Friday, December 31, 2010

Obama's latest recess appointment

Deputy AG appointee says 9/11/01 terror attacks no different than any other crime.

In a stunning though not surprising display of his clear disdain for America and the American people, our alleged president has appointed James Cole to be Deputy Attorney General of the United States. Of course being the coward he is, Obama waited until Congress was on recess to make the appointment. 

In written statements Cole has said that the terrorist attacks on America on September 11, 2001 were no more significant than every day rape, murder, or other crime. Cole's view on this is no doubt shared by both Obama and Holder which means Cole will fit right in with all the other America haters in high office in DC.

Let me attempt to educate both Cole and alleged president Hussein Obama about September 11. These dastardly, cowardly attacks perpetrated by Muslim extremist terrorists took the lives of 3,000 innocent Americans. Men, women, and children of all nationalities and faiths died horrible deaths that day at hands of evil terrorists who follow an evil religion no doubt also followed by Hussein Obama and Holder. This event IS NOT the equivalent of your every day, garden variety crime we see here in America. It rises to a whole different level. To sweep it under the rug and attempt to equate it with all other crime and treat it as no big deal is tantamount to supporting it.

Obama and Holder probably hold these attackers in high regard as heroes if the truth were to ever be known. They probably celebrated the attacks and the deaths of the 3,000 infidels. They clearly have no interest in continuing the war on terrorism and being vigilant in making sure it never happens again.  They would rather sit up their on their high and mighty perches and attempt to make nice and repair our damaged relationship with Muslims. That relationship was damaged, no, destroyed never to be repaired again when Muslim terrorists killed our innocent citizens. Any actual or perceived relationship was destroyed  by Muslims and it is they, not us, who should capitulate. 

So once again our terrorist-n chief has thrown a big, sloppy, wet kiss to all of his Muslim terrorist buddies and at the same time given a hearty "up yours" to those of us who love life, freedom, and safety. This clown should have not even been allowed to know where Washington D.C. is on a map, let alone been elected as president. Elected, immaculated, whatever he was. 

Jim Chitty


It has just been reported via Nielsen that Fox News had higher ratings than MSNBC, CNN, and HLN combined in 2010. Which just goes to show that more Americans do prefer unbiased, unfiltered, and objective news reporting over the clearly liberally biased sludge that is broadcast over the other cable networks. Yes, Fox does have it’s share of opinion programming, but their news is kept separate from the opinions and thus remains pure and unbiased.

Fox’s “we report, you decide” approach is a breath of fresh air amid all the other networks whose only function is as the indoctrination arm of the left and of the Obama administration. I learned in broadcasting school that proper news reporting gives the who, what, when, where, why, and how of a story and lets the listener or viewer draw their own conclusions based on information provided. For decades now, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN have been reporting clearly and obvious biased stories designed to lead the viewer to the conclusion they (the network) wants them to draw. This Fox News ratings coup is a clear repudiation of that practice.

How appropriate and ironic is it that this news comes just a day or so after MSNBC’s Keith Olberman (who I call Keith Overblown because his talent and credibility as a journalist is clearly that, overblown) tweeted on Twitter that “Fox News is 100% bullsh!t”. If anyone should know what bovine excrement looks, sounds, and even tastes like it is Keith Overblown. He spews that crap (literally) daily. This Nielsen ratings report showing how badly Fox News spanked Overblown’s own network makes is pretty clear that the American people believe the primary purveyor of poop is Overblown and his co-conspirators at MSNBC and the other insignificant cable networks.

Keith Overblown

So what this little exercise goes to show us in that if you want to watch CNN, MSNBC, or HLN (along with the 2 or 3 other people in America who apparently do) then you would do well to have a shovel, possibly even a backhoe, at the ready to dispense with all the excrement you are about to receive. Wearing a pair of rubber boots might also help as well.

Keep up the good work Fox News!! Keep reporting unbiased and unfiltered news and let the other guys keep peddling their bovine excrement to their viewers who clearly have excrement for brains.

Jim Chitty

Philippine Lotto Results - December 31, 2010 (Friday) | MegaLotto 6/45, 4Digit, Swertres Lotto, EZ2 Lotto

Below are the results of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) MegaLotto 6/45, 4Digit, Swertres Lotto, and EZ2 Lotto December 31, 2010 (Friday) Draws:

Philippine Mega Lotto 6/45
Winning Number Combination: 40-35-27-38-26-13
Jackpot Prize: Php 4,500,000.00
Draw Date: 12/31/2010

Draw Date: 12/31/2010

Swertres 3 Lotto
Morning 11:00 am: 9-5-2
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 4-4-4
Evening 9:00 pm: 3-2-6
Php 4,500
Draw Date: 12/31/2010

Morning 11am: 10-29
Afternoon 4pm: 28-28
Evening 9pm: 27-15
Php 4,000
Draw Date: 12/31/2010

Check out past Philippine Lotto Results here

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Philippine Lotto Results - December 30, 2010 (Thursday) | SuperLotto 6/49, Lotto 6/42, 6Digit Lotto, Swertres Lotto, EZ2 Lotto

Check out below the results of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) SuperLotto 6/49, Lotto 6/42, 6Digit Lotto, Swertres Lotto, and EZ2 Lotto Draws for December 30, 2010 (Thursday):

Philippine SuperLotto 6/49
Winning number combination: 20-17-05-13-43-04
Jackpot: P48,122,427.60
Draw Date: 12/30/2010

Lotto 6/42
Php 42,627,556.80
Draw Date: 12/30/2010

Draw Date: 12/30/2010

Swertres Lotto
11:00 am: 0-1-5
4:00 pm: 6-6-2
9:00 pm: 7-6-7
Php: 4,500.oo
Draw Date: 12/30/2010

EZ2 Lotto
11am: 12-28
4pm: 18-01
9pm: 08-20
Php 4,000.00
Draw Date: 12/30/2010

Check the previous Philippine Lotto Results here

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Philippine Lotto Results - December 29, 2010 (Wednesday) | Grand Lotto 6/55, MegaLotto 6/45, 4Digit, Swertres Lotto, EZ2 Lotto

Below are the results of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) Grand Lotto 6/55, MegaLotto 6/45, 4Digit, Swertres Lotto, and EZ2 Lotto Draws for December 29, 2010 (Wednesday):

Philippine Grand Lotto 6/55
Winning Number Combination:
Jackpot: P36,272,962.80
Draw Date: 12/29/2010
Winner(s): ?

MegaLotto 6/45
Php 4,500,000.00
Draw Date: 12/29/2010

Draw Date: 12/29/2010

Swetres Lotto
11:00 am: 6-7-6
4:00 pm: 6-6-2
9:00 pm: 2-3-9
Php: 4,500
Draw Date: 12/29/2010

EZ2 Lotto
11am: 12-03
4pm: 11-03
9pm: 10-21
Php 4,000.00
Draw Date: 12/29/2010

Check past Philippine Lotto Results HERE

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Philippine Lotto Results - December 28, 2010 SuperLotto 6/49, Lotto 6/42, 6Digit, Swertres Lotto, EZ Lotto

Check out the results of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) SuperLotto 6/49, Lotto 6/42, 6Digit, Swertres Lotto, and EZ Lotto Draws for December 28, 2010 (Tuesday) below:

SuperLotto 6/49
Winning Number Combination: 30-19-42-39-08-45
Jackpot Prize: Php 42,196,644.00
Draw Date: 12/28/2010

Lotto 6/42
Php 38,128,500.00
Draw Date: 12/28/2010

6 Six Digit Luzon
Date: 12/28/2010

Swertres 3 Lotto
Morning 11:00 am: 9-5-8
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 8-7-2
Evening 9:00 pm: 7-5-6
Php 4,500
Draw Date: 12/28/2010

EZ2 Lotto
Morning 11am: 09-14
Afternoon 4pm: 02-25
Evening 9pm: 20-02
Php 4,000
Draw Date: 12/28/2010

View past Philippine Lotto Results HERE

Philippine Lotto Results - December 27, 2010 (Monday) | Grand Lotto 6/55, MegaLotto 6/45, 4Digit, Swertres Lotto, EZ2 Lotto

Check out below the results of the Philippine Charity Sweeptakes Office (PCSO) Grand Lotto 6/55, MegaLotto 6/45, 4Digit, Swertres Lotto, and EZ2 Lotto Draws on December 27, 2010 (Monday):

Grand 6/55 Draw
Winning Number Combination: 52-09-20-01-14-28
Jackpot Prize: Php 30,904,837.20
Draw Date: 12/27/2010

Mega 6/45 National Draw
Php 30,849,386.40
Draw Date: 12/27/2010

Four 4Digit Luzon & Vismin
numbers must be in exact order
Date: 12/27/2010

Swertres 3 Luzon Vis-Min
Morning 11:00 am: 7-0-5
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 0-3-6
Evening 9:00 pm: 6-2-9
Php 4,500
Draw Date: 12/27/2010

Two Digit EZ2 Luzon
Morning 11am: 31-21
Afternoon 4pm: 30-26
Evening 9pm: 02-14
Php 4,000.00
Draw Date: 12/27/2010

View past Philippine Lotto Results HERE

Philippine Lotto Results - December 26, 2010 (Sunday) | Super Lotto 6/49, Swertes Lotto, EZ2 Lotto

Below are the results of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) Super Lotto 6/49, Swertes Lotto, and EZ2 Lotto December 26, 2010 (Sunday) Draws:

Super 6/49 Nationwide
Winning Number Combination: 45-40-14-43-22-18
Jackpot Prize: Php 37,003,392.00
Draw Date: 12/26/2010

Swertres 3 Lotto
Morning 11:00 am: 0-5-1
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 9-7-5
Evening 9:00 pm: 2-0-2
Php 4,500
Draw Date: 12/26/2010

EZ2 Lotto
Morning 11am: 21-11
Afternoon 4pm: 26-12
Evening 9pm: 04-18
Php 4,000.00
Draw Date: 12/26/2010

Check past Philippine Lotto Results HERE

Philippine Lotto Results - December 24, 2010 (Friday) | MegaLotto 6/45, 4Digit, Swertres Lotto, EZ2 Lotto

Here are the results of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) MegaLotto 6/45, 4Digit, Swertres Lotto, and EZ2 Lotto December 24, 2010 (Friday) Draws:

Mega 6/45 National Draw

Jackpot Prize: Php 26,478,059.40
Draw Date: 12/24/2010

Four 4Digit Luzon & Vismin
9pm: 9-2-1-8
Draw Date: 12/24/2010

Swertres 3 Lotto
Morning 11:00 am: 7-7-9
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 9-6-2
Evening 9:00 pm: 4-1-4
Php 4,500
Draw Date: 12/24/2010

Morning 11am: 01-30
Afternoon 4pm: 09-13
Evening 9pm: 12-31
Php 4,000
Draw Date: 12/24/2010

Check out past Philippine Lotto Results here

Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 2010 Philippine Nursing Licensure Exam Results

Out of all the 85, 000+ nursing graduates who took the Philippine Nursing Licensure Exam (NLE) last December 19-20, 2010 in various testing centers across the nation, how many of them will become Registered Nurses? We will all find out when the results or the list of exam passers will already be released by the Philippine Regulation Commission (PRC) in a month or two.

In line with this, Noypistuff will be active once again in delivering information and updates on the December 2010 Philippine Nursing Board Exam Results. Its sister blog, will also undergo a makeover to make way for the results of the said exam.

The following will also also be posted in Noypistuff:

Top Performing Schools - December 2010 Philippine Nursing Licensure Exam
Top 10 Examinees - December 2010 Philippine Nursing Licensure Exam

So please standby and don't forget to bookmark this page now.

Best of luck future nurses!

Philippine Lotto Results - December 23, 2010 (Thursday) | SuperLotto 6/49, Lotto 6/42, 6Digit Lotto, Swertres Lotto, EZ2 Lotto

Are you all set for the Noche Buena, tomorrow? If not, see if you won in any of tonight's draws.

Here are the results of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) SuperLotto 6/49, Lotto 6/42, 6Digit Lotto, Swertres Lotto, and EZ2 Lotto Draws for December 23, 2010 (Thursday):

Philippine SuperLotto 6/49
Winning number combination: 42-24-30-14-25-36
Jackpot Prize: Php 30, 074, 500.80
Draw Date: 12/23/2010

Lotto 6/42
Php 33, 356, 637
Draw Date: 12/23/2010

Draw Date: 12/23/2010

Swertres Lotto
Morning 11:00 am: 5-1-9
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 9-8-4
Evening 9:00 pm: 6-4-5
Php: 4,500.oo
Draw Date: 12/23/2010

EZ2 Lotto
Morning 11am: 23-02
Afternoon 4pm: 18-10
Evening 9pm: 03-01
Php 4,000.00
Draw Date: 12/23/2010

Check the previous Philippine Lotto Results here

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ogie Alcasid, Regine Velasquez Wedding Photos

On a beautiful December 22, 2010 afternoon, the "Songbird" finally tied the knot with the "Song Writer". Yes, the most anticipated wedding of the country's most celebrated singers, Ogie Alcasid and Regine Velasquez happened earlier today at the picturesque The Peak, Terrazas de Punta Fuego Resorts in Nasugbu, Batangas.

Regine looking very pretty in a half million-peso red wedding gown by Monique Lhuillier

President Noynoy Aquino took part as one of the groomsmen along with Dingdong Avanzado, Michael V and Janno Gibbs.

Jose Mari Chan, Vicky Belo, Orly Ilacad, German Moreno, Vic del Rosario, Tony Tuviera and Sharon Cuneta also attended the private ceremony as primary sponsors.

Other prominent personalities like Kris Aquino, Lea Salonga, Sen. Bong Revilla Jr, Hayden Kho Jr, Dennis Trillo, Richard Gomez, Lucy Torres, Christian Bautista, Gian Magdangal, Marian Rivera, Dingdong Dantes, Ai-Ai delas Alas, Rajo Laurel, and Cristalle Belo were also present.

Michelle Van Eimeren, Ogie's ex-wife, her new husband Mark Morrow and Ogie's kids to Michelle, Leila and Sarah, were also there.

As they exchanged their vows, Ogie and Regine both cried which also made the attendants teary witnessing the very emotional moment.

Check out below more pictures of Ogie and Regine's Wedding:

Photo credits: Rajo Laurel, Cristalle Belo, Nix Alanon, John Prats & Ruffa Gutierrez

More details on the wedding and a picture of Regine and Ogie sealing their wedding ceremony with a kiss HERE.

Philippine Lotto Results - December 22, 2010 (Wednesday) | Grand Lotto 6/55, MegaLotto 6/45, 4Digit, Swertres Lotto, EZ2 Lotto

Noypi's idea on why the Grand Lotto Jackpot remains at P30M. I saw comments of those people wondering why the pot for the 6/55 draw is still set at 30M pesos. Again, Php30M is the minimum jackpot prize for the said lotto draw. This means that when the pot is won, the next day it will be set again to 30M. The amount will start incrementing when PCSO already gets the sales for 30M. So, this means that the pot can stay at 30M for more than 1 day when the sales is low. :D

Meanwhile, here are the results of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) Grand Lotto 6/55, MegaLotto 6/45, 4Digit, Swertres Lotto, and EZ2 Lotto Draws for December 22, 2010 (Wednesday):

Philippine Grand Lotto 6/55
Winning Number Combination:
Jackpot: Php 30,000,000.00
Draw Date: 12/22/2010
Winner(s): ?

MegaLotto 6/45
Php 23,282,551.80
Draw Date: 12/22/2010

Draw Date: 12/22/2010

Swetres Lotto
11:00 am: 7-3-8
4:00 pm: 3-9-5
9:00 pm: 8-4-1
Php: 4,500
Draw Date: 12/22/2010

EZ2 Lotto
11am: 04-30
4pm: 11-04
9pm: 19-14
Php 4,000.00
Draw Date: 12/22/2010

Check past Philippine Lotto Results HERE

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Net Neutrality

The FCC has granted itself the power and authority to regulate the Internet. Translate that as holding free speech hostage. It is a government take over of the Internet designed to allow them to regulate and control the content of blogs like this one. Well I have a news flash for our alleged president and his puppet over at the FCC, let me go on record saying you guys will control and dictate the content and existence of this blog just as soon as Hell freezes over, or Obama shows American his birth certificate, which ever comes first. And my money is on Hell freezing over before he shows his birth certificate.

Jim L. Chitty

Obama: Assassinate Us Citizens

Obama authorizes assassinations of US Citizens.

I don't know if what is in this video is true or not, but I would not be at all surprised if it is. And if it is, then Mr. Alleged President, Sir, please lead by example. Please take one for the team, do America a favor and volunteer to be the first one assassinated. Of course, knowing him, then he would show us his birth certificate proving he was born in Kenya and exempt himself from this policy.

Jim L. Chitty

Philippine Lotto Results - December 21, 2010 (Tuesday) | SuperLotto 6/49, Lotto 6/42, 6Digit, Swertres Lotto, EZ Lotto

How are you all doing? Feeling lucky tonight? If so you better check out the results of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) SuperLotto 6/49, Lotto 6/42, 6Digit, Swertres Lotto, and EZ Lotto Draws for December 21, 2010 (Tuesday) below:

Philippine SuperLotto 6/49
Winning Number Combination: 26-46-05-04-22-01
Jackpot: Php 24,221,775.60
Draw Date: 12/21/2010

Lotto 6/42
Php 28,913,509.80
Draw Date: 12/21/2010

Draw Date: 12/21/2010

Swertres Lotto
11:00 am: 0-5-7
4:00 pm: 3-6-5
9:00 pm: 9-3-3
Php 4,500
Draw Date: 12/21/2010

EZ2 Lotto
11am: 01-22
4pm: 07-22
9pm: 26-31
Php 4,000
Draw Date: 12/21/2010

View past Philippine Lotto Results HERE

Monday, December 20, 2010

PCSO Sweepstakes Christmas Special Draw Results - December 19, 2010

In partnership with the Ephpheta Foundation for the Blind, Inc. which will also be the receipient of the proceeds, the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) held a Christmas special sweepstakes draw yesterday, December 19, 2010. Below are the winning numbers:

2 9 6 1 6 3
First (1st) Prize P3,000,000.00

1 4 8 2 5 5
Second (2nd)Prize P500,000.00

1 3 7 1 3 3
Third (3rd)Prize P 200,000.00

1 6 8 1 4 3 and 1 9 7 7 0 1
Fourth (4th)Prize P75,000.00

2 3 6 4 6 9
Residual Prize P9,171.36

2 8 3 8 0 1

Charity Prize P30,000.00

Philippine Lotto Results - December 20, 2010 (Monday) | Grand Lotto 6/55, MegaLotto 6/45, 4Digit, Swertres Lotto, EZ2 Lotto

Here are the results of the Philippine Charity Sweeptakes Office (PCSO) Grand Lotto 6/55, MegaLotto 6/45, 4Digit, Swertres Lotto, and EZ2 Lotto Draws on December 20, 2010 (Monday):

Philippine Grand Lotto 6/55
Winning Number Combination: 46-02-03-21-50-51
Jackpot: P30,000,000.00
Draw Date: 12/20/2010
Winners: ?

MegaLotto 6/45
Draw Date: 12/20/2010

Draw Date: 12/20/2010

Swertres Lotto

11:00 am: 7-1-7
4:00 pm: 5-8-8
9:00 pm: 8-2-3
Php 4,500
Draw Date: 12/20/2010

EZ2 Lotto
11am: 01-09
4pm: 04-04
9pm: 06-23
Php 4,000.00
Draw Date: 12/20/2010

View past Philippine Lotto Results HERE

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Holiday, or Christmas?

Wanna see just how ridiculous it is to substitute the word "holiday" for the word "Christmas"? Take any of your favorite Christmas carols or movies and everywhere you find the word "Christmas", simply substitute the word "holiday" instead. It will sound just as silly and ridiculous as it does to hear someone say "happy holiday" instead of "Merry Christmas".

Examples: "I'm dreaming of a white holiday..", or "The 12 days of holiday...", or "Oh holiday tree, oh holiday tree...", or "Grandma got run over by a reindeer, walking home for our house holiday eve...", or "I'll be home for holiday...".

See how horrid and ridiculous those sound? Someone saying "happy holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" hits my ears the same way. I'm just sayin...

Jim L. Chitty

Christmas excitement!

Come on guys, don't look so excited about celebrating our Lord's
birth. Oh wait, He's not your Lord is He? My bad.

Crib bans

The Department of Health and Human Services has called for a ban on all drop-side baby cribs citing a statistic that shows 11 babies a year have died in them since 2007. Now don't get me wrong, 11 babies a years dying is 12 too many no matter what the cause. But to get in this big of an uproar over it? If our government wants to do something that will have significant and positive impact on the infant mortality rate, why not ban something that kills 1.3 million babies a year...ABORTION!

Jim L. Chitty

Eating crow

Let me see if I have this straight, our alleged president Hussein Obama who spent his entire campaign and his first 2 years in office blaming Bush and the "Bush tax cuts" for all that is wrong with our economy now supports those same tax cuts and says they are good for the economy? This is most assuredly an act of political expediency and not a sincere change of heart. Okay. Just goes to show that people with absolutely no character, integrity, or moral compass will say or do anything to make himself look good. 2012 can't get here fast enough!

Jim L. Chitty

Maricar Reyes attends Richard Poon's concert for the first time

A Noypistuff Exclusive

In the concert of the Big Bang Crooner Richard Poon in Cagayan de Oro (CDO) last night, Maricar Reyes was one of the audience. It was her first time to witness the Standards singer perform live on stage. Richard Poon even dedicated a love song to his love interest who happens to have CDO as her home city.

It has been reported that Richard Poon has been courting the beautiful Imortal cast. He has been trying to pursue her to become her girlfriend and 'hopefully' his wife (Please refer to this Noypistuff post: Maricar Reyes, the apple of Richard Poon's Chinito eyes). There has been no reports though that they are already a couple but with Maricar attending Richard's concert, this is some good sign.

Meanwhile, comedienne Pokwang and Pilipinas Got Talent finalist Markki Stroem were guest performers during last night's show of Richard Poon. Markki ad-libbed during a technical problem that they are off to try white water rafting in the city today.

Philippine Lotto Results - December 19, 2010 (Sunday) | Super Lotto 6/49, Swertes Lotto, EZ2 Lotto

Does winning the lottery on your Christmas Wishlist? Find out if it has come true.

Here are the results of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) Super Lotto 6/49, Swertes Lotto, and EZ2 Lotto December 19, 2010 (Sunday) Draws:

Philippine Super Lotto 6/49
Winning number combination: 43-02-22-24-21-42
Jackpot Prize: P19,064,606.40
Draw Date: 12/19/2010

Swertes Lotto
11AM: 5-7-2
4PM: 1-9-7
9PM: 0-4-6
Php 4,500
Draw Date: 12/19/2010

EZ2 Lotto
EZ2 Lotto
11AM: 14-30
4PM: 20-12
9PM: 09-18
Php 4,000
Draw Date: 12/19/2010

Check past Philippine Lotto Results HERE

BidaBEST: 2011 ABS-CBN's New Shows

To all Kapamilya out there, your favorite TV network has prepared brand new shows for you in 2011. Plugged as "BidaBEST", here are the new shows that will be aired on ABS-CBN in 2011:

I Dare You: The Kapamilya Challenge
-hosted by Jericho Rosales and Iya Villania

-an Argentine telenovela starring Juana Viale and Gonzalo Heredia

Binondo Girl
-first team-up of Kim Chiu and Matteo Guidicelli

Mana Po
-first solo soap of Melason (Melai Cantiveros and Jason Francisco)

Minsan Lang Kita Iibigin
-with a powerhouse cast: Coco Martin, Maja Salvador, Andi Eigenmann, John Estrada, Tonton Gutierrez, Ronaldo Valdez and Lorna Tolentino

Sanlakas Kids
-a fantasy series featuring Mars Ravelo heroes altogether (Lastikman, Kapitan Boom, Varga)

-starring Precious Lara Quigaman and comebacking Kapamilya Alfred Vargas

Wansapanataym Presents Buhawi Jack
-first show of Jewerald (Jewel Mische and Gerald Anderson)

-an action fantaserye, another show for Jewerald

Showtime Season 3
-will start airing on January 1st

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Laoag City Gymnastics Group wins Showtime Season 2 Grand Finals

The pride of Laoag, the Laoag City Gymnastics Group was declared winners of the Second Season of the ABS-CBN talent search Showtime earlier today, December 18, 2010. Garnering an almost perfect score of 9.86, the young group of gymnasts outperformed the other finalists. The amazing world class performance of the group also got a standing ovation from the audience and the judges.

Below are the final rankings of the Finalists of the Showtime Season 2 Grand Finals:

Grand Champion: Laoag City Gymnastics Group of Laoag City, Ilocos Norte 9.86

1st Runner-up: (tie) - Lal-Lo's Blacklight Performers of Lal-Lo, Cagayan Province and Xtreme 24/7 of Zamboanga del Norte 9.10

2nd Runner-up: 89.9 Hoodz of Molave, Zamboanga del Sur 8.90

3rd Runner-up: Mama's Boys of Sta. Mesa, Manila 8.33

4th Runner-up: Big Trio of San Jose City, Nueva Ecija 8.29

5th Runner-up: (tie) Kids @ Trix of Davao City and Ground Zero of Coronadal City, South Cotabato 7.9

6th Runner-up: Zero Gravity of Tacloban City, Leyte 7.67

7th Runner-up: Speed Movers Crew of Oroquieta, Misamis Occidental 7.67

Check out a youtube video of the Laoag City Gymnatics Groups' winning performance on the show HERE.

Philippine Lotto Results - December 18, 2010

It's just a few more days to go before Christmas! Would this be the most bountiful Christmas you'll ever have?

Check out below the results of the
Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) Grand Lotto 6/55, Lotto 6/42, 6Digit, Swertres Lotto, and EZ2 Lotto Draws for December 18, 2010 (Saturday):

Philippine Grand Lotto 6/55
Winning number combination:45-13-44-25-41-42
Jackpot: P30,000,000.00
Winners: ?
Draw Date: 12/18/2010

Lotto 6/42
Draw Date: 12/18/2010

Draw Date: 12/18/2010

Swertres Lotto
11:00 am: 4-0-0
4:00 pm: 1-4-1
9:00 pm: 3-4-4
Php 4,500
Draw Date: 12/18/2010

EZ2 Lotto
11am: 07-19
4pm: 04-02
9pm: 07-06
Php 4,000
Draw Date: 12/18/2010

Here are screen captures of the PCSO Lotto Results for December 18, 2010

You can check past Philippine Lotto Results HERE

Friday, December 17, 2010

Philippine Lotto Results - December 17, 2010 (Friday) | MegaLotto 6/45, 4Digit, Swertres Lotto, EZ2 Lotto

Sorry... I was away for a Christmas Party last night... Missed to update this post...

The New Philippine Peso Bills were launched yesterday. Are you gonna have lots of them on your hands? If you bet today, check out the results of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) MegaLotto 6/45, 4Digit, Swertres Lotto, and EZ2 Lotto December 17, 2010 (Friday) Draws posted below:

Philippine MegaLotto 6/45
Winning Number Combination:
Jackpot: P14,053,428.00
Draw Date: 12/17/2010

Draw Date: 12/17/2010

Swertres Lotto
11am: 1-1-1
4pm: 2-8-9
9pm: 5-7-2
Draw Date: 12/17/2010

EZ2 Lotto
11am: 20-11
4pm: 31-31
9pm: 28-18
Draw Date: 12/17/2010

Check out past Philippine Lotto Results here

Thursday, December 16, 2010

New car smell

The lawsuit generation has struck again. Apparently a man in California who ran his Mercedes into a group of bicyclists is claiming that his car's new car smell aggravated his sleep apnia and caused the wreck. You just watch, this will lead to all the Liberal, knee-jerk overreactors calling for a ban on new cars to prevent this from happening.
For almost 2 years now Obama has been blaming Bush & the "Bush tax cuts" for all thatms wrong with our economy. Now he supports extending the very thing he has all of this time identifying as the problem.

New Philippine Peso Bills | Pictures

Earlier today, December 16, 2010, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) officially launched the redesigned Philippine Bank Notes at the Ceremonial Hall in Malacañang. President Benigno Aquino III, the keynote speaker of the event, called the new Philippine Peso bills as “a portrait of changing times and of the enduring tapestry of our history”.

Check out below the new look of the Philippine Currency:

The New Philippine P1,000 Bill
Obverse: Josefa Llanes Escoda, Vicente P. Lim, and Jose Abad Santos
Reverse: Tubbataha Reef Marine Park and the South Sea Pearl, which is produced by oysters that thrive in the South Seas which the Sulu Sea is a part of

The New Philippine P500 Bill
Obverse: Corazon Aquino and Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr.
Reverse: Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park and the blue-naped parrot, which thrives in the forests of Palawan and Mindoro

The New Philippine P200 Bill
Obverse: Diosdado Macapagal
Reverse: Chocolate Hills and the Philippine tarsier, one of the world's smallest primates

The New Philippine P100 Bill
Obverse: Manuel A. Roxas
Reverse: Mayon Volcano and "butanding" or whale shark, the world's largest living fish which is the main attraction of Donsol, Sorsogon

The New Philippine P50 Bill
Obverse: Sergio Osmeña
Reverse: Taal Lake and the Giant Trevally (locally known as Maliputo), a delicious milky fish which thrives only in the waters of the lake

The New Philippine P20 Bill
Obverse: Manuel L. Quezon
Reverse: Banaue Rice Terraces and a palm civet from the Cordilleras, which are famous for producing the coffee alamid

What do you think of the makeover? Feel free to comment below... :D

Sikiru Ayinde Barrister is Dead - Breaking News

Alhaji Chief (Dr.) Sikiru Ayinde Ololade Olayinka Balogun (Barrister) is dead. He died this morning at St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington, London after a brief illness.
May his Gentle soul Rest in Perfect peace.

Philippine Lotto Results - December 16, 2010 (Thursday) | SuperLotto 6/49, Lotto 6/42, 6Digit Lotto, Swertres Lotto, EZ2

Below are the results of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) SuperLotto 6/49, Lotto 6/42, 6Digit Lotto, Swertres Lotto, and EZ2 Lotto Draws for December 16, 2010 (Thursday):

Philippine SuperLotto 6/49
Winning number combination:18-09-25-30-35-45
Jackpot Prize: Php 16,000,000.00
Draw Date: 12/16/2010

Lotto 6/42
Php 19,767,733.20
Draw Date: 12/16/2010

Draw Date: 12/16/2010

Swertres Lotto
Morning 11:00 am: 2-0-8
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 8-2-7
Evening 9:00 pm: 3-4-1
Php: 4,500.oo
Draw Date: 12/16/2010

EZ2 Lotto
Morning 11am: 18-08
Afternoon 4pm: 28-08
Evening 9pm: 30-16
Php 4,000.00
Draw Date: 12/16/2010

Also below are screen captures of the Philippine Lotto Results for December 16, 2010 (Thursday):

Check the previous Philippine Lotto Results here

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Twas the month before Christmas...

*When all through our land,*
*Not a Christian was praying*
*Nor taking a stand.*

*See the PC Police had taken away,*
*The reason for Christmas - no one could say.*

*The children were told by their schools not to sing,*
*About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.*

*It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say*
* December 25th is just a ' Holiday '.*

*Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit*
*Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!*

*CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod*
*Something was changing, something quite odd! *

*Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa*
*In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda.*

*As Targets were hanging their trees upside down*
* At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found..*

*At K-Mart and Staples and Penny's and Sears*
*You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears.*

*Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty*
*Are words that were used to intimidate me..*

*Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzer*
*On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton !*

*At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter*
*To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.*

*And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith*
* Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace*

*The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded*
*The reason for the season, stopped before it started..*
*So as you celebrate 'Winter Break' under your 'Dream Tree'*
*Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me.*

*Choose your words carefully, choose what you say*
not Happy Holiday !*

Please, all Christians join together and
wish everyone you meet
Christ is The Reason' for the Christ-mas Season!

Special thanks to my good friend Amber Javeri for emailing this to me today!

Philippine Lotto Results - December 15, 2010 (Wednesday) | Grand Lotto 6/55, MegaLotto 6/45, 4Digit, Swertres Lotto, EZ2 Lotto

***Just wanna share... Noypi won 600 pesos for having 4/6 numbers of the winning combination for tonight's MegaLotto 6/45 draw.. :D

Here the results of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) Grand Lotto 6/55, MegaLotto 6/45, 4Digit, Swertres Lotto, and EZ2 Lotto Draws for December 15, 2010 (Wednesday):

Philippine Grand Lotto 6/55
Winning Number Combination:
Jackpot Prize: Php 30,000,000.00
Draw Date: 12/15/2010
Winner(s): ?

MegaLotto 6/45
Php 8,507,392.20
Draw Date: 12/8/2010

Draw Date: 12/15/2010

Swetres Lotto
Morning 11:00 am: 4-2-7
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 0-0-9
Evening 9:00 pm: 6-8-6
Php: 4,500
Draw Date: 12/15/2010

EZ2 Lotto
Morning 11am: 06-17
Afternoon 4pm: 14-19
Evening 9pm: 07-13
Php 4,000.00
Draw Date: 12/15/2010

Check past Philippine Lotto Results HERE

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Philippine Lotto Results - December 14, 2010 (Tuesday) | SuperLotto 6/49, Lotto 6/42, 6Digit, Swertres Lotto, EZ Lotto

Check out below the results of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) SuperLotto 6/49, Lotto 6/42, 6Digit, Swertres Lotto, and EZ Lotto Draws for December 14, 2010 (Tuesday) :

Philippine SuperLotto 6/49
Winning Number Combination: 33-41-28-35-34-32
Jackpot: Php 16,000,000.00
Draw Date: 12/14/2010

Lotto 6/42
Php 15,686,109.00
Draw Date: 12/14/2010

Draw Date: 12/14/2010

Swertres Lotto
11:00 am: 2-0-2
4:00 pm: 1-9-4
9:00 pm: 2-5-3
Php 4,500
Draw Date: 12/14/2010

EZ2 Lotto
11am: 28-26
4pm: 02-08
9pm: 06-05
Php 4,000
Draw Date: 12/14/2010

Hubert Webb goes out of jail

Together with 6 other accused, the son of former senator and actor Freddie Webb, Hubert Webb have been acquitted from the Vizconde rape and murder charges pressed against them in 1995. This was after 7 out of 11 Judges of the Supreme Court favored their acquittal.

Webb of Men: Hubert, Mike, Sen. Freddie, Jason and Fritz in Bilibid
courtesy of PhilStar

Earlier today, Hubert Webb, Antonio "Tony Boy" Lejano (actress Pinky de Leon's son), Michael Gatchalian, Miguel Rodriguez, Hospicio "Pyke" Fernandez and Peter Estrada got out of jail after receiving the release orders. While former police officer Gerardo Biong was previously freed a few days ago. The accused who were actually convicted twice by Paranaque RTC in 2000 and by the Court of Appeals in 2005 served a total of 15 long years in jail.

Hubert Webb has reunited with his family. He is now 41 years old.
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