One of the titles normally given to our president is that of Commander – N – Chief, because he is regarded as the supreme commander of the US Armed Forces. With Bill Clinton came the title Philanderer – N – Chief because of all of his dalliances. Well now, enter our president Hussein Obama who oh so richly deserves the title of Anti-Semite – N – Chief because if his blatant lack of support of Israel who for decades has been our strongest and closest ally.
Our clueless misleader Hussein Obama has basically left Israel twisting in the wind. The only nation I think he probably depises more than Israel is our own. If Israel is put in the position of having to defend itself against a nuclear attack from Iran our Anti – Semite – N – Chief will most likely be the one leading the charge to condemn Israel for “starting a war in the Middle East” instead of supporting their right to defend their sovereignty.
This is dangerous business because God will turn His back on the nation that turns its back on Israel. God always defends and protects Israel and the countries who support them. We DO NOT want to become the enemy of Israel because doing so will also make us the enemy of God and when that happens we are done. As intelligent and advanced and sophisticated as we are militarily as a nation, I would not want to face Israel in a combat setting. We would lose profoundly.
This is yet another in a long, long, long list of reasons why we need to make Obama a one term president. I really don’t think America as we have grown to know and love it will survive a second term. I’m sure I echo the sentiments of many when I say I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK!! The country that goes out of its way to support, protect, and defend Israel at all costs. That’s my America!!
Jim L. Chitty
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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
And they sad Dan Quayle was stupid....
Words of widom from our VP
The link above lists in order, beginning with the most recent and going back a few years, all of the blunders and miscues given to us by our illustrious vice president. Looking back at this list, I can only think I was right in assuming that Stanley McChrystal was fired not because he talked to a reporter, but because he spoke truthfully about the ineptitude of both our president and vice president. My guess is he would not have been fired had he said something like "Obama is God and Biden is Jesus and I worship the ground they both walk on". McChrystal has way too much class and integrity to stoop that low.
The truth is Obama IS a clown, and Biden is at best a bumbling bufoon with way too much of a fondness for the "f" word. If thinks that makes him look or sound smart, or even the least bit presidential, he is sadly mistaken. Frequest use of the "f" word only makes one look like a classles dolt, and an absolute moron. I feel very sad and sorry for people whose vocabulary is so insuffucient that they think they have to talk that way.
I applaud the good General for speaking out. I am glad he exercised that same God-given free speech rights that he and many of his fellow soldiers put their lives on the line to defend and protect. Of course there are some out there who would have our military men and women check their free speech rights at the door when they enter the military. Clearly Obama is one of them.
Obama is not the messiah and many claim him to be. He has certainly gotten our nation into a mess though. And, as far as Obiden goes, well, the link above speaks for itself.
Jim Chitty
The link above lists in order, beginning with the most recent and going back a few years, all of the blunders and miscues given to us by our illustrious vice president. Looking back at this list, I can only think I was right in assuming that Stanley McChrystal was fired not because he talked to a reporter, but because he spoke truthfully about the ineptitude of both our president and vice president. My guess is he would not have been fired had he said something like "Obama is God and Biden is Jesus and I worship the ground they both walk on". McChrystal has way too much class and integrity to stoop that low.
The truth is Obama IS a clown, and Biden is at best a bumbling bufoon with way too much of a fondness for the "f" word. If thinks that makes him look or sound smart, or even the least bit presidential, he is sadly mistaken. Frequest use of the "f" word only makes one look like a classles dolt, and an absolute moron. I feel very sad and sorry for people whose vocabulary is so insuffucient that they think they have to talk that way.
I applaud the good General for speaking out. I am glad he exercised that same God-given free speech rights that he and many of his fellow soldiers put their lives on the line to defend and protect. Of course there are some out there who would have our military men and women check their free speech rights at the door when they enter the military. Clearly Obama is one of them.
Obama is not the messiah and many claim him to be. He has certainly gotten our nation into a mess though. And, as far as Obiden goes, well, the link above speaks for itself.
Jim Chitty
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Fired for telling the truth?
General Stanley McChrystal, Commander of US forces in Afghanistan was relieved of his duties today after a report was published in Rolling Stone magazine that has McChrystal calling Obama a clown, and saying other unflattering things about our clueless misleader and others.
Now some will say how could a general with such a long, distinguished, and patriotic career be so stupid as to do something that would get him fired. General McChrystal is a very smart man. He may have done this knowing it would get him fired, because he sees the hand-writing on the wall of the impending implosion of our military if Washington keeps treating it like the enemy. Almost like he felt a sense of urgency to get out now, while gettin is good. Our clueless misleader will probably replace this fine patriot with some left leaning, anti-war hack steeped in political correctness who will happily do his bidding.
What really torques me off as much a anything is this notion, this concept, this idea that the brave men and women who are fighting to maintain and preserve our God-given, Constitutionally protected freedoms have to check their freedoms of speech and expression at the door. That is wrong on so many levels. Almost as wrong as Osama, I mean Obama, firing McChrystal. I guess the truth really does hurt.
Now some will say how could a general with such a long, distinguished, and patriotic career be so stupid as to do something that would get him fired. General McChrystal is a very smart man. He may have done this knowing it would get him fired, because he sees the hand-writing on the wall of the impending implosion of our military if Washington keeps treating it like the enemy. Almost like he felt a sense of urgency to get out now, while gettin is good. Our clueless misleader will probably replace this fine patriot with some left leaning, anti-war hack steeped in political correctness who will happily do his bidding.
What really torques me off as much a anything is this notion, this concept, this idea that the brave men and women who are fighting to maintain and preserve our God-given, Constitutionally protected freedoms have to check their freedoms of speech and expression at the door. That is wrong on so many levels. Almost as wrong as Osama, I mean Obama, firing McChrystal. I guess the truth really does hurt.
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Monday, June 21, 2010
Vanessa Carlton announces that she's bi-sexual
Vanessa Carlton Joins the League of Bisexuals in Hollywood seem to be turning bisexual these days! Cameron Diaz, Christina Aguilera, Lady Gaga, Fergie...etc
The latest celeb to come out is singer/songwriter Vanessa Carlton.
While headlining at the Nashville Pride on Saturday, Vanessa told the audience:
The latest celeb to come out is singer/songwriter Vanessa Carlton.
While headlining at the Nashville Pride on Saturday, Vanessa told the audience:
"I've never said this before, but I am a proud bisexual woman."
I guess we'll still see more!
"I will not remarry until I am 50" Foluke Daramola
"I don't have any animosity towards my ex-husband. Like I said, we have ideological differences, that does not make us enemies. If I want to keep thinking about the problem we had, I will transfer the aggression on the kids and I don't want that. So instead I think more of the good times we had. And I am not in a hurry to re-marry. In fact, I will be getting married again when I am 50yrs old. I am actually serious about this."
Actress Foluke Daramola tells City People Magazine
Actress Foluke Daramola tells City People Magazine
Half naked girls at SA 2010 World Cup
Big Brother Africa is back again!
M-Net has confirmed that the latest Big Brother Africa will begin on July 18, and will be screened live 24/7 for 91 days on DStv Channel 198 for DStv Premium and Compact subscribers.
And breaking with tradition, M-Net has announced it won’t be calling for entries for the new show. The company has revealed that having run the series four times previously, they’re now head-hunting contestants from a database of previous entries submitted for the show.*
And breaking with tradition, M-Net has announced it won’t be calling for entries for the new show. The company has revealed that having run the series four times previously, they’re now head-hunting contestants from a database of previous entries submitted for the show.*
Condom with 'Teeth' Designed to Catch Rapists
A female condom with jagged “teeth” that grips a man’s penis is the latest device developed to catch rapists in South Africa, CNN reported Sunday.
South African Dr. Sonnet Ehlers is distributing the condom — called Rape-aXe — for free during the World Cup, in a country with one of the worst rape rates in the world.
The condom is inserted by women like a tampon and its jagged teeth-like hooks inside attach to a man’s penis during intercourse. Once it grabs hold, only a doctor can remove it. Ehlers hoped this will help authorities to catch offenders.
South African Dr. Sonnet Ehlers is distributing the condom — called Rape-aXe — for free during the World Cup, in a country with one of the worst rape rates in the world.
The condom is inserted by women like a tampon and its jagged teeth-like hooks inside attach to a man’s penis during intercourse. Once it grabs hold, only a doctor can remove it. Ehlers hoped this will help authorities to catch offenders.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Leiberman favors giving president power to shut off Internet
Internet "kill-switch".
The story in the link above is just another in a long line of examples of Liberal Democrats who have completely embraced Socialism and are now attempting to shove it down our throats. I used to respect Joe Leiberman, but after this, not so much. Hopefully you will be as outraged and appalled as I am.
Jim Chitty
The story in the link above is just another in a long line of examples of Liberal Democrats who have completely embraced Socialism and are now attempting to shove it down our throats. I used to respect Joe Leiberman, but after this, not so much. Hopefully you will be as outraged and appalled as I am.
Jim Chitty
Whose "ass" to kick
Obama said the other day he wants to know "whose ass to kick" in regards to the oil spill. Oh yeah, that statement sounds about as presidential as a 14 year-old school yard bully. Hey Mr. Ass Kicker - N - Chief, I've got a news flash for you; the only "ass" you're kicking is America's!
Jim Chitty
Jim Chitty
Ohhh snap!! You mean its Gulf, and not golf??
Apparently our clueless misleader got confused when he heard there was an oil spill in the Gulf. Why, because he went straight to the golf course. Golf, gulf, yeah okay, they sound similar, I can see getting them a little confused. I have to wonder though that if the the oil spill was threatening some of our nation's most pristine golf courses if he would have acted sooner.
People who are privy to this information though tell us that even though he enjoys the game, President Obama isn't any better at golf than he is at Gulf. Instead of being on the actual course, I am told he spends most of his time in the woods looking for his balls. I guess now we know why he has been so inept and clueless in handling this disaster, he still hasn't found them.
Jim Chitty
People who are privy to this information though tell us that even though he enjoys the game, President Obama isn't any better at golf than he is at Gulf. Instead of being on the actual course, I am told he spends most of his time in the woods looking for his balls. I guess now we know why he has been so inept and clueless in handling this disaster, he still hasn't found them.
Jim Chitty
20 minutes with BP
Being of course the bastion of leadership that he is, President "kick ass" Obama took a whole 20 minutes out of his busy schedule to meet with officials from BP concerning the gulf oil spill. I am actually impressed that our president actually tore himself away from his far more pressing matter such as his golf game, the NBA finals, concerts and whatever other vital national interests he was involved in to address this issue.
Of course his idea of addressing the issure was to extort $20 billion from BP. He owns and controls GM & Chrysler, most if not all of the banking industry, he is working on owning and controlling insurance and and healthcare, and now he is after the oil industry too. I guess that is what Rom Immanuel meant when he said "never let a good crisis go to waste". Apparently see they see crisies as a means of feeding their insatiable lust and greed for power and control.
That's really all the meeting with BP was about. President "plug the damn hole" Obama saw is an opportunity to move us even closer to socialism than we already are. The only thing he cares about concerning the oil spill and the damage it is doing is hastening the process. The sooner it destroys large areas of our coastline, the sooner more and more people will turn to him for help, or so he believes.
I really only have one thing to say to our so-called leader; Mr. President, PLUG YOUR DAMN PIE HOLE!! Put that in a glass and suck it up with a straw!!
Jim Chitty
Of course his idea of addressing the issure was to extort $20 billion from BP. He owns and controls GM & Chrysler, most if not all of the banking industry, he is working on owning and controlling insurance and and healthcare, and now he is after the oil industry too. I guess that is what Rom Immanuel meant when he said "never let a good crisis go to waste". Apparently see they see crisies as a means of feeding their insatiable lust and greed for power and control.
That's really all the meeting with BP was about. President "plug the damn hole" Obama saw is an opportunity to move us even closer to socialism than we already are. The only thing he cares about concerning the oil spill and the damage it is doing is hastening the process. The sooner it destroys large areas of our coastline, the sooner more and more people will turn to him for help, or so he believes.
I really only have one thing to say to our so-called leader; Mr. President, PLUG YOUR DAMN PIE HOLE!! Put that in a glass and suck it up with a straw!!
Jim Chitty
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Ariel Peterpan's Scandal Videos Circulate the Web

The vocalist of a multi-award winning Indonesian pop rock band (Peterpan), Ariel Peterpan (or Nazril Irham who is shown right in the picture above) is now being questioned after videos showing his intimate encounters with his girlfriend actress-host Luna Maya (left) and model Cut Tari (center) surfaced the internet recently. Although, the three Indonesian celebrities denied the videos claiming that they were 'engineered.'
The Ariel Peterpan Scandal Videos which is spreading viral in the internet now, consist of 3 sex videos - two of which show his girlfriend and the other one with the popular model.
Regarding who leaked the videos is unknown. It is said that Ariel's video camera was left in the hotel and thus leaked but the Jakarta Police is already tracking down any possibilities.
The spread of them just cannot be stopped. Many websites now offer download of Ariel Peterpan - Luna Maya Scandal Videos as well as Ariel Peterpan - Cut Tari Scandal Video. Twitter and Facebook updates also talk about them.
Nobody seems to be learning from similar scandals of famous stars in neighboring asian countries (Edison Chen of Hongkong, Gary Ng of Singapore, Hayden Kho of the Philippines and a few more). If you are famous or dreaming to be one, you should not keep videos or pictures of this kind, otherwise you'll be ending your career if they leak. :D
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