I have always believed that our illustrious would-be Messiah that the stupid people of
Now, unless I totally slept through government and civics classes in high school, which is doubtful since I got an “A” in that subject, I distinctly remember learning that the job of the Supreme Court is not to practice empathy, or to write legislation, but rather to examine legislation written and laws passed under the light of the Constitution, to see that those laws pass muster.
For those of you who have forgotten what you were taught in government class all those years ago, or for the younger ones among us who have sadly been mis-taught and misinformed, allow me to give you a quick refresher course. Our government here in
Miss Sotomayor has said in her own words that she hopes to be able in her new position to make better laws than the ones we currently have. She and President Obama both believe that the Constitution is a “living, beathing document” that is still being shaped and formed to this day. To believe this is as ridiculous and ludicrous as it would be to believe that the Bible is not the final word from God but that it is also still being written, shaped, and formed to this day. The fact is, the Constitution is stone cold dead. It is what it is and it says what it says. If Mr. Obama and Ms. Sotomayor have a problem with that I am sure there are many third world countries who would love to have them. Mr. Obama has even said that he looking forward to her getting on the court and “finally dispensing some justice”, as if to suggest that has not been done at any other time in the history of the court.
Aside from Ms. Sotomayor’s obvious disdain for the Constitution and her 2001 statement that she believes that based on her life experiences as a Latina that she could “make better judgments than white males”, there is the larger issue of her rulings having been deemed wrong and overturned on 8 different occasions by the very same Supreme Court she has been nominated to. This alone, more so than anything else, clearly illustrates her lack of qualification to be a Supreme Court Justice.
What it boils down to is, we have a president and Supreme Court nominee who both feel the most important criteria and qualifications for holding that position is being a racist, a judicial activist, and having empathy, rather than interpreting the law as it is written .
This pick, and the fact that some gutless, spineless wimps in Congress who call themselves Republicans will probabl y let her nomination sail through unopposed does not bode well for America. These gutless wonders are afraid of being called racists if they oppose Mr. Obama and Ms. Sotomayor. What they should be more afraid of is being unemployed come next election should they vote to confirm her.
I’m sure I will be called a racist for writing this column. If opposing someone’s views and ideology based solely on the merits or lack of merit of those views and ideology, and that someone whose views you oppose happens to be black or Hispanic, makes me a racist, then so be it. I wear the label proudly and with dignity and honor. The truth is, only those who were dumb enough to vote these clowns into office to begin with, are the only ones stupid enough to believe that opposing them based on their views and policy statements alone is racist. This is not a very smart crowd we are dealing with here. And that fact is sad and unfortunate for
Jim L. Chitty
"There are Americans, and there
are Liberals. Which one are you?"