Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Who's worse, Don Imus, or Russ Martin?

Controversial local radio shock jerk Russ Martin was arrested and charged with aggravated assault this past weekend. the 48 year-old Martin was accused by his fiance of hitting her, kicking her, pulling some of her hair out, and then grabbing a Glock semi-automatic pistol and threatening her with it. An emergency protective order was issued against Martin and his concealed carry permit was revoked. He was arrested and charged with a crime that caused bodily injury to another person and yet no one is publicly calling for his firing and it appears his radio career may remain intact. Don Imus merely shot off his mouth in a poor attempt at humor and some overly sensitive people when it comes to race were offended by it and he had to go. And, he was fired. He caused no bodily harm. He was never arrested or charged with any crime. Why was he fired and Russ Martin apparently getting a free pass?

Because it was the politically correct thing to do, jumping on the racism bandwagon after Imus' comments. I guess actually causing bodily harm and committing aggravated assault is not as big a deal to some warped and twisted souls out there as perceived racism is. Don Imus was fired for his remarks. Russ Martin must not only be fired, but have his radio career come to an end as well. Fairness demands it. What Russ Martin is accused of was far worse than what Don Imus said. The media and all those who breathlessly clambered for Imus' head on a platter are strangely silent on Russ Martin. All of these folks either need to speak out against Martin's actions, or apologize to Don Imus immediately. Consistency calls for it and fairness demands it! Besides, Dallas/Fort Worth radio will sound better without all the sludge that Martin purveys on his so-called radio show. Personally, I say good riddance!!

Jim Chitty

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