Saturday, May 30, 2009


If President Obama has his way pretty soon here in America if you buy a GM car that’s exactly who you will be buying it from. I guess instead of General Motors, GM will now stand for Government Motors. Surely I am not the only one who sees the overt Socialism at work here. Government controlling private business and deciding which one’s should and should not stay open is not at all what the founding fathers intended.

President Obama himself has decided that many dealerships across the country should be closed and which ones should remain in business. And, it is becoming more and more apparent that his decisions in this regard were not based on the profitability of the dealerships, but rather on favoritism and political cronyism. Dealerships whose owners supported and contributed financially to the campaigns of Obama’s opponents have been targeted for closure, while dealerships owned by former Clinton staffer Thomas F. “Mack” McClarty and Robert Thomas, Chairman of Black Entertainment Television and personal friend of Obama’s, are being kept open. In fact, in many cities where McClarty and Thomas own dealerships, other dealerships that are in direct competition with them are the ones being closed. This essentially ensures the success of their dealerships regardless of their business practices or profitability because they are the only ones left standing.

The automobile industry is and has been having serious problems for quite sometime. Government intervention and even take over of the auto industry is not the answer or the solution to the problem. It IS the problem. It is government mandates place on the automobile industry, confiscatory taxes levied upon them, and union thuggery that have caused the problems. Thinking that turning a sinking over to the ones who sunk it to begin with is going to somehow fix everything is the height of ignorance and incompetence.

We are speeding down the superhighway towards Socialism and there appears to be no speed limit. There also appear to be no right hand turns either. This is a direction that is not good for America or Americans. Once we take the exit ramp that leads to Socialism and total government control, there may be no turning back and the end result will be the complete and utter destruction of America as we once knew it.

I can assure you, if I buy a new car anytime soon, it will be a Ford, a Mazda, a Honda, or even a Hyundai. It will not however be a Government Motors product. GM was once a symbol of all that was right about America. Now this government take over it will sadly symbolize all that is wrong with America.

Jim L. Chitty


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