Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I Believe

I believe that true Conservatism means less government involvement in our personal lives and decisions, not more. It is not the job of the federal government to run our lives. It is not their job to make health care decisions for our families. It is not government’s job to provide all American with “free” health care. Nothing is free. Someone has to pay for it. It is tax dollars, yours and mine, that pay for this “free” health care. So, essentially, we are paying for our own health care anyway.

I further believe that government should not be in business of owning and running private businesses such as banks, automobile companies, and health care and/or insurance companies. The private sector should remain private.

I believe that abortion is cold-blooded murder, and not a choice. When a woman gives birth, she does not give birth to a choice, she gives birth to a child. A choice doesn’t have a heart beat while still in the womb, a child does. A choice doesn’t give you a thumbs up or a wave in the 28 week sonogram picture, a child does. The only time choice enters into the picture is when the couple chooses to engage in the sex act that creates the child.

I further believe that rape is not an excuse for the murderous act that is abortion. Think about this; a woman gets raped and as a result winds up pregnant. That child is not the one who committed the rape. In many ways, this unplanned, unwanted child is as much a victim as its mom. God help us when we become a nation that kills our innocent victims. Or have we become that already?? If taking a life after the commission of rape is in order, then why not take the life of the rapist, not the innocent victim?

I believe the federal government should not be in the business of educating our children. The government schools in this country no longer educate anyway, they indoctrinate. They have welcomed atheism, liberalism, and political correctness into our schools under the guise of diversity and equality, and have kicked God to the curb. I also believe that if government is going to involve itself in the education of our children, then it should offer alternatives to its own schools in the form of vouchers available to parents who wish to send their kids somewhere where they can get a real, quality education.

I further believe that our schools should not be in the business of teaching Christianity, nor should they be hostile towards the Christian beliefs of students, parents, or faculty. In any public school in America, a child can walk down the hallway carrying a Playboy magazine, and not get into trouble. But let another student walk through the same hall carrying Charisma, a Christian magazine, and he will be suspended or even expelled. A child can walk through public school hallways carrying a copy of the Quran or the Satanic bible and not get in trouble. In fact, the act will be celebrated and as a wonderful display of freedom and diversity. Let it be the Christian Bible though, and the child is expelled and the contraband Bible is confiscated. I believe this should never occur in a country with a Constitution that guarantees freedom of religion and freedom speech. I guess it is now true, American offers total freedom of speech and freedom of religion, to everyone but Christians.

I believe that the global warming “crisis” is contrived in order to make people like Al Gore even more wealthy. The earth was created by God to have cyclical periods of warming and cooling. When the earth’s temperature rises or falls a degree or two, it is not sign of impending peril or doom. It is instead a sign that this complex organism that is the planet we live on is in fact functioning exactly the way God designed and intended for it to function. Mere mortals like ourselves cannot control the rate at which the earth warms and cools. Only God can do that. Driving hybrids and those so-called Smart cars will make no difference whatsoever. I also believe that those Smart cars are actually themselves smarter than their politically correct, left leaning, enviro-Nazi owners.

I believe that the people who are taking advantage of the federal government’s “cash for clunkers” program are among the lowest common denominator when it come to intelligence. They actually believe they are getting “free” government assistance to purchase a new, government approved car. The reality is they are either blinded to or purposely ignoring is the fact that this $4500 the government is allegedly “giving” to the dealerships on their behalf is in fact their money to begin with. Government cannot give anything to anyone that it has not first taken from someone else. Government has taken their tax money, along with yours and mine, and is using their money to help pay for their car. So, in essence, these people are giving the dealership their “clunker” and the government is giving the dealership the customer’s own money it confiscated from them in the form of taxes, so the customer is in reality paying for their own car. They give away their perfectly good older car that is probably paid for, have their tax money taken from them and given to the car dealer, and in return they get $20,000-$30,000 in debt. Who exactly is being taken advantage of here?? So tell me “cash for clunkers” participants, how’s that hope and change working out for you??

I believe that the 2nd Amendment is and should be everyone’s concealed carry permit. How much more clear can “the right to keep and bear arms” be?? It doesn’t say “the right to keep and bear arms as long as the government approves of it”. Gun control legislation of any kind is clearly and completely unconstitutional.

I further believe there should only be two kinds of gun control; a good aim and a steady hand. Gun control means you hit what you are aiming and shooting at. An unarmed citizenry is socialism and communism’s best friend. Government should have a reverential fear of the citizenry. The citizenry should not have to fear an oppressive, out of control, overbearing, tyrannical government.

I believe that on Nov. 4 2008 when America became an Obama nation, it also became an abomination. The uninformed and uneducated among us voted into office a Marxist/Socialist whose sole purpose is to destroy this country by making it a Socialist utopia. America’s only hope of survival aside from turning back to God and the Christian principles and ideals it was founded on, is for the informed and educated voters among us to vote this clown out of office in 2012.

I further believe that there are Americans, and there are liberals. That the two are mutually exclusive and one cannot be both. Just as one cannot be both a Christian and a Democrat. The two cancel each other out. It is an oxymoron to say you’re an American liberal or a Christian Democrat, and only a plain, ordinary, garden variety moron will believe you if you did say it.

It is past time for Conservative, patriotic, freedom loving Americans to rise up and take this country back. The true Americans among us. The ones who matter. I believe we can do this, the question is will we. I will do my part. Will you??

Jim L. Chitty
“There are Americans, and there are Liberals. Which one are you?”

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