself a Christian, a Conservative, believes in gun ownership, favors a smaller less powerful federal government and more powerful states, opposes redistribution of wealth, abortion, and illegal immigration; to be considered "right wing extremists" and "domestic terrorists". He wants us all put on the terrorist watch list. "(U//LES) The DHS/Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) has no specific information that domestic rightwing* terrorists are currently planning acts of violence,but rightwing extremists may be gaining new recruits by playing on their fears about several emergent issues. The economic downturn and the election of the first African American president present unique drivers for rightwing radicalization and recruitment."
Our brave men and women returning from combat are also considered domestic terrorist threats: "(U//FOUO) Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to rightwing extremists. DHS/I&A is concerned that rightwing
extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to boost their violent capabilities. (U//FOUO) DHS/I&A assesses that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat. These skills and knowledge have the potential to boost the
capabilities of extremists—including lone wolves or small terrorist cells—to carry out violence. The willingness of a small percentage of military personnel to join extremist groups during the 1990s because they were disgruntled, disillusioned, or suffering from the psychological effects of war is being replicated today.
— (U) After Operation Desert Shield/Storm in 1990-1991, some returning military
veterans—including Timothy McVeigh—joined or associated with rightwing
extremist groups.
— (U) A prominent civil rights organization reported in 2006 that “large numbers
of potentially violent neo-Nazis, skinheads, and other white supremacists are now
learning the art of warfare in the [U.S.] armed forces.”
— (U//LES) The FBI noted in a 2008 report on the white supremacist movement
that some returning military veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have
joined extremist groups."
If you oppose Obama, you are a threat: "(U//LES) Rightwing extremists are harnessing this historical election as a recruitment
tool. Many rightwing extremists are antagonistic toward the new presidential administration and its perceived stance on a range of issues, including immigration and citizenship, the expansion of social programs to minorities, and restrictions on firearms
— (U//LES) Most statements by rightwing extremists have been rhetorical, expressing concerns about the election of the first African American president, but stopping short of calls for violent action. In two instances in the run-up to the election, extremists appeared to be in the early planning stages of some threatening activity targeting the Democratic nominee, but law enforcement
Those of who oppose illegal immigration are a threat: "(U//FOUO) Rightwing extremists were concerned during the 1990s with the perceptionthat illegal immigrants were taking away American jobs through their willingness to work at significantly lower wages. They also opposed free trade agreements, arguing that these arrangements resulted in Americans losing jobs to countries such as Mexico. (U//FOUO) Over the past five years, various rightwing extremists, including militias and white supremacists, have adopted the immigration issue as a call to action, rallying point, and recruiting tool. Debates over appropriate immigration levels and enforcement policy generally fall within the realm of protected political speech under the First Amendment, but in some cases, anti-immigration or strident pro-enforcement fervor has been directed against specific groups and has the potential to turn violent.
(U//FOUO) DHS/I&A assesses that rightwing extremist groups’ frustration over a perceived lack of government action on illegal immigration has the potential to incite individuals or small groups toward violence. If such violence were to occur, it likely would be isolated, small-scale, and directed at specific immigration-related targets.
— (U//FOUO) DHS/I&A notes that prominent civil rights organizations have observed an increase in anti-Hispanic crimes over the past five years.
— (U) In April 2007, six militia members were arrested for various weapons and explosives violations. Open source reporting alleged that those arrested had discussed and conducted surveillance for a machine gun attack on Hispanics.
— (U) A militia member in Wyoming was arrested in February 2007 after communicating his plans to travel to the Mexican border to kill immigrants crossing into the United States." Translate that into, if you oppose illegal immigration you want all Hispanics dead.
Be careful what you teach your children: "(U//FOUO) Scholars and experts disagree over poverty’s role in motivating violent radicalization orterrorist activity. High unemployment, however, has the potential to lead to alienation, thus increasing an individual’s susceptibility to extremist ideas. According to a 2007 study from the German Institute for Economic Research, there appears to be a strong association between a parent’s unemployment status and the formation of rightwing extremist beliefs in their children—specifically xenophobia and antidemocratic ideals." In other words, if you teach your kids Conservatism, you make them a terrorist threat.
"(U) Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.
So ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, there you have it. The Department of Homeland Security, originally formed to keep us safe from attacks from foreign terrorists has now been turned into an oppressive arm of government that we need to be protected from.
I am a Christian and a Conservative who believes in the 2nd amendment, a strong military, and a small federal government. I oppose redistribution of wealth, Obamacare (which also makes me a racist I am told), abortion, and illegal immigration. So, I guess this means that to Homeland Security this makes me a right wing extremist and a domestic terrorist. Fine, I will wear the label proudly. The truth is, it makes me a TRUE AMERICAN and a PATRIOTIC AMERICAN. So go ahead DHS, put me on your watch list and watch me continue to live my life as a Conservative Christian who believes in all the things that make America great. I have one thing on my side that you don't, THE CONSTITUTION!
Jim L. Chitty
"There are Americans, and there are Liberals. Which one are you?"
Monday, September 14, 2009
Who Wants to be A Millionaire? Aroma makes history, wins N10m

History has been made yesterday in the popular television programme, MTN’s Who Wants to be a Millionaire, when Ufodike Chimuanyan Egwuchukwu Aroma won the coveted N10million. The winner, who hails from Nnewi, in Anambra State, resides in Lagos.
The widely travelled graduate of Geography from University of Nigeria, Nsukka, also holds a master’s degree from University of Lagos (UNILAG). He did not use any lifeline until he got to the N5 million question (level 14 on the money tree). In the course of the show he demanded drinking water.
It was also gathered that the former banker, who is now into steel business, has an identical twin who lives in the United States of America.
Asked what his reading pattern was like, he said: “I read everything that comes my way, except novels and my television habit is poor, except for news, documentaries and sports. Generally, I don’t watch TV, but I visit the theatre.”
Obviously impressed and happy at the breaking of the jinx, fellow contestants and audience lifted him shoulder high right at the studio.
Due to popular demand, the edition would be repeated tomorrow. The popular programme anchored by Frank Edoho is in the sixth season.
Sam Anokam
Kanye West on Taylor Swift (MTV Video Music Awards)

Kanye showed up on the MTV Video Music Awards stage next to Taylor Swift, right in the middle of her acceptance speech for Best Female Video for "You Belong With Me."
"I always dreamed about what it would be like to win one of these one day," Taylor said with surprise. "I never thought it would happen."
As Taylor continued, Kanye interrupted, saying he thought Beyonce's "Single Ladies" video was wrongly overlooked. "Hey Taylor, I'm really happy for you, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time."
Taylor looked humiliated. The audience booed him, and gave her a standing ovation.
Taylor was competing with Beyonce, Lady GaGa, Pink, and Kelly Clarkson in that category.
Pink tweeted about her annoyance with Kanye. "Kanye West is the biggest piece of sh-t on earth. Quote me," she wrote. "My heart goes out to Taylor Swift. She is a sweet and talented girl, and deserved her moment. She should know we all love her."
Fortunately, Taylor got another chance to complete her acceptance speech. When Beyonce accepted the Best Video Award for "Single Ladies," she invited Taylor back on stage.
"Wow, this is amazing," Beyonce said when receiving her award. "I remember being 17-years-old and up for my first MTV award with Destiny's Child. It was one of the most exciting moments in my life. So, I'd like for Taylor to come out and have her moment."
Taylor then joined Beyonce on stage and recited her acceptance speech, only making a subtle reference to the incident. Before rattling off her special thanks, she said, "Maybe we can try this again."
After the awards, Kanye posted an apology to Taylor on his website, KanyeUniversecity.com. "I'M SOOOOO SORRY TO TAYLOR SWIFT AND HER FANS AND HER MOM," Kanye wrote on his site, AP reported. "I SPOKE TO HER MOTHER RIGHT AFTER AND SHE SAID THE SAME THING MY MOTHER WOULD'VE SAID. SHE IS VERY TALENTED!"
Source: Yahoomusicnews
I wonder what Kanye West was thinking!!!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Questions that made History on Who wants to be a Millionaire Nigeria
1. Which of these is the name of a British Football Club?
A. Blackburn Losers
B. Blackburn Rovers
C. Blackburn Lovers
D. Blackburn Wanderers
2. An establishment where money can be deposited or withdrawn is called what?
A. Fridge
B. Bank
C. Market
D. Shoe
3. Name given to a boy born on Sunday in Ghana is what?
A. Bassey
B. Kwesi
C. Abiodun
D. Ejima
4. Which of the following refer to the word fire?
A. Inferno
B. Domino
C. Stiletto
D. Tornado
5. According to the constitution a public officer is not allowed to do which of these?
A. Marry a wife
B. Bury a dead parent
C. Have thanksgiving in church
D. Accept gifts or favour in kind
6. The process by which genetic traits are transmitted from parents to offspring is called what?
A. Tenacity
B. Verifiability
C. Hereditary
D. Validation
7. Roland Garros stadium is in which city?
A. Paris
B. Copenhagen
C. New York
D. Madrid
8. Where is Tiananmen Square?
A. Mumbai
B. Beijing
C. Rio de Janeiro
D. Seville
9. The word supersonic denotes which of these?
A. A speed equal to that of sound
B. A speed greater than that of sound
C. A speed equal to that of light
D. A speed greater than that of light
10. Which of these holds bones together at the joints of the body?
A. Nephrons
B. Nerves
C. Ligaments
D. Stitches
11. Linus Mbah achieved fame in Nigerian sporting circles as what?
A. Swimmer
B. Referee
C. Football Fan
D. Judoka
12. DAX refers to the stock market of which country?
A. France
B. United States
C. Germany
D. India
13. Who won the Academy Award for directing the movie ‘Million Dollar Baby’?
A. Clint Eastwood
B. Oliver Stone
C. Peter Jackson
D. Morgan Freeman
14. In which country is the Galeras Volcano?
A. Lebanon
B. Columbia
C. Japan
D. Eritrea
15. Professor Maathai Wangari won the Nobel Prize for which of these?
A. Literature
B. Economics
C. Peace
D. Medicine
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Tests reveals Caster Semenya is Hermaphrodite

Tests have revealed South African women's athlete Caster Semenya is a hermaphrodite, born with male and female sex organs.
WORLD athletics is in crisis with tests showing champion runner Caster Semenya is a hermaphrodite - having both female and male sexual characteristics.
The tests, not yet publicly released, show the 18-year-old has no womb or ovaries. The International Association of Athletics Federations is expected to disqualify the South African from future events and advise her to have surgery because her condition carries grave health risks, The Daily Telegraph reports.
And she could be stripped of the gold medal she won in Berlin in last month. Semenya has three times more testosterone than a normal female. A source closely involved with the IAAF tests said Semenya had internal testes - the male sexual organs which produce testosterone.
Testosterone is a male hormone with a primary task of building muscle bulk. It also produces body hair and a deep voice. It is believed Semenya is unaware the tests identify her as an hermaphrodite.
source: lindaikeji.blogspot.com
This came in an email recently. I thought it was worth sharing. Not sure who wrote it originally. Enjoy!!
God's accuracy may be observed in the hatching of eggs. For example,
The eggs of the potato bug hatch in 7 days;
Those of the canary in 14 days;
Those of the barnyard hen in 21 days.
The eggs of ducks and geese hatch in 28 days;
Those of the mallard in 35 days.
The eggs of the parrot and the ostrich hatch in 42 days.
(Notice, they are all divisible by seven).
God's wisdom is seen in the making of an elephant. The four legs of this great beast all bend forward in the same direction. No other quadruped is so made. God planned that this animal would have a huge body, too large to live on two legs. For this reason He gave it four fulcrums so that it can rise from the ground easily.
The horse rises from the ground on its two front legs first. A cow rises from the ground with its two hind legs first.
How wise the Lord is in all His works of creation! God's wisdom is revealed in His arrangement of sections and segments, as well as in the number of grains.
Each watermelon has an even number of stripes on the rind.
Each orange has an even number of segments.
Each ear of corn has an even number of rows.
Each stalk of wheat has an even number of grains.
Every bunch of bananas has on its lowest row an even number of bananas, and each row decreases by one, so that one row has an even number and the next row an odd number.
The waves of the sea roll in on shore twenty-six to the minute in all kinds of weather.
All grains are found in even numbers on the stalks. The Lord specified thirty fold, sixty fold, and a hundredfold - all even numbers.
God has caused the flowers to blossom at certain specified times during the day, so that Linnaeus, the great botanist, once said that if he had a conservatory containing the right kind of soil, moisture and temperature, he could tell the time of day or night by the flowers that were open and those that were closed!
Thus the Lord in His wonderful grace can arrange the life that is entrusted to His care in such a way that it will carry out His purposes and plans, and will be fragrant with His presence. Only the God-planned life is successful. Only the life given over to the care of the Lord is safe.
*Author unknown
Until we meet again; May The Lord Gently Wrap You in His Love.
Liar, liar, you should be fired!!
South Carolina Republican Congressman Joe Wilson has become the latest punching bag for the government controlled media after his “outburst” at President Obama’s address to joint house of Congress Tuesday night. When the president mentioned that his healthcare bill would not cover illegal immigrants,
We need more people with the spine to stand up to our president and his minions and call them out when they try to deceive us. A caller to a local radio station said yesterday that “John McCain needs to go back to Vietnam and see if he can find his backbone” I would also attach that statement to others in the Republican party who are joining Democraps in calling for Wilson’s censure and even resignation. A bunch of gutless, spine wimps the lot of them. The reason his comments anger them so much is because deep in their liberal bleeding hearts they Wilson is right and it scares them to death!
Obama flat out and blatantly lied about the healthcare bill’s coverage of illegal immigrants. What I find interesting is he said “his plan” wouldn’t cover them. What and where exactly is his plan? Is it something different than H.R 3200 that currently sits in the house waiting for a vote? H.R. 3200 does in fact allow coverage of illegal immigrants in that it prohibits insurance companies and healthcare providers from asking about or checking a person’s citizenship status. This is like the military’s “don’t ask don’t tell” policy. Joe Wilson was right, he lied, plain and simple.
H.R. 3200 also calls for all health insurance policies to cover abortions. Since when does the cold-blooded murder of the innocent unborn qualify as healthcare? It doesn’t. It never has and it never will. That alone should be reason enough to stop this bill dead in its tracks. The only thing we should abort is H.R. 3200.
Our factless leader also lies when he says the bill doesn’t call for euthanizing our nation’s elderly. It does in fact call for panels to be established to conduct audits of each individual covered to determine if they in fact deserve to receive the care needed to keep them alive. Obama will probably select Dr. Kevorkian to head up these panels. So, if you are old and have numerous health issues, but still have the ability to lead a normal and even productive life, these panels may determine that you are too old, sick, and frail and don’t need any further care. You have outlived your usefulness to society and should be put out to pasture. How arrogant and ignorant can these people be?? Of course we are talking about the same guy who while campaigning for president claimed to have visited 57 states and still had six more to go. I guess this answers the previous question.
God bless Joe Wilson for calling Obama out on his lies. He is true American, a true patriot, and a true Conservative. We need more people out there like Joe Wilson who care more what is right for
Jim L. Chitty
“There are Americans, and there are Liberals. Which one are you?”
Obama: The ultimate control freak.
He already controls the banking industry and the auto industry. He is trying to gain control of the insurance and healthcare industries as well. He also has his sights the radio and TV industries and the Internet. Government already controls the public schools. He has appointed a “pay czar” to review and regulate how much CEO’s of major industries get paid. If we are going to have “czars” over various industries then don’t we need a czar czar too??
Obama managed to pull off a take over of the banking industry by creating and implementing the stimulus package and appointing the pay czar. He managed to take over General Motors and Chrysler and appointing a car czar, all the while saying he “doesn’t want to be in the car business”. Gee, his lips were moving, he must have been lying.
There is this this wonderful, dare I even say sacred instrument known as the Constitution that plainly spells out the role of government. That role has nothing to do with government controlling private industries. The private sector should always remain privately owned and privately controlled. When government begins taking over private businesses we should all fear that private home lives and our churches will be next.
Obama has never owned, run or controlled a business of any kind. He was a community organizer, whatever that is. The fact that some uninformed and unplugged voters put him in our nation’s highest elected office does not automatically make him qualified for the job. Nor does it make those who voted for him qualified to have the privilege of voting.
So Mr. President, Mr. Community Organizer, Mr. Control Freak - N - Chief, if you want to organize something then organize your sock drawer. If you want to control something, try controlling your insatiable appetite and lust for power and control, but LEAVE MY COUNTRY ALONE!!!! In fact, you could just leave the country altogether. We would all be better off. If you do though, fly out on a commercial airliner, Air Force 1 belongs to us.
Jim Chitty
“There are Americans, and there are Liberals. Which one are you?”
Sunday, September 6, 2009
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Thursday, September 3, 2009
The Patch - Too good not to share
The other day I had to go to the emergency room. Not wanting to sit there waiting for 4 hours, I put on my old Army fatigues and stuck a patch onto the front of my shirt that I had downloaded off of the Internet.
When I went into the ER I noticed that 3/4 got up and left. I guess they decided they weren't that sick after all. That cut at lest 3 hours off of my waiting time.
Here' the patch. Feel free to use it next time you need faster emergency service.

It also works at the DMV and the laundromat. Don't use it at McDonald's though. The whole crew will exit and you will never get your order.
Monalisa Chinda Admits "Her Marriage Has Crashed
She disclosed this through a statement by her lawyer, Mr Festus Keyamo, confirming weeks of speculations and inquiries about the marriage contracted about five years ago.
In the statement, the mother of one says the marriage broke down because of incompatibility and irreconcilable differences.
“Like millions of other marriages, my marriage had its own strains and stress. I loved and adored my husband but there were many areas of incompatibility between us.
These instances of incompatibility led us to disagree strongly on many occasions. At the end, it appeared we could not manage the situation, which led to the marriage breaking down irretrievably.’’
The actress, who is one of the 13 Glo Ambassadors recently selected by the telecommunication giants, said she has instructed her counsel, Festus Keyamo, to file for divorce.
But despite the break-up, she said she will continue to respect her husband. In the formal statement, she promised to take care of her daughter and not to rehash the sordid details of the failed marriage in the media.
“As a proper African woman, I will continue to respect my husband and will not raise my voice against him, since he is the father of my beautiful daughter. I will not exchange words with him in the media. I wish him well in all his endeavours and I hope he wishes me well too,” she said.
In the statement, which read in part like a sack letter, she said she will not offer any further comments as she would like to concentrate on her career and carry on in her responsibility as a Glo ambassador.
The break up is coming as a surprise as Monalisa on several occasions vowed that nothing could separate her from her husband. She was once quoted to have said at the christening of their daughter,Tamar Kirejesu , that if she were to reincarnate she would still marry Dejo again.
Sometime s last year, a soft-sell magazine reported that Monalisa had relocated to her uncle’s house in FESTAC. She promptly denied it, saying she only went there because of its proximity to her film location then. She described those peddling the rumour as enemies of progress.
When contacted on phone, her husband said he was shocked that his wife took such an action.
“What happened between us does not call for divorce. She has simply succumbed to bad advisers from her family and friends. I have made efforts to talk to her but she is not picking my calls,” he said.
NFC learnt that Monalisa packed out of her matrimonial home about a month ago for reasons she is not willing to divulge yet.
Source: http://www.nigeriafilms.com
Sunmbo Ajaba's Breakup with Tu Face Idibia
In a telephone chat with Sunmbo, she didn’t hesitate to confirm the story saying “It is real. I am single but not searching. We actually broke up on Saturday August 15th 2009, I was on vacation and was spending time with him and then something struck me, and that prompted me to ask him if he still loves me. I was surprised when he couldn’t say yes or no. That was a sign that something was wrong. So, I went ahead to query him on it and it became his decision that we should break up. I was not expecting it. Initially, I thought it was because he was going through some pressures, but I later found out it was what he wanted. We talked about it like matured minds and that was it. You see nevertheless, I will still say that it could be because he’s going through a lot at the moment, or the devil is trying to push him against me, because I pray for him a lot, or the devil is trying to mess him up. I didn’t fight back so I gave him time, but he insisted that we should not be sleeping together any more.

I was relieved when he broke up with me, but I was like, will it affect our children? We gave birth to those kids with a lot of love, so it won’t affect them except that daddy and mommy won’t be spending time together anymore. I think it is a lesson for a lot of people. You see I don’t want to live in denial. He is a good man but he has to correct a lot of things. These are things he can’t change. I still love him and will always do. Like it is in the bible, Jesus had 12 disciples and knew that Judas would betray him some day, but he still thread that path with him till the end. I am a very decent person and even if the devil wants to mess you up, you don’t want to stay in that mess. We got it going on very well at the beginning, I loved him and he loved me to, somehow something went wrong.
You see a lot of people said it from the beginning that our relationship was altar bound, but sometimes some things happen and you just have to let it go. I don’t want to get married because of children, but because of love and all that can make a marriage work. I have been with Tuface for seven years and my relationship with him has made me a strong woman and it has strengthened my spiritual life. He has taught me a lot and has become my source of joy but it’s all over now. I’m not fighting anyone over him. I am out of the picture and I am happy to be who I am now”
by Afolabi Adekoya of City People Magazine