Monday, December 31, 2007

Why Mike Huckabee is NOT our man.

You would think that as a Christian and a staunch Conservative that I would be all atwitter over Mike Huckabee as a potential GOP Presidential nominee. Well, if you were to think that you would be wrong.

I will not be supporting Mike Huckabee for the following reasons. While I admire his stances on issues of faith and morality, he has a long ways to go on other issues. He supports giving taxpayer funded government benefits to illegal immigrants and thinks we should just overlook the fact that they are illegal. "They're all God's children" he says. So are the rapists, murderers, and pedophiles we have incarcerated in our prisons too. That doesn't mean we're going to overlook their law-breaking and even reward them for it.

Most recently he has been talking about a so-called biblical mandate for solving the global warming crisis. He claims to be a minister but yet has such a frail grasp of scripture as to assert some thing this vapid?? What else is he deceiving us about? The fact is the Earth is functioning exactly the way God created it to function. He intended for the Earth to have cyclical periods of warming and cooling. Does Huckabee think so little of God and His creation that he actually thinks another one of God's creations, mankind, can destroy something as vast and complex as this planet?

I would challenge him to show me chapter and verse for his assertion that the Bible commands us to solve this contrived problem. I would also challenge him and any other global warming sycophants out there to explain to me how then if man and our cars and planes and factories are responsible for our impending doom, why was the Earth warmer in the year 1000 A.D. than it is now? None of things blamed for this so-called crisis existed back then. If it isn't cyclical the way God planned for it to be, then what caused it??

We know he raised taxes a ton while he was governor of Arkansas. Now he says he did that to fund education. Well, funding education by raising taxes is a very liberal thing to do. Besides, if he used this money to improve education why is Arkansas' educational system ranked 32nd out of the 50 states? What is there to show for all of the money confiscated from taxpayers? Looks like not a whole lot.

Mike Huckabee is not the place to go for true Conservative Christian values. I would support Mitt Romney before I would support Huckabee. Still though, I am firmly in the Fred Thompson camp. No, there will NEVER be another Ronald Reagan, but at least for this election cycle, Thompson is about as close as we're going to get. It certainly isn't Rudy, or McCain, or Huckabee.

Jim Chitty

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