You won't see these pictures in the mainstream media.
What follows is a group of pictures from Iraq that I guarantee you will not EVER see on CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, or any other broadcast or print media outlets. The reason is because they don't want us to know the truth. They want to paint the picture that our troops are evil murderers who are just over there to rape an pillage the Iraqi people. They don't want us to know that we are actually making a difference over there. Good news from Iraq is actually bad news for them and for the Democrat so-called leaders in Washington. It doesn't fit their agenda of defeat. So, enjoy the true images from the front lines of battle. Do bad things happen? Of course they do, it's a war, and wars are never pretty. But good things happen as well, and these are just some of them.
Oh the horror!! U.S. Troops making Iraqi kids smile! How dare they!
This kid really looks like he's sorry we're over there!
This little Iraqi girl was shot in the head by insurgents. Her family was killed by the same insurgents. This U.S. soldier found her, and got her the medical attention she needed. She would often cry at night in the hospital. This soldier was the ONLY person who could calm and quiet her down. He would often sleep in a chair in the hospital cradling her while they both slept. I'll have none of the poisonous, hateful rhetoric that says we're only over there to kill Iraqi children! That garbage comes from deranged people with little or no intelligence. If it wasn't for our presence over there, this little girl would be dead.
I guess this is what some on the left would call torture!
Nah, our troops don't care at all about Iraqi children! (Tongue planted firmly in cheek)
The broadcast media as well as newspapers like the New York Slimes, the Washington Compost, The Atlanta Urinal and Constipation, and our very own Dallas Mourning Snooze and Fort Worth Startlegram would spin this picture something like this; "U.S. soldier forces Iraqi girl to do manual labor." In reality, she just wanted to help and wanted to be given the time of day!
I guess these smiles are all fake too.
Another example of torture?? then why are all of the other Iraqi kids waiting in line for their turn??
This picture needs no explanation!
Wake up America!! Stop letting the Democrat so-called leadership in Washington and their willing accomplices in the media force feed you a bunch of lies! Our troops being in Iraq is the Iraqi people's best hope for survival. Our being over there and fighting terrorist insurgents in Iraq ensures our national security and keeps us from having to fight them over here. if we pull out, surrender, and accept the defeat that Democrats in Congress and those running for President are so invested in, we might as well hand our country over to terrorists and brace for more 9/11 style attacks!
So, if you want to see America destroyed, vote Democrat!
Jim Chitty
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