Back in the 70's and 80's, many immigrants were fleeing communism in Cuba, Nicaragua, and other places. More often than not, they found refuge and shelter in churches that were part of something called The Sanctuary Movement. Because they were literally fleeing for their very lives, we gladly welcomed them, even though they didn't come here legally.
Today, many churches are joining something called The New Sanctuary Movement. The difference is, today the immigrants coming here from Mexico and other places are NOT fleeing terrorism, communism, or any other similar situation. They are not facing grave danger by staying in their homeland. They are coming here simply to work, make money, and send it back to their homeland. And they are doing so illegally.
They ARE flagrantly violating federal law. Any church that knowingly, purposely gives sanctuary to law breakers ceases to function as a church and instead begins to function as a political, activist organization, and as such should no longer be entitled to retain its tax exempt status. The so-called pastors of these so-called churches should be arrested for harboring criminals, and so should anyone else who aids in sheltering them.
The Bible, which should serve as the basis for all church rules and policies, clearly points out that Jesus instructs us to obey the laws of the land. To do anything else, or to aid someone in doing anything else not only violates the law, but also violates scripture.
Many churches disguise their sanctuary practices as compassion and help for the poor. There is nothing wrong with giving food, clothing, or other necessities to the needy. That's totally fine and totally scriptural. There is everything wrong with aiding and abetting law breaking, even and especially if it is done under the guise of or in conjunction with helping the needy.
I will not financially or otherwise support any alleged church or ministry that believes its job is to shelter and protect criminal immigrants from prosecution, and neither should any other Christian or any other American who respects our laws as Jesus commands us to.
If a church truly wants to help illegals, the can best help them by teaching them that they are violating the law, and that their best and only option is to go back to their home country, and then go through the process of coming here legally. If they refuse to go through the legal process, then it is the job, even the responsibility, of the church to notify the proper authorities and let them do their jobs.
Standing up for the rule of law and desiring to see our laws aggressively enforced is NOT hateful, in-compassionate, intolerant, evil, or racist. It IS AMERICAN and it IS BIBLICAL! Sadly, far too many of our cities and now churches, are neither American, nor Biblical anymore.
Jim Chitty