Thursday, June 18, 2009

How are you defined?

It has been said that we are known, even defined by the company we keep. That could not be more true. It is also true that we are known and defined by those we support and defend or those we oppose and vilify.

With these premises now being established, let's take a look at our supreme leader Obama and see where he fits into this equation. Let's examine some the people he associates with, that he calls friends, and let's also take a look at some of the people he so clearly and vehemently opposes.

We all know about his widely reported association, even friendship with a Chicago criminal named Tony Rezko. Then there is his 20 year association with his pastor the wrong Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Wright is famous of course for spewing his hate-filled venom towards America as a nation, Jews, and white people in general. Obama appointed a known tax cheat (Tim Giethner) to be his treasury secretary. I have to wonder, with an arsenal of friends like these, who needs enemies?

On the other side of this coin, let's look at those who Obama does in fact consider his enemies and who so vehemently opposes and vilifies every chance he gets. Obama and his willing cohorts in the government controlled media go out of their way to ridicule and vilify Christians who stand up for the innocent unborn and stand in defense of the traditional definition of marriage. They scorn and make fun of patriotic Conservative Americans who speak out against government policies. They vilify and disrespect our military for doing what they signed up to do. They demean Conservative talk-radio, the only public media voice that the American citizens have. They ignore and disrespect the Constitution.

They oppose freedom, Conservatism, Christianity, and the rule of law because all of these things are the polar opposite of what they believe in and stand for. In their warped minds, government should run the people, not the people run the government. To them, freedom and liberties should be given out on a limited basis to a select few as dictated by the powers that be, and are not a gift freely given by God to all people and upheld by the Constitution.

They oppose everything that has made America the greatest nation on the planet and will keep it that way because the concepts of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to bear arms scares them to death. These clowns are more afraid of God-fearing, freedom loving, patriotic, Conservative Americans than they are ruthless, murderous, terrorist dictators. That's because the God-fearing, freedom loving, patriotic, Conservative Americans pose a much greater threat to their ideology and their very existence than the terrorists do. In fact, these Socialist Liberals who are in power currently are more closely aligned in their beliefs and their ideology with terrorist thugs and dictators than they are with the majority of Americans.

That is why our next round of elections are so vital. The very future and existence of our nation hangs in the balance. We must not allow ourselves to be fooled and sucked in by charismatic empty suits promising hope and change. We must not let slick talkers who are not even smart enough to know how many states we have or the difference between a breathalizer and an inhaler convince us that they are worthy of our vote or that they are qualified to run the world's greatest nation. Barack Obama and his minions are not even qualified to run amok, not to mention the United States of America. It's time to put real Americans, Conservative Americans, back in Congress and the White House!

Jim Chitty
"There are Americans, and there are Liberals. Which one are you?"

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