Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Another one bites the dust - The plot thickens

With the very timely departure of Rudy Giuliani from the Republican presidential race the plot definitely thickens. Rudy purposely set out of the campaigns in earlier primary states, putting all of his eggs in what he thought was a sure-fire basket, the Florida Primary. Giuliani finished a distant and dismal third behind second place finisher Mitt Romney, and winner John McCain. This departure is the first of what will hopefully become a mass exodus of all of the pseudo-Conservatives, leaving the only true Conservative left in the race, Mitt Romney, with the nomination.

John McCain, who like Giuliani isn't even within driving distance of being a true Conservative on most issues, is now the front runner. Giuliani has endorsed and thrown his support behind McCain. The other Conservative wanna-be, Mike Huckabee, is hanging on by a thread. The problem with either McCain or Huckabee is that both are way too soft on illegal immigration. McCain co-authored the McCain-Kennedy bill that would have granted amnesty to over 20 million illegal immigrants. He also co-authored the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill which has proven to be one of the biggest rapes of free speech in our nation's history? Is the really the man we want to elect as our next President??

Huckabee had an apparent frenzy of paroling convicted felons, many of whom were murderers some of whom killed again after being released, while he was Governeor of Arkansas. He also raised taxes. He also talked about how he thought giving in-state tuition rates to children of illegal immigrants was a good idea and talked about how illegals are "all God's children" seeming to indicate that for this reason we should just overlook their law-breaking. Apparently he felt the same way about all those cons he paroled. He also spoke recently about a spiritual mandate to solve the global warming crisis. Which we all know is a big fat hoax to begin with. There is no such crisis and there is no such scriptural mandate. How little must this former pastor think of God to assert that we as mere humans can destroy something as vast and complex as the earth that God created.

I have been accused recently of Huckabee bashing. If shedding light on his public voting record and his governing style is "bashing", and if illustrating the fallacy of his very own statements is "bashing" then so be it. Guilty as charged. The truth is, some Huckabee supporters are so blinded by his claims to Christianity that they are blinded to the truth of his record. They don't want to hear the truth because they can't handle the truth and try to paint those of us who expose the truth as Huckabee bashers. I wear the title proudly.

So basically, it boils down to the choice between a Mormon, a liberal wearing a Republican label, and yet another former Arkansas governor from Hope, who when you get right down to it, isn't that far removed from the first dope from Hope that ran for national public office. As much as it pains to say it, I believe I'll take the Mormon.

Jim Chitty

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